She is a 13 month old Pit and Lab mix. She's been snoring ever since she was a puppy and now its to the point where you can't sleep. She doesn't snore every single night. A couple days might pass with her not snoring then she will start again, it just varies. Is there anything I can do about it?
Best answer:
Answer by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs
Can you try getting her to sleep in another room or a different place to sleep? My dogs only snore when they are laying on their backs, but they are Frenchies so it comes with the breed lol.
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That's one reason why we crate dogs and have them sleep elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteIs she overweight? If so, getting her down to a healthy weight will reduce it (but in some dogs may not eliminate it). When I adopted my Boston, she snored like a chainsaw and weighed close to 20 pounds. I got her down to an ideal weight (which for her ended up being 14.5 pounds), and she almost never snores now unless she gets herself in a strange position while she sleeps! If you aren't sure if she's overweight, put your hands on her ribcage behind each elbow. Apply very slight pressure and run them along the ribcage, moving towards the rear. You should easily feel the ribs with slight pressure. If you have to press harder, she's overweight. If she is in good condition, there's likely nothing you can do, it probably has to do with the structure of her sinuses.
ReplyDeleteGet some ear plugs at Walmart. That should solve the problem, if you desire your dog to sleep in the same room as you.
ReplyDeleteIt could be breed specific, or the weight issue. Some dogs just snore. Like my cat. I agree with a separate room or earplugs. If you think there is a need for concern, please take your dog to the vet it could be a respiratory problem.