Monday, September 23, 2013

What are some effective ways to stop snoring?

Question by ghostlysun: What are some effective ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend doesn't snore constantly, but when he does, he keeps me up at night. I end up having to sleep on his couch. He has tried nasal strips, and they are only effective 50% of the time. Any suggestions?
Breathing strips do not work, he is not overweight, and he has told me that he doesn't want to spend money seeing a specialist. He sleeps on his side for a little while, but ends up on his back. Any other suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Kung Fu Girl
Hold a pillow over his face.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. See an ENT doc. a nasal polip or a septum deviation may cause this. and obesity is a common cause..
    surgical treatment mey be needed in older ages.

  2. pls have him consult a doctor. he may have apnea--where he can stop breathing. it might be his weight. i think a medical evaluation is necessary.

  3. Get him to try sleeping on his side so his tongue doesn't fall back into his mouth and vibrate against him uvula when he inhales.

  4. try those breathing strips that control your snoring

  5. Everyone in my family is the same way it is really bad!! One of my brothers had to use a CPAP machine for a while because of his sleep apnea, but we finally found the answer to stop snoring and it is awesome!! It is a custom fitted mouthpiece that we purchased on it really works good and my brother doesn't even have to use his CPAP anymore!! IT IS AWESOME! GIVE IT A TRY!! PROSNORE.COM is the place!


  6. Snoring is difficult to treat when the reason remains unsure. Get a checkup from ENT specialist for any obstruction in the upper airway. Ask him to sleep after you, or you could take a pill that could initiate your sleep, if nothing else works.
