Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why do I snore even when sleeping in stomach position?

Question by Untitled #16: Why do I snore even when sleeping in stomach position?
I'm skinny but I snore in all position. I have some nasal congestion but it's not always completed obstructed when I snore. Can the tongue fall back in stomach position? Will snoring mouth guard still work for me?
it's hard to make a snoring noise with my mouth closed, does this indicate mouth based snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Neil Patrick
snoring doesnt got to do with stomach positions, it happens in your nasal cavity so u should try more of
a nose/mouth guard thingi........

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Your nose does not have to be fully obstructed to cause your snoring. Even partial obstruction of your breathing airways can cause the soft tissues of nasal passages start vibrating as you inhale and exhale air.

    I'd suggest visiting - there you can get suggestions for snoring caused by the obstructions in nasal passages. Some stop snoring nasal spray may work for you I think..
