Sunday, September 29, 2013

How can you prevent snoring?

Question by The Purple Pixie: How can you prevent snoring?
I'm going to a sleepover, and I snore...loud.

My friend is friends with some semi-popular kids, and they're coming! I don't know if I'll be the only one snoring, so I'm kind of nervous. :/

Is there anything I can do to stop my snoring, without using nasal strips, throat sprays, and medicine?

And I can't use a mouth guard, because I got my braces off 5-6 months ago, and I need to wear my retainers.

Best answer:

Answer by sundeep p
lol that blows for you, stay up all night

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. This is also my problem, and I found some nice article that provide tips for preventing snoring problem and it works!

    Got to the link source for details. I hope it can help you out.

  2. Lay on your side.
    My husband snores when he lays on his back. When he turns on his side though, he stops.

  3. Are you overweight? Do you constantly feel drowsy? Do you struggle to breathe while asleep? Do you have high blood pressure? If so, consult a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders. These are all telltale signs of sleep apnea.

    Use a single low pillow. Sleeping on too many pillows can stretch and narrow the nasal passage. If, however, you are congested, elevate the head by placing books under the mattress to encourage better drainage.

    Try to sleep on your stomach, since snoring is less likely to occur in this position. You can buy anti-snoring pillows designed to keep snorers on their side while asleep.

    Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Extra weight, smoking, alcohol and drugs all exacerbate snoring.

    Review your meds. Sleeping pills, antihistamines and other medications increase snoring.
