My better half is starting to complain about my snoring. It's to the point where neither of us are sleeping well because I am getting poked, slapped, beaten and pushed on all night. Is there any easy way to reduce or stop whatever causes snoring?? I would like to get a good nights sleep and hopefully in the same bed!!!
Best answer:
Answer by the punk professor
Ouch. I know what you mean, there's been many a time when my sleep has been interrupted by an elbow from my wife and a less than polite request for me to stop snoring!! There's a few things you can try that might help a bit such as cutting out alcohol in the evenings, sleeping on your side, buying some snore strips to help with breathing or using some of that Vic ks stuff that people rub on for colds (apparently I'm not so bad when I put a bit of that under my nose before bed). All the possible solutions I have seen have only taken the edge of it a bit though and not cut it out altogether. The best way we found was for my wife to go to bed first and get a head start on sleep!
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I would talk to your doctor about the snoring because you need to be evaluated at a sleep disorder clinic...snoring can cause so many problems with your health and daily life that you may not have even noticed. For YOUR sake as well as your wifes do this please. Good luck and don't take this lightly. You can try some home remedies like those nasal strips, the stop snore throat spray,lose weight,sleep on your side,etc....but you still need to know if your blood oxygen level is dropping and also how much you may be sleep deprived because of this snoring.
ReplyDeleteI use a snoring chin strap that I bought. It helped me tremendously, my partner says I never snore when I wear and I feel a lot less tired when I wake up in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI used this link to buy it, if you are interested - when you go to buy it I found out that if you go to pay and then try to exit the page they discount the shipping costs for you so I saved on the price also.