Dear everybody, could you please help me how to stop snoring when sleeping.
I have sleep apnea, and it is really annoy for my partner, and I don't know what to do? I already tried to use over the counter stop snoring spray, but it did not work. Please give me good advice, thanks a lot.
Best answer:
Answer by stjo16
If you know you have sleep apnea it means you have been tested by a doctor. Why on earth didn't he get you a CPAP machine. That took care of my problem. When you have sleep apnea you stop breathing in your sleep. It will stop the snoring and help you breath.
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I agree. You need to try cpap. If you can not get compliant, try harder. There are many options out htere. Heated humidity, bibap, etc. Some people can be helped with a dental devce or surgery.
ReplyDeleteSnoring spray, medications, nasal strips, and snoring pillows do not work. They only mask serious symptoms. Pleople die from sleep apnea every night if un treated. You stopp breathing. I went to school with someone who died at 31 with 2 little kids from sleep apnea in the middle of the night. Why feel tired all of the time. Weight loss can help but not always. I lost 150 pounds after being treated. I had energy to exercise, was not depress and stopped eating. Every 20-40 pounds you should have a repeat study. My apnea did not improve. My anotomic structures require pap to keep the airway open. Some people (not me) with weight loss can decrease their pressures and ultimately be cured. Anyone I know this happened to had gastric bypass. That is an another topic all together. (FYI The local surgeorn will not do the surgery until the patient is compliant on cpap). JUst a reminder, skinny people can have sleep apnea as well.
Other proplems associated with sleep apnea include high blood pressure, cardio vascular disease, cor pulmonal, and heart failure. Your are at higher risk for traffic accidents. Many people have daily headaches because of the carbon dioxide build up. You never heal your cells. This repair happens during REM sleep. People with SA never get a decent rem sleep. Hormone is secreated while you sleep. One tells your bladder to shut off. Once treated you will not wake up to go to the bathroom. The other helps suppress your appetite-ie loose weight.
I recommend finding someone who is compliate on cpap as a support buddy. The nurse and therapist who came out were helpful but after many problems, I begged to talk to someone who had the disease. Luckily, a nurse who worked at the home care company who had cpap came out. He gave great advice for each one of my problems. I also found an online support group at very helpful. I went to a support group at the hospital but it was 4 months later. YOu can't wait a month to get help. You need to get answers faster than that.
Good luck. Let us know your progress. But it is long process to become compliant.
My doctor told me that my options were 1. cpap/bipab 2. tracheostomy or 3 death.