Is there any ways to reduce the loudness of someone snoring or completely stop their snoring?
Best answer:
Answer by Christian
try sleeping on your side.
you can buy snore nose strips (im not sure). you place them on top of your nose like a band aid.
you can buy mouth piece that will stop you from snoring
go to a sleep clinic.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
wake him up, then don't let him go back to sleep on his back, that's my husbands cure.. or make him sleep on the couch! that works well!! good luck
ReplyDeleteRecommend to them how it bothers you and buy some of them nose patch things or anything that helps snoring...also he needs to see a ENT.
ReplyDeleteSnoring is a big problem and can be an even bigger problem if not treated quickly. Sleepless nights, irritability, a change in personality and exhaustion are just a few of the reasons that you probably want to stop snoring tonight. There are several home snoring remedies that may just help you to overcome your snoring problem immediately.
ReplyDeleteStop Snoring Tip #1
Sleep on your side instead of your back. Individuals who sleep on their back are more likely to snore than those who do not.
Stop Snoring Tip # 2
Try adding a few additional inches of elevation by sleeping on two pillows instead of one. The additional height may help to keep airway passages open, which may prevent snoring.
Stop Snoring Tip # 3
If you have allergies, a sinus infection, cold, flu or just congestion, try inhaling steam from hot running water. The heat will open up your nasal passages and may help you to breathe easier during the night, which will often help prevent snoring.
Stop Snoring Tip # 4
Place air filtration units in every room of your home, including the bedroom. These devices will help to rid your home of household allergens, including dust, cigarette smoke, pet hair and other airborne properties. Cleaner air may result in improved breathing, which can ultimately help to eliminate snoring.
Stop Snoring Tip # 5
Purchase the Sleep Genie, which is a doctor approved anti-snoring device. Made of nylon and lycra blend material, the Sleep Genie comfortably supports the jaw while helping to keep the wearer’s mouth closed. It is nearly impossible to snore with a closed mouth, which is why the Sleep Genie is applauded by snoring sufferers worldwide.
If none of these stop snoring remedies work for you, consider alternate options that may take a little longer but are effective nonetheless. If you are overweight, or have been diagnosed with obesity, consider a weight loss program consisting of both diet and exercise. If snoring persists, or you notice a pattern of breathing difficulties or choking sensations through the night, a physician may be needed in order to confirm or deny the presence of sleep apnea. This is a serious disorder that, if left untreated, may lead to heart disease, a stroke or other serious medical condition.
This article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used as, or in place of, professional medical advice. Before beginning any treatment for snoring, please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and remedy.
To your success
I'm trying to fix the same problem. I'm trying an exercise program that works on improving your airway. At this point, I'm only on day 2, but the exercises seem like they're starting to help.
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping track of my progress in my blog.
A C-PAP or Bi-level would be the best option to manage this problem.
ReplyDeleteSnoring is a real concern that should not be taken lightly. It is generally due to a condition called Sleep Apnea and can lead to serious medical problems (diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure and high blood pressure) even to the extent of stroke. Ask your Dr for an overnight oximetry to pre-screen and depending on the results, a sleep study would be the next step to correcting the problem.
Don't think that just changing positions is going to solve this problem, as you might just roll over onto your back without realizing during sleep.
Snoring is caused due to a blockage of the airways. This can cause one to not get enough oxygen during sleep and put you at serious risk for stroke. At the same time it is common to completely stop breathing for short periods (the problem with this is quite obvious).
Weight can be a cause of this problem and if weight is an issue, losing weight can often times help the situation.
Again, I would strongly suggest an overnight oximetry. If the results of this show that you are low on oxygen (under 88% for 5 mins or more) get on oxygen till you have a sleep study to help protect you in the mean time. Though Oxygen will not correct the apnea patterns and snoring, it will aid in getting you the oxygen sats that you need to protect against stroke.
PAP (positive airway pressure) devices are the means to correct this serious problem. These are prescribed after a sleep study. These will take some time to get used to but do not get discouraged or be quick to get rid of it. There are companies out there that will assist you in the process of getting used to your new device and give you good info on this whole subject.
Again, discuss this with your Dr.