Saturday, August 31, 2013

How to make my husband stop snoring?

Question by that: How to make my husband stop snoring?
My husband snores so loud that I can't sleep. We haven't slept in the same bed/room in over a year because of this. Nothing helps, we tried breathe right strips and they did nothing. Does anyone have any ideas? I can even hear him snoring when he sleeps in the living room. I'm desperate, here.

Best answer:

Answer by PointBlankResponse
ear plugs for you.
surgery for him.

If that doesnt work, grab a pillow, go to where he is sleeping, slowly put it over his face, and press down until he stops moving. Ive found a temperpaedic pillow works best as it conforms to the face.

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

What can i take to stop snoaring and snorting?

Question by Wolfgirl: What can i take to stop snoaring and snorting?
I snort when i laugh it is so embarrssing and i snoar when i'm sleeping so embarrassing...
What can i take to stop snprting and snoaring?

Best answer:

Answer by Stacy S
For your snoring I would suggest breath right strips they work wonders not so sure what you can do about snorting though

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How To Stop Snoring?

Question by /N/I/C/K/: How To Stop Snoring?
I've tried a couple different products and they seem to work ok. My girlfriend says that they just make the snore not as harsh. I've tried Breath Right Nose Strips, Premier Value Anti-Snore, and Ayr Saline Nasal Mist. My lady says that the Ayr nasal mist works the best but I would like to know if theres anything on the market that will stop snoring all together or is just really REALLY good and will bring a loud snore to a silent breeze or something? lol

Best answer:

Answer by Reality Jack
The only thing I know of to stop snoring completely would be...the absence of any respiratory activity or death.

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How do you handle your significant other's snoring?

Question by Ava: How do you handle your significant other's snoring?
My husband snores and gets mad if I have him roll over in the middle of the night. How do you handle your partners snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by acedelux
You get used to it.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to make cat stop snoring?

Question by Emily Dowman: How to make cat stop snoring?
My cat snores... loudly. It's annoying when I'm doing homework because I hear it in the background. Is there any way to stop her from snoring without disturbing her nap?

Best answer:

Answer by cat lover
The short answer is no, and the long answer is no. But cats sleep with a hair trigger response, so actually going over the petting her may rouse her enough that she will stop snoring, and then immediately go back to sleep, and hopefully not snore.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

For those living with someone with sleep apnea, how can you get used to it?

Question by Kagome: For those living with someone with sleep apnea, how can you get used to it?
I need some tips on living with someone with sleep apnea. My father was diagnosed while he was in prison with sleep apnea and was on a cpap machine. When he was released he was not on a cpap machine and has snored horribly, keeping me up all night. I've tried to talk him into doing a sleep study so he can get a cpap machine but he has told me numerous times that he wants to wait until he loses weight and gets his diabetes under control. His diabetes is under control, but he is still convinced that he will stop snoring once he loses weight. He doesn't realize that he snored just as bad as he is now when he was a healthy weight.

My room is right next to his, the walls are paper thin, I am losing so much sleep I don't know what to do anymore. Can anyone with this kind of experience give me some tips on how to get used to it?

Best answer:

Answer by Oilfieldtrashwtx
Get your self a "sound machine" it can produce the sound of the ocean, a soft rain shower etc. turn this on and try to concentrate on that sound for long you will only hear it and not your father.
As bad as the snoring is you should actually listen to the snoring no matter how bad, sleep apnea people are know to stop breathing, and not be able to restart their breathing. You may the only alarm he as at this time with out the machine.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

What are the ill effects of this condition?

Question by pannacoucke: What are the ill effects of this condition?
I stop breathing at times when i sleep, so i'm told by my wife, which when i read up online says that its sleep apnea. Does anyone know what the effects are of this other than unrestful sleep? Thanks for your help!

Best answer:

Answer by cierra_ash
yeah, my parents have bad sleep apnea. they sleep in different rooms because they both snore very much, literally my mom sounds like plane. because of unrestful nights you should become very much tired during the day. because of the stopped breathing you should use a special machine for sleep apnea and all of he symptoms should go away. it works for my parents.
best of luck to you

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Is it normal to breath thru mouth?

Question by Syamsoul: Is it normal to breath thru mouth?
I think i have problem with my nose,since i was a little,I breath thru mouth.I realized that my half nose is blocked so i think maybe that cause i breath thru mouth..I also want to ask for tips to stop snoring

Best answer:

Answer by Ruby
are you fucking retarded..?

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Why lately do I stop breathing as I start passing out?

Question by : Why lately do I stop breathing as I start passing out?
This last time I really thought I was gonna die and it was so scary my heart is still pounding. I hate it. How do I make it stop? I'm so sleepy and I wanna sleep but I don't wanna freeze on a breath and die.

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron Mahdi
My friend's father suffered a similar problem when he sleeps, he snores loudly and then stops breathing for no reason what so ever. He did go to the doctor and found out that there's a pocket of some sort that stops the air circulation [i don't know what its medically called] and he had it removed, now he is sleeping better without any problems and he also stopped snoring

I've seen another problem of that sort, the doctor suggested the person to get some sort of tank that held compressed gas, and he had to wear a gas mask whenever he sleeps that way the tank will help him breath through out his sleeping time.

I suggest that you go to your doctor, you never know what it may be, and you should do it sooner than later.

Hope everything works out well mate.


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Thursday, August 22, 2013

how do i stop my husband from snoring?

Question by jennie s: how do i stop my husband from snoring?
help I havnt slept for months my husband snores and has tried to sleep on his side it doesnt work he tried sprays it doesnt work. help !!! I need new remedies.

Best answer:

Answer by angie20k
try to fall asleep before he does

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How do I stop my snoring?

Question by John: How do I stop my snoring?
I've been told I snore really loud. I'm not fat except around my mid section a bit. What are some was I can stop my snoring? Snore relief and strips don't help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by cassandra007
Don't sleep on your back
Get tested for sleep apnea-your MD can refer you.
For couples, it can get so bad that one of them has to sleep in a different room.
Best of luck

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How come men snore more than women?

Question by Slinkies!!: How come men snore more than women?
Well, i seem to notice that men snore more than women or at least louder at least. Also i know like snoring has to do with sinus problems or something, but how come when we're young we don't snore as bad as when we get older?

Best answer:

Answer by debs46
My partner says i snore realy loud,how he knows that i dont know cos most nights hes in bed before me snoring his head off.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

He snores but I end up on the couch?

Question by Kelly: He snores but I end up on the couch?
He snores. I try to get him to sleep on his side. He is adamant to sleep on his back. This moment he's sleeping in my room and my bed right now. It was so bad I went for the couch. He takes up most the space on my queen sized bed (he's 6'4) and I have the wall. And he insists he's falling off the bed. Here's the problem. We are moving in together in 2 weeks. We are planning on getting a king sized bed. But I know the snoring will continue. Help! How do I get him to stop snoring? Or be more "ill take the couch babe"

Best answer:

Answer by Marina del Rey
your posting has to be the the funnest one i have ever read, and the way that you wrote it

Also try:

how to stop snoring,
stop snoring mouthpiece,
stop snoring surgery,

Search results

7 Easy Snoring Remedies: How to Stop Snoring
WebMD provides 7 easy fixes to help you or your partner quit snoring. - Cached
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stop snoring | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion ...
Find great deals on eBay for stop snoring and stop snoring mouthpiece. Shop with confidence. - Cached
How to Stop Snoring: Cures and Remedies for Snoring
Don't let snoring ruin your relationship or a good night's sleep. Learn what causes snoring and how you can cure it. Includes self-help tips and remedies. - Cached
ZQuiet - Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece for Instant, Natural Snoring ...
Stop Snoring. Start living | ZQuiet Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece. Get a better night's sleep. Feel less tired. Easy to use. Works fast - stop snoring TONIGHT! ... - Cached
Stop Snoring Mouthpiece by VitalSleep Helps to Prevent Snoring
Sleep peacefully with the new VitalSleep® FDA cleared anti-snoring mouthpiece. It's guaranteed to stop your snoring at night. Includes a 1 year warranty. - Cached
Stop Snoring Tips - How to Stop Snoring
Get the best free tips to stop snoring. We have information on how to deal with a snorer and other snoring information. - Cached
Tips on How To Stop Snoring Naturally at Night!
If you’re wondering how to stop snoring, here you’ll discover what conventional medicine can do, and what even you can do yourself. - Cached
Stop Snoring Mouthpiece
The Ultimate Stop Snoring Mouthpiece. The most effective snoring mouthpiece on the planet. The Snore Eliminator patented self molding custom snoring mouth guard is ... - Cached stop snoring
Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Aid. Nasivent 100% Grade Medical Soft Silicone Nose Dilator. Increase Oxygen and Lowers High Blood Pressure. by Vital-Health-Products USA ... - Cached
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How to Stop Snoring |
Snoring is not just a nuisance for your bedmate (or, in extreme cases, for your neighbor). It can be a sign of a serious medical disorder called sleep apnea. The ... - Cached
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Search Related
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Sunday, August 18, 2013

How can I make someone stop snoring without waking them up?

Question by mrhockeymike38: How can I make someone stop snoring without waking them up?
My roommate is snoring and I'd really like for him to shut up without waking him up. He's sleeping on his side and still manages to snore like a chainsaw. Even earplugs don't work for how loud he snores. Thanks for the answers!
he and I aren't really friends, and stuffing socks in mouths is not gonna happen

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny
Put a sock in there mouth, it won't wake them up because people who are snoring are at the final states of sleep.

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How do I stop myself from making noises/talking in my sleep?

Question by Helen B: How do I stop myself from making noises/talking in my sleep?
I tend to make noises in my sleep. Sometimes it's light snoring, sometimes moaning sounds, and sometimes I even talk or mumble. I am an 18 year old girl so it's really embarassing when I stay the night at friends' places. Is there anything I can do to prevent it?

Best answer:

Answer by Ela Jazmin
duct tape... :)

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

How do I sell an idea to help people stop snoring?

Question by josephmwiley: How do I sell an idea to help people stop snoring?
I use a device to keep from snoring. It's cheap, under $ 5. It's easy to buy. It's available in most cities. It is made for another purpose. It works unbelievably well. I've used it for 6 years. It could be modified to be better but I don't know how to do any of it.

Best answer:

Answer by icsowesmemoney

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What are some exampls ofloaded words if you were attempting to sell someting to stop snoring?

Question by Mazing: What are some exampls ofloaded words if you were attempting to sell someting to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jodab
health, not quiet but peace or peaceful, restorative, energizing, youth restoring, bliss, comfort

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How can I stop snoring?

Question by TheEmpyre: How can I stop snoring?
I have tried nasal spray, Breathe Right strips, and losing weight but I cannot stop snoring. It is keeping my girlfriend up at night. If you know any way to help me stop snoring please let me know. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Premjit
Try Yoga.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

How can I get my husband to stop snoring and chewing in his sleep?

Question by Magnus: How can I get my husband to stop snoring and chewing in his sleep?
Yes, you read correctly, he chews and chews and chews all night. He also swallows like he is really eating.

Best answer:

Answer by Rebecca Mae

go see a doctor..
i bet its really anoying
good luck lol

answer mine;_ylt=AjlsopNqo9QOM4dvzZvoIjYgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090918034517AAqolDa

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

what can i do to stop or reduce snoring?

Question by subtlebeauty: what can i do to stop or reduce snoring?
My boyfriend snores soooooooooooooooo loud! Whats the best thing out there to reduce or stop his snoring????

Best answer:

Answer by essentiallysolo
he should go for a sleep study, loud snoring is a strong indicator of obstructive sleep apnea, and that is related to things like diabetes and heart disease.

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What can I do to stop snoring? I've tried everything!?

Question by mikethecablesguy: What can I do to stop snoring? I've tried everything!?
I am having a snoring problem, according to my gf, a really bad one. I snore no matter which way I sleep.! I have tried breathe right strips and mentholatums but nothing seems to work. It's really breaking me and my gf apart. I am 6' and weigh 280 lbs. I know being over weight could be a problem. But,is there any remedies I can try to see if it helps? Let me know. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by APJ
Hello, I would suggest that you talk to your Doctor to set up a sleep study. Most of the time snoring is caused by sleep apnea. I have sleep apnea and I use a cpap machine so that I not only sleep thoroughly, but also for my health, because sleep apnea can wear your heart down as well as your body (physically, emotionally). A cpap isn't the sexiest thing in the world, but who cares! You need to sleep well and you need to be healthy too. :)

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How to make someone stop snoring?

Question by love4dance: How to make someone stop snoring?
Ugh I'm trying to watch a freakin movie and my dad fell asleep and won't stop snoring!!! How do I make him shut up for crying out loud?!

Best answer:

Answer by Zoran S
slap the shit outa them or make them stop breathing then when they wake up tell them to go to a diff rom inf they dont keep slaping them if they slap u back they might leave

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Is there a solution for snoring instead of medicine or surgery?

Question by shinebp: Is there a solution for snoring instead of medicine or surgery?
I, my family and neighbors are having problems to sleep because of my snoring. I can't move to the mountains, so please somebody help me.

Best answer:

Answer by michelle_075
Breathe Right Nasal strips work well for me.

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Is there connection between snoring and nasal congestion?

Question by CRT: Is there connection between snoring and nasal congestion?
I use ear plugs at night when I sleep, and because of this I've heard myself snore. And I have nasal congestion, so I wonder if there's connection between snoring and nasal congestion. Your help is appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Denise D

Absolutely there is a connection...just research it a bit. If it is problematic, you should see an Ears, Nose, and Throat specialist.

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How can I get my boyfriend to stop snoring?

Question by AnaisVengenace: How can I get my boyfriend to stop snoring?
We just moved in together and he doesn't let me sleep cause of his snoring. I've tried waking him up, have him lay on his side, I've even hit him sometimes (out of frustration) but it doesn't work. He has asthma, so could that be the reason why he snores so much?

He's actually snoring as I'm typing this.

Best answer:

Answer by Havoc :3
They have solutions that are over the counter at drug stores that relieve snoring, but also see your doctor for more help.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How can I help my boyfriend to stop snoring?

Question by : How can I help my boyfriend to stop snoring?
My 31 year old boyfriend snores like a pig and it is not doing our relationship any favours!

He had his nose broken a few years back which may not help but his snoring is getting louder and louder. Does anyone have any ideas on what kind of treatments we can get from a chemist or any advice on how to quieten him down?!

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by キティ ビスケット
Smother him with a pillow.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Can someone explain the different stages of sleep apnia and exactly what sleep apnia is?

Question by Melody M: Can someone explain the different stages of sleep apnia and exactly what sleep apnia is?
Why do you stop breathing?

Best answer:

Answer by SxySparki
Search "Sleep Apnea"...that will give u all the info u need...

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how do you stop snoring?

Question by Liane T: how do you stop snoring?
I am 19 and a girl. When I sleep on my back, my snoring can wake just about anyone. If I stay on my side, i am a silent sleeper. My dad has sleep apnea and maybe that has something to do with it.

Any suggestions to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by sheori
well I don;t know if this will help you at all, but I thought I would throw it out here. I never have snored much, but once in a while would give a snort (this is what I've heard from people seeing me sleep in the car, seeing me nap, or have been over for sleepovers). I made it a habbit to always have my mouth closed and my toung on the rough of my mouth. I do this all the time and breath through my nose, and now it is such a habbit I sleep this way (again I know because of people who have seen me sleeping). Having my tounge on the rough of my mouth keeps me from snoring, and I am pretty sure I stay this way all night because I wake up like this.

I also know there are a few products that you can find that say they help snoring. I have never tried any of them so I don't know if they work. But if they are cheap enough maybe you could experiment with one.

The other thought is pretty obvious, and I'm sure you have already thought of it, but try to sleep on your side as much as you can.

I don't know if any of this helps, but like I said I thought I would throw it out here.

Good luck figuring something out.

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Has anyone used or know of the "Pure Sleep" mouthpiece that stops snoring?

Question by ron197192064: Has anyone used or know of the "Pure Sleep" mouthpiece that stops snoring?
is it worth it? does it really stop snoring? any problems?

Best answer:

Answer by Mary
those OTC do not work--they only mask the true problem. Snoring is frequently associated with sleep apnea. See a doc, get a sleep study.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

My husband snoring like a thunderstrom. How do i stop him?

Question by Jamie: My husband snoring like a thunderstrom. How do i stop him?
I tried everything. even i went to CVS and bought him something and still not working.

I can't stand it.
How do i stop this?

Best answer:

Answer by Kate_zane
My husband and I are constatntly fighting in the middle of the night because of this.. How annoying.. Smother him with a pillow? Tell him to sleep on his side not on his back?

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How can you get rid of snoring?

Question by Loch: How can you get rid of snoring?
my dad snores extremely loud and its very, very annoying. Besides earplugs and surgery, how can he get rid of snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jack
There are lots of snoring solutions, each for different causes.

Some people need to stop sleeping on their back, others benefit from certain pillows, some from losing weight, some from jaw or mouth devices, and others from jaw exercises.

Learn more at

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tips on how to stop snoring?

Question by dave3344: Tips on how to stop snoring?
Hey guys. Just wondering if there are any tips or anything that would help me stop snoring? I know that if you sleep on your stomach you decrease the chance of snoring or something but that doesn't work all that well. Anyone got anything? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by acute_angle12245
There is this mouthpiece you put in your mouth at night, that opens up your airway more.

Go here for an idea:

There are also these nasal sprays, but they may burn your nose. . . .

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Does anyone have any tips to stop snoring?

Question by emma: Does anyone have any tips to stop snoring?
I'm keeping my boyfriend awake at night and he's getting really grumpy. I don't want it to effect our relationship and I don't want him to sleep in the spare room!
He thinks it's because I'm a ''mouth breather'' but my breathing is not so good through my nose so I don't know what I can do about it.

Best answer:

Answer by Mermaid
Pls see a doctor

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