Sunday, April 21, 2013

Does anybody know good products to help stop snoring?

Question by Gideon on Fire: Does anybody know good products to help stop snoring?
both me and my wife snore, but apperantly its only a problem when i do it.

Best answer:

Answer by Crystal Waldorf
you should see a doctor because sometimes snoring is a very serious condition called sleep apnia. get tested and if thats not it they can reccomend some other ideas for your problem! =)

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. sometimes snoring can be caused by eating drinking to many dairy products, which settle on your chest and thus inhibit your breathing. try and sit down and work out how much milk cheese you drink in a day, it may help

  2. Have her take benedryl for sleep. I do, and I swear it cured my husband's snoring! Now, I don't hear him snoring any more. TRUE! LOL!!

  3. My wife snored really loud. She drinks GOJI 100 from Genesis today and now I seldom hear her. Works for her. I think it's because she sleeps better.

  4. I am sure there is some case history of a divorce being granted because of snoring.

    I had a life threatening snoring problem combined with sleep apnea which almost killed me, which drove my boyfriend into another room, and ultimately into the arms of another.

    My snoring problem completely disappeared a few weeks after I started taking, of all things, fish oils, 4 large 1000 mg capsules after every meal. But the boyfriend is gone. He couldn't wait.

    I can't explain how and why fish oils work for me. There is a lot of scientific evidence that fish oils are very restorative for the central nervous system (CNS), and the CNS controls all functions including breathing and levels of relaxation.
    I wake up more rested and sleep much deeper.

    And guess what! I don't sell fish oils, so I am not making any money telling you this. I don't buy any particular Brand. I keep switching, but I make sure there is real fish in the fish oils (some have mainly soy oil, so read labels carefully)

    May you and your wife both sleep quietly and soundly in each other's arms again!!
