Monday, April 22, 2013

What can i do to make my husband stop snoring?

Question by : What can i do to make my husband stop snoring?
He's snoring so loud, he sounds like a bear. What can i do to make it stop?

Best answer:

Answer by sysco
put a pillow over his head until he stops breathing

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. You would probably get better help if you asked the health section.

    But some suggestions to why he snores? I dont know if hes overweight but thats a cause. If he is over weight, just suggest he tries to lose weight. He could also have sleep apnea. Does he stop breathing while he snores? If so, i would consult a doctor He might also have bad sleeping habits or just naturally snores really loud.

    If it real bothers you though, try to schedule an appointment with the doctor to see if anything is wrong. Other than that i dont have any suggestions.

  2. Check out this site

    Here you can get the best anti snoring solution that'll help to cease snoring
