Friday, September 27, 2013

What is the most EFFECTIVE way to stop snoring?

Question by Smalls: What is the most EFFECTIVE way to stop snoring?
HELP! My poor boyfriend cant sleep. Im so embarrassed! Please help! I need advice from someone who has REALLY found an effective way to STOP!

Best answer:

Answer by the_unluckiest
That totally sucks. I know what that's like. My snoring was so loud that people in other rooms could hear it through the walls. I ended up going to a otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, throat doctor) and turns out my adenoids were too large and they were making it difficult for me to breathe, so I had to breathe deeper which made it sound worse especially when my sleeping body was trying to get its necessary amount of oxygen. Go to a specialist and see if there's a problem with your adenoids.

I found sleep aids like Breathe Right strips to be absolutely useless. You could also try sleeping on your stomach or side because that helps some people.

Good luck! Don't be too embarrassed because he obviously loves you if he's sticking around listening to a trumpet at night ;)

Give your answer to this question below!

1 comment:

  1. Don't waste your money on breath easy strips, that's for sure. My dad has been using them for over a decade, and he still snores like a lawnmower.

    I think your best bet might be going to an ear, nose, and throat doctor. I know it might be expensive, but they could probably give you good tips on how to stop it, and tell you if your snoring is the result of something that needs medical attention, like a deviated septum or sleep apnea.
