Sunday, September 29, 2013

How can you prevent snoring?

Question by The Purple Pixie: How can you prevent snoring?
I'm going to a sleepover, and I snore...loud.

My friend is friends with some semi-popular kids, and they're coming! I don't know if I'll be the only one snoring, so I'm kind of nervous. :/

Is there anything I can do to stop my snoring, without using nasal strips, throat sprays, and medicine?

And I can't use a mouth guard, because I got my braces off 5-6 months ago, and I need to wear my retainers.

Best answer:

Answer by sundeep p
lol that blows for you, stay up all night

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

How about, Can you get mirgraines or non stop headaces from lack of sleep?

Question by JayJay: How about, Can you get mirgraines or non stop headaces from lack of sleep?
We have been on a search to find out why my husband has non stop about a sleep disorder.. He sure does try to suck in the ceiling through his nose by snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Su-Nami
I too suffer from migraines and find that too little or too much sleep are both causes for migraines.. He should also eat around the same time every day as being hungry is a cause too. Go see a neurologist. Good luck.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

How to stop snoring at night?

Question by -NOM NOM NOM-: How to stop snoring at night?
I'm a 14 year old girl and never knew I snored until recently when I had to share a room with my sister for a few weeks. lots of people tell me I snore now, and I don't want to :( How do i stop? I'm not overweight, in fact I'm a little underweight.. because I heard that being overweight can cause snoring.I think I only snore when I have a cold or if my nose is stuffy, but if not, how do I stop?

Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Mister Robota
Try not sleeping on your back

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How can I stop talking in my sleep?

Question by NoDoubt: How can I stop talking in my sleep?
I'm so worried someone will hear me say something stupid or offensive. Is there anything I can do to stop talking in my sleep?

Best answer:

Answer by DixieJoker

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What is the most EFFECTIVE way to stop snoring?

Question by Smalls: What is the most EFFECTIVE way to stop snoring?
HELP! My poor boyfriend cant sleep. Im so embarrassed! Please help! I need advice from someone who has REALLY found an effective way to STOP!

Best answer:

Answer by the_unluckiest
That totally sucks. I know what that's like. My snoring was so loud that people in other rooms could hear it through the walls. I ended up going to a otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, throat doctor) and turns out my adenoids were too large and they were making it difficult for me to breathe, so I had to breathe deeper which made it sound worse especially when my sleeping body was trying to get its necessary amount of oxygen. Go to a specialist and see if there's a problem with your adenoids.

I found sleep aids like Breathe Right strips to be absolutely useless. You could also try sleeping on your stomach or side because that helps some people.

Good luck! Don't be too embarrassed because he obviously loves you if he's sticking around listening to a trumpet at night ;)

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How do I stop snoring? If I cut out my tonsils then will I get fat?

Question by SFI: How do I stop snoring? If I cut out my tonsils then will I get fat?
I'm only 12 and I snore! I have been snoring since I was 9. I feel drowsy sometimes and my nose feels clogged. Last year also my doctor said that my tonsils are HUGE! What should I do? Please help meee.....

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan
I'd say that if your tonsils were an issue your doctor would have suggested removing them. My suggestion would be to go back and speak to your doctor about the problem.

Having your tonsils cut out will not make you fat, although being overweight is apparently one cause for snoring. I'd speak to your doctor and they should be able to help.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What causes snoring and how can it be stopped?

Question by Amanda: What causes snoring and how can it be stopped?
My boyfriend recently started snoring a lot. It seems like it only happened when he sleeps on his back, but its getting to the point to where he keeps me up at night. I'm wondering what causes snoring. I would also like to know if anyone has any home remedies that might reduce it (and if you don't, just let me know what medications, nose strips, etc worked for you).

Best answer:

Answer by
Snoring is a huge indicator of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

OSA is when you literally stop breathing during sleep.

Talk to your doctor. Time for a sleep study, and possibly a CPAP machine.

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Monday, September 23, 2013

What are some effective ways to stop snoring?

Question by ghostlysun: What are some effective ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend doesn't snore constantly, but when he does, he keeps me up at night. I end up having to sleep on his couch. He has tried nasal strips, and they are only effective 50% of the time. Any suggestions?
Breathing strips do not work, he is not overweight, and he has told me that he doesn't want to spend money seeing a specialist. He sleeps on his side for a little while, but ends up on his back. Any other suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Kung Fu Girl
Hold a pillow over his face.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

How can i teach myself to STOP SNORING?

Question by Evonne D: How can i teach myself to STOP SNORING?
snoring is embarassing. and i wanna stop. lol help?

Best answer:

Answer by reverendlarry
If you smoke, quit. I quit about a year ago and I've been told that I don't really snore anymore - I was actually surprised because for months I thought I was still snoring like always.

If you don't, well, they also have those breathe right strips you can try, or there are drops you can take before bed that are suppose to help with snoring.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

My husband takes prescription drugs and wets the bed at night sometimes?

Question by Little Angel: My husband takes prescription drugs and wets the bed at night sometimes?
He blames it on the prescription drugs but before I know one time he did it on purpose just to be funny when we first got married. What am I supposed to do and is this normal for prescription drugs to cause this? I wish he would stop taking the drugs altogether and do holistic health but he won't.

Best answer:

Answer by Jery E
holistic health is for retards and who pees the bed on purpose, joke or not?

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How do you get someone to stop snoring!!!!?

Question by Holly: How do you get someone to stop snoring!!!!?
There is always one girl at each sleepover that snores and it really bugs me when i am doing an allnighter!!! How do I get her to stop!

Best answer:

Answer by cayrikan
lick their toes.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Are you more prone to snoring if your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth?

Question by W. Spaminodas adrastas blab: Are you more prone to snoring if your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth?
My tongue naturally rests on the roof of my mouth and my bottom and top teeth are normally together. I've been trying to make my tongue rest on the bottom of my mouth and my teeth unclench, but it's not natural yet.

So if I eventually got to the point of that being natural, would my snoring stop? The airways might be less blocked, right?

Best answer:

Answer by Claudine
The main issue here is the clear airway passage. May be you can try some mouth guard to get the position and later on you can try it the natural way.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?

Question by VK: Is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?
is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?

Best answer:

Answer by Roxanne
I don't think there are any pills, but there are other things. There's this thing u put in ur mouth & it opens the back of your throat to stop u snoring something like that. I think u can get surgery too.

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to stop my boyfriend's snoring?

Question by bluexo.crush: How to stop my boyfriend's snoring?
Whenever my boyfriend stays over I can never get a full night of sleep because he snores really loud. Is there anything I can do to stop his snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Steve
Nothing you can do. It he is fat he can lose weight. This is a big cause of snoring.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

How can I make my boyfriend stop snoring?

Question by Miss D: How can I make my boyfriend stop snoring?
Covering his face with a pillow doesn't help.

Best answer:

Answer by Fuzzy Dice
Men snore because of sinus. I snore and everyone in my family snores, so it might be genetic as well.

Invest in a pair of earplugs is my advice to you.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

How do I stop from being a heavy sleeper and stop snoring?

Question by talented_tongue3us: How do I stop from being a heavy sleeper and stop snoring?
Wife is more of a night person and therefore stays up on late nights while I get up in the mornings. When she wants to go to sleep she wants the wall because if I sleep against the wall, she says I attempt to push her off the bed in my sleep. I remember none of this when I wake up. And she says I snore loud enough to vibrate the windows. How do I solve this?

Best answer:

Answer by hollywoodslut
try taking more naps during the day, snoring is just tiredness
Get more rest and sleep (atleas 8-10 hours a day

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What can I do/use to make my back stop sweating?

Question by brewster_mil: What can I do/use to make my back stop sweating?
I'm an Outside Sales Rep and its a little embarrassing to service a customer with a sweaty back. It only happens if I'm sitting down with my back against something. Is their something I can put on my seat in my car so I stay cool. Or is their something I can rub on my back to stop me from sweating.


Best answer:

Answer by CuriousGirl
try using baby powder before you get into your car, bring alittle bottle with you trhough out the day to freshen up, this also helps if your hair and face get alittle sweaty, put some on your hands and dab your face :) hope that helps

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to get my husband to stop snoring so loud?

Question by Pamela: How to get my husband to stop snoring so loud?
Its horrible! I try to fall asleep before him so that I can fall asleep, but he falls asleep like when he hits the pillow.

Best answer:

Answer by Confused
There is a surgery :s
Eating habits affect snoring (avoid fatty meals and chocolate or milk right before sleep)
Smoking can cause snoring
I would say get earplugs for yourself if the other solutions do not work.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What are some easy ways to stop snoring?

Question by Chantelle: What are some easy ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend comes over & stays the night , and he said I snore & I want it to stop. It's imberresing . :( PLEASE HELP

Best answer:

Answer by pp
drink honey before bed get the recipe @ this link

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

I'm looking for a really good anti snore device. Any recommendations?

Question by Rachella: I'm looking for a really good anti snore device. Any recommendations?
Hi I'm looking for a really good anti snore device for my boyfriend. He snores quite heavily when he is sleeping and I need a good device that will really stop him snoring. Please help with your personal recommendations. Any experiences with using the remedy will be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Mary

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

What medicine can we take to stop snoring?

Question by Daniela: What medicine can we take to stop snoring?
my brother's snoring can be heard by everybody in the entire house hold

what medicine can we take that doesn't affect his asthma?

Best answer:

Answer by Joel
A few hundred mg of caffeine should stop his snoring.

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How to stop snoring at night?

Question by Paige: How to stop snoring at night?
i hate snoring it annoys people and keeps them up. some people say its deep breathing but i think its snoring.i am a teenager and i have a sleepover tomorrow night and i dont want to keep everyone up. If there is some stuff i can do at home that can help me stop or maybe not be as loud that would be great! THANKS!

Best answer:

Answer by EmbraceInsanity
It depends on what cause you snore.

There various causes of snoring. You may snore
if you smoke, are overweight, consume alcohol,
have bad sleeping pattern, medical problems, etc.

Snoring happens because your throat muscles are
relaxed when you are sleeping.

You can stop snoring by using adjustable bed,
stop snoring pillow, or even surgery if you have
serious medical problem.

Or, you can use the more natural way, which
is doing some exercise such as training your
jaw so you can stop your bad habit.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is there any non-surgical way to stop snoring?

Question by Janice: Is there any non-surgical way to stop snoring?
I doubt it's nasal congestion because I don't have trouble breathing when I'm awake. But my sister tells me that I snore. I know for a fact that I do, but just do not know how to stop.

Best answer:

Answer by justapaperbag
use the nasal strips that you put on your nose.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How do I stop my husbands snoring?

Question by Adri V: How do I stop my husbands snoring?
My husband snores every night. I have been living on at most 3hrs of sleep (the amt of time from when he goes to work and our 4 yr old gets up). Needless to say I feel like crap. I am one night away from murder or death. He drinks, uses niquil, and has gaind some lbs. none of which I can fix (I've tried). I need something to help me before I beat him to death with a pillow.

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan
super glue his nose closed :D tht will stop the noise not sure he will agree with the idea tho lol

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

How do the Japanese view snoring?

Question by Enrique E: How do the Japanese view snoring?
My Japanese roommate is being pretty rude with me about my snoring, and I want to know if this is a cultural thing, e.g. they are biologically less prone to snoring than caucasians or somehow manage to keep it quiet, or if it's a personal thing, and it's him being a rude asshole.

Best answer:

Answer by Misskylieann
i just tried to google it, and havn't found a thing on it except for a japanese robot that helps cure snoring. so i wouold say its your roommate being an ass.

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How can I stop my dog snoring at night? I bought my dog 3 beds, but non of them are seems to stop the snoring.

Question by cupofcofffeee: How can I stop my dog snoring at night? I bought my dog 3 beds, but non of them are seems to stop the snoring.
He got a very nice pillow, big bed and he is only 26 Lb. Love eating vege, no human food. But he fart and snore......... :-) I still love him very much.

Best answer:

Answer by nicole4282001
you can't stop them from snoring but you can put them in a different room.

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