Sunday, January 26, 2014

What causes snoring and how can it be stopped?

Question by Daniela: What causes snoring and how can it be stopped?
My boyfriend recently started snoring a lot. It seems like it only happened when he sleeps on his back, but its getting to the point to where he keeps me up at night. I'm wondering what causes snoring. I would also like to know if anyone has any home remedies that might reduce it (and if you don't, just let me know what medications, nose strips, etc worked for you).

Best answer:

Answer by teehee
I just laughed out loud because I have the same problem with my boyfriend. He snores so loud it wakes me up! And it's only when he's lying on his back with his mouth open. I'm not really sure what causes the snoring unfortunately but google it!

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Simple he is just very tired recently which is causing him to snore.

  2. Dats the exact same reason i'm awake right now. Its 3:30 am. where I am and he's snoring and im on Answers. I sometimes wish I had some cheetos, to stick up his nose like the commercial, but I may need the puffs for his nose.

  3. Snoring can be as serious as obstructive sleep apnea requiring sleep study, or as simple as needing breatheright nasal strips. Does he wake himself up from snoring? Has he had his nose broken?

    I had surgery done about 8 years ago. I was headed for a heart attack...keeping my wife awake. Surgery helped me but it is not always the answer.

    A good Ear, Nose and Throat doctor or sleep specialist can get you started in the right direction.

    Good luck

  4. ok I will give you the funny answer first then give you the right answer when he lays on his back his balls fall over his but hole causing vapor lock that is the funny now the real answer when we sleep our throat mussels relax and when we lay on our back our throat closes up causing us to snore I know this
    for sure because I have sleep apnea my throat closes up and i stop breathing I have to sleep with a device that keeps me breathing at night

  5. as tempting as it might be to stick the pillow over his face just try to nudge him so he rolls over if that does not work you could always get your self a pair of ear plugs

  6. Always sleep on your side. When you sleep on your back, the relaxed tongue can fall back and partly block the air passage. In this situation, just a change of sleeping position will sort the problem.

  7. Check out this site

    Here you can get the best anti snoring solution that'll help to cease snoring
