Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How do i stop my sister from snoring like a bear?

Question by OMG rainbows!: How do i stop my sister from snoring like a bear?
My sis is 19 and I'm 17. We share a room. I can never sleep because of her. What can she do? It's weird because she just started snoring this week.
She does not have any allergies
I have 3sisters. This sister is very thin she weighs 104
Breath right strips do not work for her.
If I put a clip on her nose she will beat me. lol j/k but she would think I'm trying to kill her.

Best answer:

Answer by John R
Have her sleep on her side. Get her to lose some weight as well - honestly this will help.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. buy a bear n name it coco pops n tell her id she dont stop snoring u will get the bear to maul her

  2. Just cover her mouth and not her nose that way she can still breath

  3. Buy yourself ear plugs...

  4. well give her some medicatin

  5. Get a real bear to replace your sister...the bear don't snore.....(joking).put a clip on her nose,something that wouldn't hurt and make her sleep without the pillow.

  6. She should see a physician. She might have a physical obstruction in her nose, or perhaps sleep apnea, which can be quite serious.

    If she has physical problem, like a deviated septum, they would do a surgical procedure and snoring would cease.

    Apnea is a state of "not breathing". This syndrome could be in the least, disruptive to the quality of her sleep; and, of course, even more serious ramifications as well.

    Therapeutic sleep centers are everywhere now. They do a complete assessment and make recommendations to eliminate or alleviate the problem. They might suggest an appliance to wear at night or even nightly use of a respiratory device to regulate breathing (like my husband wears).

    Do look into this, for her sake as well as yours...

  7. Has she had her Tonsils or Adenoids out?

    We are all trying to come out of "Hibernation!"
    Maybe it won't last!
    Good luck, Sweetie!

  8. Maybe she is too tired and stressed..

    Tolerate her snore and soon you will start to love her snoring.. don't put nose clip on her, she will die if her airway in her mouth closes up or being plugged up with mucous..

    You can always cover your ears with your pillow.. don't hurt your only sister unless you are a selfish moron..
