Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How do you handle your significant other's snoring?

Question by Ava: How do you handle your significant other's snoring?
My husband snores and gets mad if I have him roll over in the middle of the night. How do you handle your partners snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by acedelux
You get used to it.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. I send him to the spare room or the couch, whichever he prefers for that night...

  2. I keep saying "You're snoring!" Until he doesn't want to hear me say it anymore and heads for the couch. lol

  3. Separate rooms. If you want a good night's sleep.

  4. Suffocation.

    OK, that is meant as a joke. I have to clarify for those with no sense of humor.

  5. By sleeping with ear plugs.

  6. you could get those white strips for him that you put on your nose cause they make you stop snoring or just get ear plugs

  7. BibleSchool Action FiguresAugust 28, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    Lol. Why dont you get your own room

  8. Ear PLUGS!

    Or keep a himidifier in the room, sometimes that helps my husband. Other than that, I have learned to deal with his snoring, it's almost soothing now.

  9. a jab/push w/ my elbow in their ribs has always worked. just keep the pressure there until he rolls over

  10. nose strips. they work wonders. try it

  11. I just give him a little push until he turns over and stops snoring...95% of the time he has no idea that I have even nudged him.....

  12. To bad if he gets mad,make his butt roll over or wear nose strips!

  13. There are sooooo many products out there that help with snoring. I've seen nose strips, pillows, etc. Anyway, the most obvious answer would be for you to sleep with ear plugs or noise-canceling headphones (go with earplugs, they're probably more comfortable) and maybe you should take a look at this page: adn see if you can help make changes in your husband's life to get rid of his snoring. Good luck =)

  14. We sleep in different rooms; have been for over 3 years. Thankfully, there are enough bedrooms to go around that each of us can have our own room. It works great.

    P.S. Snoring strips don't work for everyone. Earplugs are also not a big help for someone who's a light sleeper. Sometimes separate rooms is the only option, if everything else (including sleep apnea) has been ruled out.

  15. I try to fall asleep before he does but sometimes I cant so I just deal until I am so tired I cant be bothered by him and his lumberjack ways it sounds like a sawmill lol

  16. I would wake him up to adjust his sleeping position, it could be dangerous

    for him.

    I might kill him in my sleep lol ( just joking)

    really i saw a program on tv and the dangers of snoring

  17. I act like I accidentally hit him and it startles him, So by the time I go to sleep he can snore all he wants because I'll be sleeping, Haha.

  18. Try these links:

    Good Luck

  19. Send him to the doctors, first thing. Snoring can be a symptom of serious problems, like sleep apnea or obstructive sleep disorder. Or if you are lucky, it might be a simple physical problem like allergies.

    Once something medical has been ruled out, there are various OTC products, and different positions (side is usually best) he can sleep in.

  20. I used to snore as loud as a freight train.

    It caused all kinds of problems between me and my girlfriend. She ended up sleeping on the couch on a regula basis and it really affected our intimacy.

    I spent money on all kinids of things that just didn't work - I bought nasal strips - throat sprays - and a stupid accupressure ring that was also a waste of money.

    I did some research after speaking to me GP and he explained that Doctors use two kinds of treatments to cure snoring - one is CPAP (a machine) and the other is MAD thereapy.

    MAD therapy literally means that they give you a device to hold your lower jaw in a forawrd position in order to stop the jaw from allowing the soft palate from collapsing into the throat and restricting the airways and causing snoring.

    I found out that most problem snoring comes from the throat and not from the nasal passage. (Which most people think). The nasal strips are only any good if you are having trouble breathing through your nose

    The devices that you get from the Doctor can cost up to $ 1,000 or more. but, then I found this device called Slumber Guard - which is available in pharamcies across Australia. The fact that you could buy this things in a pharmacy as well as online was important for me because I didn't want to spend money on an internet scam. They were also alot cheaper than the one that the Doctor offered.

    Anyway - I bought one - and it's the best thing that I've ever done. I don't snore now, and my girlfirend has stopped complaining and being cranky about not getting enough sleep.

    My quality of sleep has also improved and I don't get drowsy anymore during the day.

  21. I snore. She gets me to roll over. I usually don't even remember.

  22. Lots and Lots of sleeping pills. No just kidding. It works best for me to fall asleep before he gets into bed. I do take a PM pill and that seems to help sometimes but not always. Turn on a fan to try and dround out the noise. Good Luck!!

  23. brianobrien@btinternet.comAugust 28, 2013 at 8:40 PM

    My partner was a terrible snorer and contrary to what the earlier person claims an acupressure ring has stopped her snoring completely
    It's a cheap one off purchase and infinitely more preferable than trying to sleep with a mouthful of plastic
    There are hundreds of testimonials on their website
