Friday, September 13, 2013

How can I make my boyfriend stop snoring?

Question by Miss D: How can I make my boyfriend stop snoring?
Covering his face with a pillow doesn't help.

Best answer:

Answer by Fuzzy Dice
Men snore because of sinus. I snore and everyone in my family snores, so it might be genetic as well.

Invest in a pair of earplugs is my advice to you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Have him drink a couple of ounces of liquid MSM, before retiring...It can be found in Health food stores!

    It is the primary ingredient that companies which advertise chemical snoring relief use...

  2. If he doesn't wear a T-Shirt or something make him do it. Use a needle and thread to attach something to the back of his shirt. Something like a champagne cork. This will stop him from sleeping on his back at night.

  3. You're more than welcome to "sleep" in mine.

  4. Roll him over and put in some ear-plugs. My ex was so loud, he rattled the window that our bed was up against. I slept on the couch a lot. Now I sleep great! Wonderful thing about him being my ex. lol

  5. My roommate snores like a chainsaw. It drives me nuts. Tell your boyfriend to sleep on his side rather than his back. I've found that this helps a LOT. Try getting him those breath-rite strips, too.

    And... earplugs. Then you should be all set.

  6. breathe rite strips, sleeping on his side, proper diet are all supposed to help. But the best trick is to move north and find a guy who doesn't snore! lol


  7. Most people snore to some degree (whether you think you do or not) but a serious snorer may have a serious medical problem such as sleep apnea. This condition can cause many problems in waking life and serious ones during sleep. This condition affects about 18 million americans and can drastically increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Most S/A is caused from obstructions in the nasal cavity, but can have a neurological cause as well. I know - I used to wake the dead with my snoring. I am not overweight and I have severe Central S/A (the neurological kind) as a result of a serious accident in my teens which can cause me to stop breathing for periods of time. (In my last study, I stopped a few hundred times, 7 were for nearly 90 seconds. That's enough to significantly lower your SAo2 level) I now sleep with a machine called a BiPAP which does the breathing for me. After a period of adjustment for my wife (It isn't particularly sexy, you kind of look and sound like Darth Vader when using it) I find it most helpful. This is NOT something you just go get at your local pharmacy, it is expensive and requires a prescription. But if your B/F snores severely, suggest he go to a sleep clinic for evaluation (Have him ask his doctor for a referral). It can save his life and your sanity. Thanks to my little machine (which goes everywhere with me!) I stay awake during the daytime and my snoring no longer interferes with the navigational systems on long flights...

  8. while you are sleeping together kick him hard to wake him up then pretend that you r sleeping and you didn't do nothing, Try it lol

  9. Breathe Rights.. they are expensive, but they wife makes me wear them

  10. I have the same problem with my boyfriend. You can either get the nasal strips or you can kick him so he'll turn over on his side. The snoring usually stops there.

  11. breath rite strips, i put one on once cuz i didnt think that a little strip around your nose really worked and i was so surprised i didnt want to take it off.

  12. A lot of it depends on which part of his nasal passage is vibrating. Breathe Right strips work pretty well if it is coming from his nose. Surgery is an option as well. Not letting him sleep on his back works to an extent as well. Waking him up just means that he doesn't get any REM sleep and won't be rested in the morning. I personally recommend the lack-a-nookie method. That seems to work extremely well in reducing snoring.

  13. stick a carrot in his mouth !!! ha ha ha

  14. Sleeping on his side.
    Also, I've heard of this little clip that you can widen his sinus with... he puts it on when he goes to bed, and it helps with his snoring.

  15. Some people say those breathe right strips work. They didn't work for my husband.
    My suggestion is buy one of the Pedia Care Vapor Plug-ins($ 6 or $ 7 at Wal-Mart). We recently had to by one for my son he had a severe sinus infection and couldn't breath at night. (My husband sleeps in the same room as him and I sleep in the other room with the baby)It has sort of a strong smell(menthol) and it really helped my son but it also has made both of them stop snoring.

  16. Spray his face with water every time he starts to snore. If that doesn't work mix in Tabasco sauce and pepper into the water spray bottle. I bet you the following night you wont hear him snore at all.

  17. I feel for you.. my husband snores. I usually kick him hard, or punch him, or jab him in the back with my elbow. It usually works long enough for me to fall asleep. Otherwise I wake him up and tell him that he needs to stop snoring. Sometimes that works. A lot of times I make him get off his back cause that's when he snores the loudest. Aagh... I wish there was a cure.

  18. haaaa!!! your answer was the first one I thought of... Okay try this.. This is what I do.. Grab his nose and squeeze it or pinch it for about him like a couple of seconds...usually that stops the noise.. Now your gonna have to do that a couple times but by the time he starts up again you will be sound asleep...

    Good luck

  19. put some earplugs in his noise.

  20. Try to fall asleep before he does, so you don't have to listen to it!!! That's got to be the most annoying thing!!!

  21. I would say dump him and marry me. My wife snores and I think it is a dealbreaker. Alcohol makes it worse.

  22. have him drink less, smaller dinners and not go to bed if he had dinner in the last 3 hours.
    else buy ear plugs or send him to a doctor to get his vulvula (i think it spells like that) trimmed.

  23. Try one day "all star" shoes without shocks. Then take them off in your room.

    P.S. Dont wash your feets

  24. Snoring is a part and parcel of a relationship. You love him and I presume you are attracted towards him and his qualities. So consider snoring as one of them and embrace it.
