Sunday, April 28, 2013

Is there a way to stop snoring?

Question by Rona O: Is there a way to stop snoring?
My friend snores terribly and she really gets embarrassed about it to the extent that she would not allow me to sleep over at her place. She isn't fat and has a healthy weight. Is there a solution to snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Emily

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Breathe Right Strips Work however they have to sit on your nose overnight.

  2. breathe right strips are good.

  3. cover your nose with paper

  4. sleep on your side , or propped up by a pillow...

  5. those nose strips work well.

  6. buy nasal stripes from walmart
    breath rights

  7. Yes, take an Allergy pill before bed.
    Or try nasal strips...heard they work wonders!;_ylt=AqMl4jvgt0lQ4iETQxFNVBnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080927091201AANGi9c

  8. Ask her to buy Nasonex nose spray!

  9. she could go to a sleep clinic. they could observe her sleep patterns, etc, and diagnose her properly. and probably give her medication or a solution or somethin .

  10. Mostly when you sleep on your back, you snore a lot more. Ask her how she normally sleeps? Also, I used to snore but then I got my tonsils taken out and I don't anymore. Maybe she should go to the doctors and see about getting them removed? If its that bad for her, maybe she should think about the surgery. It really isn't that bad.

  11. Well, there is a pillow that you can get at Brookstone that stops snoring. People only snore when they are sleeping on their back. If they are on their side, then they won't snore. The pillow helps you sleep on your side so you don't snore.

  12. Vick's suave may work if sinus congested/

  13. She needs to see an ENT specialist as this isn't normal in a young slim girl. She may have some real sinus problems that need to be fixed with surgery or other treatment.

  14. oh yeah i have a friend with the same problem
    it could be because she's sleeping on her back,
    because when when my friend sleeps on her side she never snores
    i also heard that getting a thicker pillow can stop it too...
    and also don't eat a big meal right before you go to bed, because supposedly it pushes up your diaphragm to cause snoring
    try it :]
    and if it doesnt improve you should have her talk to her doctor
    good luck!!

  15. There is no easy way to stop it completely, but iv'e read up on it and theres a few ways to reduce it or stop it sometimes. Depending on what typre of snorer she is, cause there are 3 types, there are different solutions. A chin strap or nasal strips are a couple products offering a solution. I am having this same battle with my g/f! lol

  16. I think there are some ways, some more elaborate than others. There's a product advertised on TV that is put into the mouth before sleep and taken out at awakening, check it out. Also Google "snoring cures" or "snoring remedies". There"s lots of stuff there. Best wishes.

  17. brianobrien@btinternet.comApril 28, 2013 at 8:54 PM

    The best snoring product is the Stop Snore Ring
    It's an acupressure ring worn on the little finger so there's no embarrassment it's highly effective and a one off purchase
    My partner wears one so I know it works and it has helped her sinuses
    There are hundreds of endorsements on their website
