Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What are some easy ways to stop snoring?

Question by Chantelle: What are some easy ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend comes over & stays the night , and he said I snore & I want it to stop. It's imberresing . :( PLEASE HELP

Best answer:

Answer by pp
drink honey before bed get the recipe @ this link http://ac641490.linkbucks.com

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. There are several factors that can cause snoring such as weight, dehydration, alcohol ect. Here is a great article about how to deal with snoring. Hope it help.

  2. The Snoring Mouthpiece is easy to use to stop it. It is the relative information in this link.


  3. Well I can tell you what I did. I had a sleep study done because my snoring was so loud it was keeping my husband awake.the sleep study revealed I was waking up several times an hour throughout the night. So I ended up using a cpap machine with a nasal pillow mask. It's a little bit of a bother, but did not realize how much the snoring was also affecting my health. I feel so much better since I've been using the cpap. If you want a good web site for education on sleep apnea or just snoring , check out this site. It is very helpful. Good luck.


  4. Snoring is an indicator of your upper airway either being restricted or collapsing. Ask yourself if you awaken to headaches or gasping or chocking or dry mouth; if your bf says you stop breathing; if you fall asleep at inappropriate places (class, car, social setting) and if your family members have been treated for sleep disorders. The more positive answers will also show you that you should be assessed for a sleep disorder. Go to your doctor for further assessment.

    Some OTC ways to stop snoring is a dental appliance that pulls your jaw forward and the Neckline Slimmer.
