Sunday, June 23, 2013

I need to stop my snoring, I feel short of breath, and I have severe problems with my wife, what can I do?

Question by Frank: I need to stop my snoring, I feel short of breath, and I have severe problems with my wife, what can I do?
My snoring is becoming stronger and I feel short of breath, my wife could not sleep and ended up in separate rooms. She hates my CPAP machine as much as I do. My family doctor suggested seeing a speech language pathologist, but I prefer other forms, any recommendation or some other alternative. I'm desperate!

Best answer:

Answer by Jacinda
This is a fairly common problem that occurs in many households when going to sleep. Usually due to respiratory problems are accentuated especially in cases of allergies or colds.

More and more people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea are not satisfied with the results of conventional methods of treatment.

Short of breath means that the body suffers with hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the body) and hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the body). Lack of oxygen can cause brain damage, heart problems, seizures, and in worst cases sudden death. Too much carbon dioxide in the blood can lead to conditions such as metabolic acidosis.

Some tips to reduce snoring:

• Try to lose weight if you are overweight
• Reduce or eliminate alcohol, cigarettes and other sedatives at bedtime
• Avoid sleeping on your back
• Ensure that the person does not fall asleep before snorer.
• Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and do exercises for good muscle tone and lose weight.
• Rest the head of the bed between 20 ° to 30 °, depending on your comfort
• Avoid heavy meals at least three hours before bedtime

I suggest you learn a little more detail about OSA you can visit my blog at:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Anyway, it is very important to have a good habit. Besides, I know that the sleep apnea mouth piece can't only make work for sleep apnea but also stop snoring through this article.

  2. I assume you are using your cpap machine, if you are still snoring; it is due to any number of factors. 1. your mask is too loose causing a leak; 2. the pressure is too low and your airway is still in partial collapse causing the snoring; 3. if yo have facial hair, the leakgage will also cause your airway to partially collapse; 4. if your mask is older that 4 months, change it out for a new one.

    If the noise of the cpap machine is bothering your wife, consider a noise containment box. It is made of sound absorbing material, but will still allow outside air to come into it.

    I urge you to join a cpap support group clled
