Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What can I do to make my girlfriend stop snoring?

Question by Tony: What can I do to make my girlfriend stop snoring?
I've tried pinching her nose, nudging her with my elbow, clapping really hard, throwing foam balls at her, shooting her with a water gun, kicking her lightly with my feet. It's all temporary, she goes right back and starts again. What can I do? I'm losing important sleep time because of the noise.

Best answer:

Answer by vendreda
i use to just sleep on the couch

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. LOL
    Try getting her to go to a doctor.

  2. Shoot her. or sufficate her until she stops..works for me

  3. take her to the doctor, they have the answer^^

  4. they sell these strips at cvs that she can put on her nose before she sleeps. You can also buy ear plugs.

  5. I was in the Army. I don't remember any of our guys in my Company (over 300 men) ever mentioning that. Non of us had that problem with her.

    Where did you get foam balls from? Genetic?

  6. Use a tennis ball - http://homecures.ideafry.com/2008/11/10/easy-home-remedies-for-snoring/

  7. lmao lol
    talk to her about it if it is really bothering you tell her to get some breathing strips to put on her nose when she sleeps my gf does the same thing it gives me a huge headache

  8. Jilibean (Christmas ILF Posse)December 24, 2013 at 5:25 PM

    Alex, I think you need a MILF posse intervention. Send up the MILF smoke signal in the sky, and we'll all come on over. I think with that many in the bed, she won't fall asleep anyway...problem solved!

  9. Merry Christmas ♥ Organic MILFDecember 24, 2013 at 6:18 PM

    stuff beans up her nose

  10. Rev Rob DILF ExtraordinaireDecember 24, 2013 at 7:15 PM

    Jili is right, it's party.......I mean intervention time.......wear her out with some beanus, she may purrr but, the snoring will stop.

  11. Nat the fifth (ILF posse)December 24, 2013 at 8:13 PM

    Sit on her face.

  12. You may have to ball gag her at night.

  13. duct tape her mouth and cuff her to the bed. she will not be able to remove the tape from her mouth at that point ....

  14. fleur de lis mock ILFDecember 24, 2013 at 9:39 PM

    have her try the snore strips, or buy ear plugs.
