Question by Liane T: how do you stop snoring?I am 19 and a girl. When I sleep on my back, my snoring can wake just about anyone. If I stay on my side, i am a silent sleeper. My dad has sleep apnea and maybe that has something to do with it.
Any suggestions to stop snoring?
Best answer:Answer by sheori
well I don;t know if this will help you at all, but I thought I would throw it out here. I never have snored much, but once in a while would give a snort (this is what I've heard from people seeing me sleep in the car, seeing me nap, or have been over for sleepovers). I made it a habbit to always have my mouth closed and my toung on the rough of my mouth. I do this all the time and breath through my nose, and now it is such a habbit I sleep this way (again I know because of people who have seen me sleeping). Having my tounge on the rough of my mouth keeps me from snoring, and I am pretty sure I stay this way all night because I wake up like this.
I also know there are a few products that you can find that say they help snoring. I have never tried any of them so I don't know if they work. But if they are cheap enough maybe you could experiment with one.
The other thought is pretty obvious, and I'm sure you have already thought of it, but try to sleep on your side as much as you can.
I don't know if any of this helps, but like I said I thought I would throw it out here.
Good luck figuring something out.
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