Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why do I snore even when sleeping in stomach position?

Question by Untitled #16: Why do I snore even when sleeping in stomach position?
I'm skinny but I snore in all position. I have some nasal congestion but it's not always completed obstructed when I snore. Can the tongue fall back in stomach position? Will snoring mouth guard still work for me?
it's hard to make a snoring noise with my mouth closed, does this indicate mouth based snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Neil Patrick
snoring doesnt got to do with stomach positions, it happens in your nasal cavity so u should try more of
a nose/mouth guard thingi........

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What can I do to make my girlfriend stop snoring?

Question by Tony: What can I do to make my girlfriend stop snoring?
I've tried pinching her nose, nudging her with my elbow, clapping really hard, throwing foam balls at her, shooting her with a water gun, kicking her lightly with my feet. It's all temporary, she goes right back and starts again. What can I do? I'm losing important sleep time because of the noise.

Best answer:

Answer by vendreda
i use to just sleep on the couch

Add your own answer in the comments!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Are there any cures for snoring that really work?

Question by medium_of_dance: Are there any cures for snoring that really work?
My boyfriend snores LOUDLY and I have to take sleeping pills when we stay together, but I don't want to make that a permanent thing. Those nose strips reduce it, but still it sounds like a herd of wildebeest.
Any tried and tested reducers or cures that you know of?

Best answer:

Answer by sissyfyia
Have him get a sleep diagnostic study. They can determine why he snores and even if it is hurting his health. It is possible that he needs more oxygen when he sleeps. Some people develop sleep apneas and actually stop sleeping momentarily while they are asleep. There are actual options.

Have him sleep with his chest open if he won't have a study done. This is usualy very helpful if there isn't an underlying cause. If he sleeps on his side it may be the reason, constricted airflow.

Give your answer to this question below!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How do I stop my husbands snoring?

Question by MommaT: How do I stop my husbands snoring?
He is in the other room and i can hear him! he didn't snore a year ago. Why now?

Best answer:

Answer by scottrkahler
1. Change your sleep position.
2. Lose 10% of your body weight to help stop snoring.
3. Avoid alcohol and sedatives to stop snoring.
4. Inhale steam before bed to stop snoring.
5. Try nasal strips to stop snoring.

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, December 9, 2013

How do I get my dog to stop snoring?!?

Question by DavidOrtiz: How do I get my dog to stop snoring?!?
I have a big black lab, 3 years old. He sleeps in my room (he has to, so he doesn't eat our Christmas tree. And I can't very well make him sleep in the snow), and he snores really loudly and I can't sleep. How do I make him stop?

Best answer:

Answer by Timothy Crayton
You could drown him?

What do you think? Answer below!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Moving in with boyfriend how to stop snoring?

Question by ire_girl_17: Moving in with boyfriend how to stop snoring?
So I'm moving in with my boyfriend for a month while i look for a place i've stayed with him a good few nights mostly after nights out i blamed when i drink i snore but i need a quick and easy cure for snoring!

Best answer:

Answer by JOHN B
nose strips

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Monday, November 18, 2013

How do I get my mini schnauzer to stop snoring?

Question by Amber B: How do I get my mini schnauzer to stop snoring?
I have a 5 month old mini schnauzer, toto-grace. And she snores!!! loud!!! How do I get her to stop?she is not over weight

Best answer:

Answer by Jolizzy
ummmm... give her a coffee or cereal

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Is it normal for pit bull puppies to snore?

Question by pmpkin_23: Is it normal for pit bull puppies to snore?
I recently got a pit bull puppy who snores everytime she sleeps. She plays with my other pit puppy fine. I just don't know if her anoring is normal or not. I am just wondering if this is a common thing with pits.

Best answer:

Answer by Crystal
I am not sure, but just wanted to comment because it sounds cute! I don't know why though, it's not when people do it.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Any suggestions to stop my husband from snoring?

Question by a mom: Any suggestions to stop my husband from snoring?
It does not matter if he is on his back or his side. I also snore but men sleep more soundly so therefor he can sleep right through it. I ask him to move his position but as soon as he does he falls fast asleep and the snoring starts again. Most nights I find myself going in my kids' bed or the couch. Help!

Best answer:

Answer by halycon
Get those snoring strips at Walgreens or something. They go on the nose and help.

Give your answer to this question below!

Monday, November 11, 2013

I am grinding my teeth in my sleep. - How should I prevent this?

Question by chasvanblom: I am grinding my teeth in my sleep. - How should I prevent this?
On occasional nights, I notice that I am grinding my teeth in my sleep. I wake up with "numb-feeling" gums in the morning, but I do feel well-rested.

What is causing this never-before-noticed habit and how should I cure this from causing any conditions that I know I am wearing in my mouth and teeth?
Could the bitter-cold temperatures outdoors or something else cause this?

I normally do sleep with my pillow underneath my knees so I will stay on my back and avoid snoring while I sleep. - I have just recently began noticing my numb-gums and am beginning to worry.

Best answer:

Answer by Charley

Add your own answer in the comments!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Snorring is there a way to stop a cronic snorer?

Question by passonfruits: Snorring is there a way to stop a cronic snorer?
My boyfreind is a cronic snorer, he is starting to drive me crazy. I can sleep at nite, and well he even snores when he is napping in his chair. I get no peace and quite. I have tryed many home remodies and nothing has helped. any idea's?

Please help
sleep deproved

Best answer:

Answer by John K
This could be sleep apnea. His trying to breathe at night is making him wake up several times in the evening, wrecking his rem sleep and will create several problems in later years. Get to a doctor and arrange to be tested. If he has it, he'll get a machine to help him sleep.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Do those snore mouth guards really work?

Question by Chocoholic37: Do those snore mouth guards really work?
My husband snores very loud and I don't get much sleep. We are looking into getting one of those mouth guards that are supposed to stop the snoring.. Has anyone out there used one and if so, did it work? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by falloutgurl
not very well!

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

how do I get my husband to STOP SNORING?

Question by The Bad: how do I get my husband to STOP SNORING?
We have been married for ten years and he has only snored in the past due to illness, but for the last 2 months he has snored non-stop! It doesn't matter what position he is in, he still snores!! He says the breath right strips don't work and the sprays haven't helped.....what can I do??? We don't have another bed he can sleep in, or I would have sent him there a month ago!!
I can't wear ear plugs, I have a baby I have to listen for!!

Best answer:

Answer by Eileen J
There are new things out there for snoring and they DO work.....Go to the Doctors and ask what is best...
Or you could wear ear plugs,,That is what I do when I have too..They work .!

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Is there any medication to stop snoring?

Question by Jade: Is there any medication to stop snoring?
I have really bad snoring problems and I'm staying at a guys house and the last thing I want to do is snore loud.. Is there anything?

Best answer:

Answer by Darrell H
Ductape is silver, silence is golden.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

What kind of earplugs are good to block out husband's snoring?

Question by beargojbitty: What kind of earplugs are good to block out husband's snoring?
I will never get a good night's sleep unless it's on the couch. I nudge him when he snores, he stops for five minutes, and starts again. I tried the little disposable earplugs and they don't stay in. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by john
Sorry, I have tried many different versions and nothing-can completely block out noise. I still use the 33Db. reduction squeeze type. I make the plug into a narrow plug and immediately push it into the canal. This keeps most of the noise out. I also use a fan or white noise machine to mask the noise.

As to your hubby...does he also stop breathing, gasp, chock, have headaches, diabetes or high blood pressure. these are also signs of sleep apnea. HINT: a cpap machine will get rid of all hes snoring.

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Does the person that you sleep with snore a lot and LOUDLY?

Question by ♣Social Butterflygirl: Does the person that you sleep with snore a lot and LOUDLY?
How can you stop their sleep disorder?

Best answer:

Answer by latrailera2000
send them to the DR or just wear ear plugs.

What do you think? Answer below!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How to stop him snoring.?

Question by Rachel: How to stop him snoring.?
I am at my wits end. My boyfriend wont stop snoring. We have tried lots of remedies, but even when he has a mouth guard in he still manages to wake me up. We live in a studio flat so it's not like I can go sleep in another room. I am only getting an hour or so of proper sleep a night.
Apart from the doctors (which he is going to) what can we do? He can't get an appointment for weeks :'(

Best answer:

Answer by Ben
Stick Bananas in his nose, it worked for me

What do you think? Answer below!

Friday, November 1, 2013

How can I stop myself from snoring?

Question by Chocolate Kiss: How can I stop myself from snoring?
It's like all of a sudden I began snoring. Its gotten so bad I can't take a nap in class or anywhere without anyone hearing me.

Best answer:

Answer by Patricia S
you probably have a deviated septum. Have that checked out

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is there a way to get your dog to stop snoring?

Question by blondechick89: Is there a way to get your dog to stop snoring?
I have a 3 pound chihuahua. She is 3 years old and is so loud at snoring. I was wondering is this normal? Is there a way to get her where she doesn't snore as loud? It's not a loud snore where you can hear it throughout the entire house, but you can hear it over the television and its gets distracting when I am doing homework. I feel bad because I have to constantly wake her up.

Best answer:

Answer by Sara
There really isn't unless there's some underlying health reason for her to snore. She may have minor throat deformities that are making it hard for her to breath when she's asleep. Sometime, surgery can correct it. She could also have allergies or nasal drip. She could also just be a dog that snores. Usually it's flat faced breeds (like Bulldogs or Boston Terriers) but any dog can snore.
Unfortunately, unless there's a health issue that can be resolved, it may just be something you have to live with.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How can you stop someone from snoring?

Question by Sharon H: How can you stop someone from snoring?
All of a sudden my husband has started snoring and I can't sleep! What can I do? Help please!!!

Best answer:

Answer by spiCy crys
yell at them lol and say SHUT UP or plug their nose

What do you think? Answer below!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is there something my husband can take to stop snoring?

Question by prettylady: Is there something my husband can take to stop snoring?
He has tried the breathe right strips but it did not work? Please help?

Best answer:

Answer by G
He might be a throat snorer. Breathe Right also makes throat spray and throat strips that help to tighten the muscles in the throat and lubricate the air way. It's worth a shot!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Monday, October 28, 2013

How can I get my bulldog to stop snoring?

Question by Justin L: How can I get my bulldog to stop snoring?
Is there a quick fix that doesnt involve meds or anything?
Hahaha thats kinda what i figured...He's a little baddass though...thanks guys and gals

Best answer:

Answer by Beth
No, sorry. It's one of the joys of bulldogs.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Where does your toddler sleep with you or in their own room?

Question by : Where does your toddler sleep with you or in their own room?
i have a 20month old son , who has his own room and sleeps there during the day ,but when night time comes around he sleeps in our room in his bed. every parent is different ,but i still think he is too young to sleep alone. his room is way colder at night than ours. where does your toddler sleep? at what age did they stop sleeping with you or started sleeping in there own bed?

Best answer:

Answer by Sara
My 17 month old usually sleeps in her own room. Lately she has been waking up a 3am so I bring her into bed with us for an hour or 2 and than taker her back into her crib and she will sleep tll 8 or so.

What do you think? Answer below!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

what is a stop snoring mouthpiece?

Question by Adam: what is a stop snoring mouthpiece?
Hi i am suffering from snoring , and I heard about snoring peice you put in the mouth , I would like to know how does it work?

Best answer:

Answer by GoodMorningSnoreSolution

Here is a little info on different types of stop snoring mouthpieces, and other options;

Mandibular Displacement Appliances. These can consist of two plastic trays (some are hard, some are soft) custom molded by dentists to the patient's maxillary and mandibular teeth. Elastic straps attach the trays and pull the mandible forward, opening the airway. They are clinically proven to reduce snoring, but require custom fitting by a sleep specialist, and can be associated with serious side effects, including muscle/jaw pain and permanent shifts in jaw alignment/bite. Mandibular appliances are not 100% effective -patients can pay $ 1500 - 3000 for a custom device.

We have an alternative type of mouthpiece, or oral device. The Good Morning Snore Solution fits comfortably between the lips and teeth. Squeezing the end of the device will create suction, comfortably pulling the tongue forward and away from the back of the throat resulting in an open air passage, improved breathing and reducing or eliminating snoring and sleep apnea. The cost is around $ 100.

Other options to remedy snoring include:

Surgery; usually considered the option of last resort, and for good reason, as it carries significant risks and has a high rate of failure or relapse.

CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure is the standard of care for OSA, as it is 100% effective when in use, however compliance is very low due to the intrusiveness of the apparatus. People often abandon CPAP and may turn to custom-fitted appliance such as mandibular displacement appliances, but many go untreated due poor alternative treatment options.

There are numerous over-the-counter anti-snoring products such as nasal sprays and nose strips, which are less expensive and more convenient, however, there is little to no clinical data to support that these products work.

Again, it's important to note that different solutions will work better for some than others. If you plan on trying out any of the devices, patience and tenacity are a virtue.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to control my loud snoring?

Question by usnazn: How to control my loud snoring?
I was told I snore pretty loud.

Any type of medication I can take to stop the snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Racer
Have you tried the Breath Right Nasal Strips?? I've heard they are very can buy them at any Drugstore.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

How can I stop drooling and snoring?

Question by sweetgabe: How can I stop drooling and snoring?
I am a terrible sleeper. I will fall asleep on my back or side and when i wake up I am laying in a puddle of my drool. Laying on my stomach. My friends say that I also snore pretty loud. Help!

Best answer:

Answer by Ted
You sound like a real catch.

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

My boyfriend is spending the night tonight, how can I stop snoring?

Question by Hello friends :): My boyfriend is spending the night tonight, how can I stop snoring?
I don't want to embarrass myself by snoring all night, how can I make it stop?

Best answer:

Answer by Party Master
If he doesn't like it who cares it can't be helped and he should love you for you not matter what OK and he can take it or leave it .

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Does chin strap stop snoring?

Question by Ibekwe John: Does chin strap stop snoring?
I do snore and recently I am seeing adverts suggesting that chin straps can stop snoring. Is so, how does it work?

Best answer:

Answer by Caleb
Lol I don't see how that would help. But you could try.

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My dog snores like a truck driver! How do I keep her from snoring all the time?

Question by Penelope: My dog snores like a truck driver! How do I keep her from snoring all the time?
It used to be when my dog was a little puppy she would snore once in a while. But now she snores all the time. She is around 7 yrs. old now and she snores so loudly she can wake up the family upstairs. Sometimes I laugh, but sometimes I have to go pat her lightly to waken her so she will stop. It only lasts for about 20 minutes then she is back to sounding like a high powered buzz saw.

Best answer:

Answer by ThatLabGuy
Try repositioning her to lay on her stomach, if you can.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How do i take care of snoring?

Question by Beegee: How do i take care of snoring?
I was not snoring a year ago but now i do and loudly especially when i take alcohol. I added just few Kgs though.

Best answer:

Answer by Jane
Drinking and snoring go together. Try Breathe Right Nasal Strips, they do help.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How can I stop snoring?

Question by XSchreiBabiiX㋖: How can I stop snoring?
Everyone tells me that I snore really, really bad. And sometimes I stop breathing but not all the time.
How can I fix it? I'm a 15 year old girl. I'm 115 pounds and 5'4. I don't smoke or drink alcohol. Is there anything that I can do to stop snoring? No surgeries please. x.x

Best answer:

Answer by Bob
Maybe asma :/

Add your own answer in the comments!

Monday, October 14, 2013

How to keep a neutral larynx?

Question by danielley: How to keep a neutral larynx?
I can't find a solid answer anywhere, how can I keep my larynx neutral when I sing? I heard that if you have a neutral larynx your voice has more power and I want that. I've heard all the "hold one finger right above the larynx" but that doesnt stop it from moving. Is there a technique or excersizes I can use?? And please dont just say practice. You can't practice if you don't know how.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheryl allison
I have a degree in Laryngeal Biomechanics, a degree in the Physics of sound and I've been singing for 40 years and a teacher of voice for 20 years and I have never heard of the term "Neutral Larynx". I think in biological terms they mean Laryngeal release..releasing the muscles of the larynx. The larynx moves even when you snore. A laryngeal release - will ensure a clear passageway for air and frequency. So here's how you can practice so that you know how. The most common cause of a tense larynx and vocal muscle is the pulling up of your stomach muscles and belly. Let your belly be floppy and into the left hip and thigh muscle while singing unless your singing at the very end of your high register. A floppy belly will release your tongue muscle and and therefore your larynx. Remember the root of your tongue is joined to your larynx. Release the tongue and bingo! no tension-laryngeal release and a lot more projection. A high note to project means you have to learn another technique which is called "closed Velarport. Whole new technique but I hope I have helped you so that you can get into your practice and improve.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to stop my boyfriend from snoring?

Question by hummingbird heartbeat: How to stop my boyfriend from snoring?
My boyfriend snores loud enough that it keeps me from getting to sleep, and was just wondering if anyone had any good remedies or ways to keep someone from snoring.

He was in the army, and when he was woken up abruptly it scares him, so i was hoping to find some ways that wont wake him up(not kicking him in the back for example, lol). Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Dianne
Don't try, it's a waste of time............just buy earplugs

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

How can i stop snoring?

Question by Ashley: How can i stop snoring?
My friends keep telling me i snore in my sleep so i believe them because i know i can trust them with everything. how do i get myself to stop snoring!?
No im not over weight I'm 5'7, 13 years old, 135 Lbs.

Best answer:

Answer by Penguinlovergirl101
Most people seem to snore because they're overweight, could that be the problem?

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Friday, October 11, 2013

How to stop breathing loudly and snoring loudly???????

Question by .: How to stop breathing loudly and snoring loudly???????
Ive been told that i breathe loudly and that i also snore when im asleep. I just need to know how to stop this since i dont want to put people off anymore.

Best answer:

Answer by VIRGO
My boyfriend had the same problem and a friend of his told him to try the nasal strips.He used them and they worked very well,his snoring

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Can you please tell me how to stop my hubby from snoring?

Question by me: Can you please tell me how to stop my hubby from snoring?
I love him so much , he has had sleep apnea operation and stuff to stop snoring but he still wakes me from his snoring?HELP ME PLEASE, I NEED SLEEP
we only have one bedroom and i like sleeping in same bed as hubby

Best answer:

Answer by hobsonzgt
Sometimes there's certain positions you can have him sleep in that will reduce the snoring... If he is overweight make him loose weight... I heard they even have some stuff at drug stores that can reduce it too, but i dont know much about that.

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why do I move around so much in my sleep?

Question by Jillian: Why do I move around so much in my sleep?
My boyfriend tells me I move around so much in my sleep that I push him off the bed. I don't notice it though because I can't hear anything in my sleep when I fall alseep i'm out till i wake up. I have noticed that when I do wake up even if I sleep in till 10 i'm still tired and that even when I go to bed early. So i'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about this and what could I do to make it stop.

Best answer:

Answer by I♥My Violin
you could buy a bigger bed? i dont know, but you could join in one of those sleep study things. they can help.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How to help my fiance stop snoring?

Question by Savannah Rhae: How to help my fiance stop snoring?
It's four in the morning, and I'm up because my fiance's snoring is keeping me awake. I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks and I'm at the end of my rope. I've tried getting him to sleep on his side or on his stomach, but once he's asleep he just flops right back over onto his back. Which would be alright if I could just nugde him and ask him to turn over again, but it takes about five minutes of shaking and talking into his ear to get him to wake up. Needless to say, if it wasn't for me he'd never be on time for work lol I'm a VERY light sleeper so even though he doesn't snore as loudly as some people, it still keeps me up. He has gained some weight, and I know that that causes your soft pallate to press down onto the back of your throat, but losing weight isn't something he wants to do at the moment. Is there ANYTHING else I could try?? We don't have $ 800 to spend on a mouth piece unfortunately. I just thought there might be some obscure home remedy to this. If anyone knows of anything, no matter how odd, please let me know. Thanks! :)
We tried the breathe right strips and they didn't do a thing. Earplugs would work, but I have a feeling those would keep me awake too. Worth a try though at this point lol

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel M
Breathe Right Strips are a godsend.

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What can I do about my snoring husband?

Question by Jackie: What can I do about my snoring husband?
I'm losing my mind here! lol :-)

Well, I also have a 10 month old baby who still sometimes gets up at night, so it's been over a year since I've had a total night's worth of sleep. My husband's snoring is really unbelievable, I mean, the sound makes the mattress vibrate, oh gosh, I'm so tired and so sleepy and don't know what to do anymore, any tips?

Best answer:

Answer by dreams613
Tell your husband to get checked for sleep apnea. If I were you I would hit the couch for a night or two...

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, October 7, 2013

How can I get my wife to sleep with me again?

Question by Edward E: How can I get my wife to sleep with me again?
My wife no longer wants to share the same bed with me. This has been going on for 5 years now. We are in our mid-40s, and I have affection for her, but she never initiates contact and gets mad when I do. If I ask her about not sleeping with me, she gets mad. I stopped asking. I do not snore, I am a good husband and work hard in our marriage and I treat her with respect.

Best answer:

Answer by dalek_6_2_6
take her out for dinner one night and tell her that its getting ridiculous im sure she agrees but no one wants to go first, well your the man so you have to

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Can big tonsils make it harder to breathe?

Question by : Can big tonsils make it harder to breathe?
I have big tonsils and i snore.And i feel i need to breathe from my mouth more then my nose.

Best answer:

Answer by Karen
Yes they can, especially during sleep. Your throat relaxes when you sleep and all that extra tissue can get in the way and cause snoring and sleep apnea. Two of my children have had their tonsils and adenoids removed due to sleep apnea, both had sleep studies and were stopping breathing many times during the night and sounded like freight trains, now they sleep quite silently and are much more rested when they wake up. You should get evaluated by an Ear,Nose and Throat Dr and have your airways checked.

Generally, there are two reasons why a child may need tonsils or adenoids removed. Most patients believe the most common reason to remove tonsils is to treat sore throats. However, the most frequent reason for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is airway obstruction. Seventy-five percent of patients have a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy for this reason

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bf snores like a lumberjack. Can this be caused by his weight and constant pot smoking?

Question by l: Bf snores like a lumberjack. Can this be caused by his weight and constant pot smoking?
My current boyfriend smokes pot at least 15 per week. He snores soooo LOUD at night and we have now resorted to sleeping in different rooms of our apartment. He is overweight and doesn't eat very healhy. I really want him to either eat better and exercise or go to the doctor and see if he possibly has sleep apnea. Can his excessive pot smoking be linked to the snoring?!?! This is starting to hinder our relationship and my sleep at night! Any help appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by Jay S
It could be related. Snoring can be caused by being overweight (this is the number one factor), undiagnosed allergies (this is the number 2 factor) or sleeping on our back. He should try losing just a little weight. It really helps. In the meantime, he should use a warm mist-humidifier at night. He should also use the tennis ball trick. You put a tennis ball in a sock and pin it to the back of the shirt he sleeps in. Then, if he rolls over on to his back at night, the ball will nudge him back on to his side. Whatever you can do to help him stop snoring, it's worth it. Snoring has been linked to a 67% increased risk of stroke.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

How can you prevent snoring?

Question by The Purple Pixie: How can you prevent snoring?
I'm going to a sleepover, and I snore...loud.

My friend is friends with some semi-popular kids, and they're coming! I don't know if I'll be the only one snoring, so I'm kind of nervous. :/

Is there anything I can do to stop my snoring, without using nasal strips, throat sprays, and medicine?

And I can't use a mouth guard, because I got my braces off 5-6 months ago, and I need to wear my retainers.

Best answer:

Answer by sundeep p
lol that blows for you, stay up all night

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

How about, Can you get mirgraines or non stop headaces from lack of sleep?

Question by JayJay: How about, Can you get mirgraines or non stop headaces from lack of sleep?
We have been on a search to find out why my husband has non stop about a sleep disorder.. He sure does try to suck in the ceiling through his nose by snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Su-Nami
I too suffer from migraines and find that too little or too much sleep are both causes for migraines.. He should also eat around the same time every day as being hungry is a cause too. Go see a neurologist. Good luck.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

How to stop snoring at night?

Question by -NOM NOM NOM-: How to stop snoring at night?
I'm a 14 year old girl and never knew I snored until recently when I had to share a room with my sister for a few weeks. lots of people tell me I snore now, and I don't want to :( How do i stop? I'm not overweight, in fact I'm a little underweight.. because I heard that being overweight can cause snoring.I think I only snore when I have a cold or if my nose is stuffy, but if not, how do I stop?

Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Mister Robota
Try not sleeping on your back

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How can I stop talking in my sleep?

Question by NoDoubt: How can I stop talking in my sleep?
I'm so worried someone will hear me say something stupid or offensive. Is there anything I can do to stop talking in my sleep?

Best answer:

Answer by DixieJoker

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What is the most EFFECTIVE way to stop snoring?

Question by Smalls: What is the most EFFECTIVE way to stop snoring?
HELP! My poor boyfriend cant sleep. Im so embarrassed! Please help! I need advice from someone who has REALLY found an effective way to STOP!

Best answer:

Answer by the_unluckiest
That totally sucks. I know what that's like. My snoring was so loud that people in other rooms could hear it through the walls. I ended up going to a otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, throat doctor) and turns out my adenoids were too large and they were making it difficult for me to breathe, so I had to breathe deeper which made it sound worse especially when my sleeping body was trying to get its necessary amount of oxygen. Go to a specialist and see if there's a problem with your adenoids.

I found sleep aids like Breathe Right strips to be absolutely useless. You could also try sleeping on your stomach or side because that helps some people.

Good luck! Don't be too embarrassed because he obviously loves you if he's sticking around listening to a trumpet at night ;)

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How do I stop snoring? If I cut out my tonsils then will I get fat?

Question by SFI: How do I stop snoring? If I cut out my tonsils then will I get fat?
I'm only 12 and I snore! I have been snoring since I was 9. I feel drowsy sometimes and my nose feels clogged. Last year also my doctor said that my tonsils are HUGE! What should I do? Please help meee.....

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan
I'd say that if your tonsils were an issue your doctor would have suggested removing them. My suggestion would be to go back and speak to your doctor about the problem.

Having your tonsils cut out will not make you fat, although being overweight is apparently one cause for snoring. I'd speak to your doctor and they should be able to help.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What causes snoring and how can it be stopped?

Question by Amanda: What causes snoring and how can it be stopped?
My boyfriend recently started snoring a lot. It seems like it only happened when he sleeps on his back, but its getting to the point to where he keeps me up at night. I'm wondering what causes snoring. I would also like to know if anyone has any home remedies that might reduce it (and if you don't, just let me know what medications, nose strips, etc worked for you).

Best answer:

Answer by
Snoring is a huge indicator of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

OSA is when you literally stop breathing during sleep.

Talk to your doctor. Time for a sleep study, and possibly a CPAP machine.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Monday, September 23, 2013

What are some effective ways to stop snoring?

Question by ghostlysun: What are some effective ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend doesn't snore constantly, but when he does, he keeps me up at night. I end up having to sleep on his couch. He has tried nasal strips, and they are only effective 50% of the time. Any suggestions?
Breathing strips do not work, he is not overweight, and he has told me that he doesn't want to spend money seeing a specialist. He sleeps on his side for a little while, but ends up on his back. Any other suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Kung Fu Girl
Hold a pillow over his face.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

How can i teach myself to STOP SNORING?

Question by Evonne D: How can i teach myself to STOP SNORING?
snoring is embarassing. and i wanna stop. lol help?

Best answer:

Answer by reverendlarry
If you smoke, quit. I quit about a year ago and I've been told that I don't really snore anymore - I was actually surprised because for months I thought I was still snoring like always.

If you don't, well, they also have those breathe right strips you can try, or there are drops you can take before bed that are suppose to help with snoring.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

My husband takes prescription drugs and wets the bed at night sometimes?

Question by Little Angel: My husband takes prescription drugs and wets the bed at night sometimes?
He blames it on the prescription drugs but before I know one time he did it on purpose just to be funny when we first got married. What am I supposed to do and is this normal for prescription drugs to cause this? I wish he would stop taking the drugs altogether and do holistic health but he won't.

Best answer:

Answer by Jery E
holistic health is for retards and who pees the bed on purpose, joke or not?

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How do you get someone to stop snoring!!!!?

Question by Holly: How do you get someone to stop snoring!!!!?
There is always one girl at each sleepover that snores and it really bugs me when i am doing an allnighter!!! How do I get her to stop!

Best answer:

Answer by cayrikan
lick their toes.

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Are you more prone to snoring if your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth?

Question by W. Spaminodas adrastas blab: Are you more prone to snoring if your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth?
My tongue naturally rests on the roof of my mouth and my bottom and top teeth are normally together. I've been trying to make my tongue rest on the bottom of my mouth and my teeth unclench, but it's not natural yet.

So if I eventually got to the point of that being natural, would my snoring stop? The airways might be less blocked, right?

Best answer:

Answer by Claudine
The main issue here is the clear airway passage. May be you can try some mouth guard to get the position and later on you can try it the natural way.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?

Question by VK: Is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?
is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?

Best answer:

Answer by Roxanne
I don't think there are any pills, but there are other things. There's this thing u put in ur mouth & it opens the back of your throat to stop u snoring something like that. I think u can get surgery too.

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to stop my boyfriend's snoring?

Question by bluexo.crush: How to stop my boyfriend's snoring?
Whenever my boyfriend stays over I can never get a full night of sleep because he snores really loud. Is there anything I can do to stop his snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Steve
Nothing you can do. It he is fat he can lose weight. This is a big cause of snoring.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

How can I make my boyfriend stop snoring?

Question by Miss D: How can I make my boyfriend stop snoring?
Covering his face with a pillow doesn't help.

Best answer:

Answer by Fuzzy Dice
Men snore because of sinus. I snore and everyone in my family snores, so it might be genetic as well.

Invest in a pair of earplugs is my advice to you.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

How do I stop from being a heavy sleeper and stop snoring?

Question by talented_tongue3us: How do I stop from being a heavy sleeper and stop snoring?
Wife is more of a night person and therefore stays up on late nights while I get up in the mornings. When she wants to go to sleep she wants the wall because if I sleep against the wall, she says I attempt to push her off the bed in my sleep. I remember none of this when I wake up. And she says I snore loud enough to vibrate the windows. How do I solve this?

Best answer:

Answer by hollywoodslut
try taking more naps during the day, snoring is just tiredness
Get more rest and sleep (atleas 8-10 hours a day

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What can I do/use to make my back stop sweating?

Question by brewster_mil: What can I do/use to make my back stop sweating?
I'm an Outside Sales Rep and its a little embarrassing to service a customer with a sweaty back. It only happens if I'm sitting down with my back against something. Is their something I can put on my seat in my car so I stay cool. Or is their something I can rub on my back to stop me from sweating.


Best answer:

Answer by CuriousGirl
try using baby powder before you get into your car, bring alittle bottle with you trhough out the day to freshen up, this also helps if your hair and face get alittle sweaty, put some on your hands and dab your face :) hope that helps

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to get my husband to stop snoring so loud?

Question by Pamela: How to get my husband to stop snoring so loud?
Its horrible! I try to fall asleep before him so that I can fall asleep, but he falls asleep like when he hits the pillow.

Best answer:

Answer by Confused
There is a surgery :s
Eating habits affect snoring (avoid fatty meals and chocolate or milk right before sleep)
Smoking can cause snoring
I would say get earplugs for yourself if the other solutions do not work.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What are some easy ways to stop snoring?

Question by Chantelle: What are some easy ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend comes over & stays the night , and he said I snore & I want it to stop. It's imberresing . :( PLEASE HELP

Best answer:

Answer by pp
drink honey before bed get the recipe @ this link

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

I'm looking for a really good anti snore device. Any recommendations?

Question by Rachella: I'm looking for a really good anti snore device. Any recommendations?
Hi I'm looking for a really good anti snore device for my boyfriend. He snores quite heavily when he is sleeping and I need a good device that will really stop him snoring. Please help with your personal recommendations. Any experiences with using the remedy will be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Mary

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

What medicine can we take to stop snoring?

Question by Daniela: What medicine can we take to stop snoring?
my brother's snoring can be heard by everybody in the entire house hold

what medicine can we take that doesn't affect his asthma?

Best answer:

Answer by Joel
A few hundred mg of caffeine should stop his snoring.

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How to stop snoring at night?

Question by Paige: How to stop snoring at night?
i hate snoring it annoys people and keeps them up. some people say its deep breathing but i think its snoring.i am a teenager and i have a sleepover tomorrow night and i dont want to keep everyone up. If there is some stuff i can do at home that can help me stop or maybe not be as loud that would be great! THANKS!

Best answer:

Answer by EmbraceInsanity
It depends on what cause you snore.

There various causes of snoring. You may snore
if you smoke, are overweight, consume alcohol,
have bad sleeping pattern, medical problems, etc.

Snoring happens because your throat muscles are
relaxed when you are sleeping.

You can stop snoring by using adjustable bed,
stop snoring pillow, or even surgery if you have
serious medical problem.

Or, you can use the more natural way, which
is doing some exercise such as training your
jaw so you can stop your bad habit.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is there any non-surgical way to stop snoring?

Question by Janice: Is there any non-surgical way to stop snoring?
I doubt it's nasal congestion because I don't have trouble breathing when I'm awake. But my sister tells me that I snore. I know for a fact that I do, but just do not know how to stop.

Best answer:

Answer by justapaperbag
use the nasal strips that you put on your nose.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How do I stop my husbands snoring?

Question by Adri V: How do I stop my husbands snoring?
My husband snores every night. I have been living on at most 3hrs of sleep (the amt of time from when he goes to work and our 4 yr old gets up). Needless to say I feel like crap. I am one night away from murder or death. He drinks, uses niquil, and has gaind some lbs. none of which I can fix (I've tried). I need something to help me before I beat him to death with a pillow.

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan
super glue his nose closed :D tht will stop the noise not sure he will agree with the idea tho lol

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

How do the Japanese view snoring?

Question by Enrique E: How do the Japanese view snoring?
My Japanese roommate is being pretty rude with me about my snoring, and I want to know if this is a cultural thing, e.g. they are biologically less prone to snoring than caucasians or somehow manage to keep it quiet, or if it's a personal thing, and it's him being a rude asshole.

Best answer:

Answer by Misskylieann
i just tried to google it, and havn't found a thing on it except for a japanese robot that helps cure snoring. so i wouold say its your roommate being an ass.

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How can I stop my dog snoring at night? I bought my dog 3 beds, but non of them are seems to stop the snoring.

Question by cupofcofffeee: How can I stop my dog snoring at night? I bought my dog 3 beds, but non of them are seems to stop the snoring.
He got a very nice pillow, big bed and he is only 26 Lb. Love eating vege, no human food. But he fart and snore......... :-) I still love him very much.

Best answer:

Answer by nicole4282001
you can't stop them from snoring but you can put them in a different room.

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

How to make my husband stop snoring?

Question by that: How to make my husband stop snoring?
My husband snores so loud that I can't sleep. We haven't slept in the same bed/room in over a year because of this. Nothing helps, we tried breathe right strips and they did nothing. Does anyone have any ideas? I can even hear him snoring when he sleeps in the living room. I'm desperate, here.

Best answer:

Answer by PointBlankResponse
ear plugs for you.
surgery for him.

If that doesnt work, grab a pillow, go to where he is sleeping, slowly put it over his face, and press down until he stops moving. Ive found a temperpaedic pillow works best as it conforms to the face.

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

What can i take to stop snoaring and snorting?

Question by Wolfgirl: What can i take to stop snoaring and snorting?
I snort when i laugh it is so embarrssing and i snoar when i'm sleeping so embarrassing...
What can i take to stop snprting and snoaring?

Best answer:

Answer by Stacy S
For your snoring I would suggest breath right strips they work wonders not so sure what you can do about snorting though

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How To Stop Snoring?

Question by /N/I/C/K/: How To Stop Snoring?
I've tried a couple different products and they seem to work ok. My girlfriend says that they just make the snore not as harsh. I've tried Breath Right Nose Strips, Premier Value Anti-Snore, and Ayr Saline Nasal Mist. My lady says that the Ayr nasal mist works the best but I would like to know if theres anything on the market that will stop snoring all together or is just really REALLY good and will bring a loud snore to a silent breeze or something? lol

Best answer:

Answer by Reality Jack
The only thing I know of to stop snoring completely would be...the absence of any respiratory activity or death.

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How do you handle your significant other's snoring?

Question by Ava: How do you handle your significant other's snoring?
My husband snores and gets mad if I have him roll over in the middle of the night. How do you handle your partners snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by acedelux
You get used to it.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to make cat stop snoring?

Question by Emily Dowman: How to make cat stop snoring?
My cat snores... loudly. It's annoying when I'm doing homework because I hear it in the background. Is there any way to stop her from snoring without disturbing her nap?

Best answer:

Answer by cat lover
The short answer is no, and the long answer is no. But cats sleep with a hair trigger response, so actually going over the petting her may rouse her enough that she will stop snoring, and then immediately go back to sleep, and hopefully not snore.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

For those living with someone with sleep apnea, how can you get used to it?

Question by Kagome: For those living with someone with sleep apnea, how can you get used to it?
I need some tips on living with someone with sleep apnea. My father was diagnosed while he was in prison with sleep apnea and was on a cpap machine. When he was released he was not on a cpap machine and has snored horribly, keeping me up all night. I've tried to talk him into doing a sleep study so he can get a cpap machine but he has told me numerous times that he wants to wait until he loses weight and gets his diabetes under control. His diabetes is under control, but he is still convinced that he will stop snoring once he loses weight. He doesn't realize that he snored just as bad as he is now when he was a healthy weight.

My room is right next to his, the walls are paper thin, I am losing so much sleep I don't know what to do anymore. Can anyone with this kind of experience give me some tips on how to get used to it?

Best answer:

Answer by Oilfieldtrashwtx
Get your self a "sound machine" it can produce the sound of the ocean, a soft rain shower etc. turn this on and try to concentrate on that sound for long you will only hear it and not your father.
As bad as the snoring is you should actually listen to the snoring no matter how bad, sleep apnea people are know to stop breathing, and not be able to restart their breathing. You may the only alarm he as at this time with out the machine.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

What are the ill effects of this condition?

Question by pannacoucke: What are the ill effects of this condition?
I stop breathing at times when i sleep, so i'm told by my wife, which when i read up online says that its sleep apnea. Does anyone know what the effects are of this other than unrestful sleep? Thanks for your help!

Best answer:

Answer by cierra_ash
yeah, my parents have bad sleep apnea. they sleep in different rooms because they both snore very much, literally my mom sounds like plane. because of unrestful nights you should become very much tired during the day. because of the stopped breathing you should use a special machine for sleep apnea and all of he symptoms should go away. it works for my parents.
best of luck to you

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Is it normal to breath thru mouth?

Question by Syamsoul: Is it normal to breath thru mouth?
I think i have problem with my nose,since i was a little,I breath thru mouth.I realized that my half nose is blocked so i think maybe that cause i breath thru mouth..I also want to ask for tips to stop snoring

Best answer:

Answer by Ruby
are you fucking retarded..?

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Why lately do I stop breathing as I start passing out?

Question by : Why lately do I stop breathing as I start passing out?
This last time I really thought I was gonna die and it was so scary my heart is still pounding. I hate it. How do I make it stop? I'm so sleepy and I wanna sleep but I don't wanna freeze on a breath and die.

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron Mahdi
My friend's father suffered a similar problem when he sleeps, he snores loudly and then stops breathing for no reason what so ever. He did go to the doctor and found out that there's a pocket of some sort that stops the air circulation [i don't know what its medically called] and he had it removed, now he is sleeping better without any problems and he also stopped snoring

I've seen another problem of that sort, the doctor suggested the person to get some sort of tank that held compressed gas, and he had to wear a gas mask whenever he sleeps that way the tank will help him breath through out his sleeping time.

I suggest that you go to your doctor, you never know what it may be, and you should do it sooner than later.

Hope everything works out well mate.


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Thursday, August 22, 2013

how do i stop my husband from snoring?

Question by jennie s: how do i stop my husband from snoring?
help I havnt slept for months my husband snores and has tried to sleep on his side it doesnt work he tried sprays it doesnt work. help !!! I need new remedies.

Best answer:

Answer by angie20k
try to fall asleep before he does

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How do I stop my snoring?

Question by John: How do I stop my snoring?
I've been told I snore really loud. I'm not fat except around my mid section a bit. What are some was I can stop my snoring? Snore relief and strips don't help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by cassandra007
Don't sleep on your back
Get tested for sleep apnea-your MD can refer you.
For couples, it can get so bad that one of them has to sleep in a different room.
Best of luck

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How come men snore more than women?

Question by Slinkies!!: How come men snore more than women?
Well, i seem to notice that men snore more than women or at least louder at least. Also i know like snoring has to do with sinus problems or something, but how come when we're young we don't snore as bad as when we get older?

Best answer:

Answer by debs46
My partner says i snore realy loud,how he knows that i dont know cos most nights hes in bed before me snoring his head off.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

He snores but I end up on the couch?

Question by Kelly: He snores but I end up on the couch?
He snores. I try to get him to sleep on his side. He is adamant to sleep on his back. This moment he's sleeping in my room and my bed right now. It was so bad I went for the couch. He takes up most the space on my queen sized bed (he's 6'4) and I have the wall. And he insists he's falling off the bed. Here's the problem. We are moving in together in 2 weeks. We are planning on getting a king sized bed. But I know the snoring will continue. Help! How do I get him to stop snoring? Or be more "ill take the couch babe"

Best answer:

Answer by Marina del Rey
your posting has to be the the funnest one i have ever read, and the way that you wrote it

Also try:

how to stop snoring,
stop snoring mouthpiece,
stop snoring surgery,

Search results

7 Easy Snoring Remedies: How to Stop Snoring
WebMD provides 7 easy fixes to help you or your partner quit snoring. - Cached
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stop snoring | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion ...
Find great deals on eBay for stop snoring and stop snoring mouthpiece. Shop with confidence. - Cached
How to Stop Snoring: Cures and Remedies for Snoring
Don't let snoring ruin your relationship or a good night's sleep. Learn what causes snoring and how you can cure it. Includes self-help tips and remedies. - Cached
ZQuiet - Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece for Instant, Natural Snoring ...
Stop Snoring. Start living | ZQuiet Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece. Get a better night's sleep. Feel less tired. Easy to use. Works fast - stop snoring TONIGHT! ... - Cached
Stop Snoring Mouthpiece by VitalSleep Helps to Prevent Snoring
Sleep peacefully with the new VitalSleep® FDA cleared anti-snoring mouthpiece. It's guaranteed to stop your snoring at night. Includes a 1 year warranty. - Cached
Stop Snoring Tips - How to Stop Snoring
Get the best free tips to stop snoring. We have information on how to deal with a snorer and other snoring information. - Cached
Tips on How To Stop Snoring Naturally at Night!
If you’re wondering how to stop snoring, here you’ll discover what conventional medicine can do, and what even you can do yourself. - Cached
Stop Snoring Mouthpiece
The Ultimate Stop Snoring Mouthpiece. The most effective snoring mouthpiece on the planet. The Snore Eliminator patented self molding custom snoring mouth guard is ... - Cached stop snoring
Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Aid. Nasivent 100% Grade Medical Soft Silicone Nose Dilator. Increase Oxygen and Lowers High Blood Pressure. by Vital-Health-Products USA ... - Cached
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How to Stop Snoring |
Snoring is not just a nuisance for your bedmate (or, in extreme cases, for your neighbor). It can be a sign of a serious medical disorder called sleep apnea. The ... - Cached
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Give your answer to this question below!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

How can I make someone stop snoring without waking them up?

Question by mrhockeymike38: How can I make someone stop snoring without waking them up?
My roommate is snoring and I'd really like for him to shut up without waking him up. He's sleeping on his side and still manages to snore like a chainsaw. Even earplugs don't work for how loud he snores. Thanks for the answers!
he and I aren't really friends, and stuffing socks in mouths is not gonna happen

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny
Put a sock in there mouth, it won't wake them up because people who are snoring are at the final states of sleep.

Give your answer to this question below!

How do I stop myself from making noises/talking in my sleep?

Question by Helen B: How do I stop myself from making noises/talking in my sleep?
I tend to make noises in my sleep. Sometimes it's light snoring, sometimes moaning sounds, and sometimes I even talk or mumble. I am an 18 year old girl so it's really embarassing when I stay the night at friends' places. Is there anything I can do to prevent it?

Best answer:

Answer by Ela Jazmin
duct tape... :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

How do I sell an idea to help people stop snoring?

Question by josephmwiley: How do I sell an idea to help people stop snoring?
I use a device to keep from snoring. It's cheap, under $ 5. It's easy to buy. It's available in most cities. It is made for another purpose. It works unbelievably well. I've used it for 6 years. It could be modified to be better but I don't know how to do any of it.

Best answer:

Answer by icsowesmemoney

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What are some exampls ofloaded words if you were attempting to sell someting to stop snoring?

Question by Mazing: What are some exampls ofloaded words if you were attempting to sell someting to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jodab
health, not quiet but peace or peaceful, restorative, energizing, youth restoring, bliss, comfort

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How can I stop snoring?

Question by TheEmpyre: How can I stop snoring?
I have tried nasal spray, Breathe Right strips, and losing weight but I cannot stop snoring. It is keeping my girlfriend up at night. If you know any way to help me stop snoring please let me know. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Premjit
Try Yoga.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

How can I get my husband to stop snoring and chewing in his sleep?

Question by Magnus: How can I get my husband to stop snoring and chewing in his sleep?
Yes, you read correctly, he chews and chews and chews all night. He also swallows like he is really eating.

Best answer:

Answer by Rebecca Mae

go see a doctor..
i bet its really anoying
good luck lol

answer mine;_ylt=AjlsopNqo9QOM4dvzZvoIjYgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090918034517AAqolDa

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

what can i do to stop or reduce snoring?

Question by subtlebeauty: what can i do to stop or reduce snoring?
My boyfriend snores soooooooooooooooo loud! Whats the best thing out there to reduce or stop his snoring????

Best answer:

Answer by essentiallysolo
he should go for a sleep study, loud snoring is a strong indicator of obstructive sleep apnea, and that is related to things like diabetes and heart disease.

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What can I do to stop snoring? I've tried everything!?

Question by mikethecablesguy: What can I do to stop snoring? I've tried everything!?
I am having a snoring problem, according to my gf, a really bad one. I snore no matter which way I sleep.! I have tried breathe right strips and mentholatums but nothing seems to work. It's really breaking me and my gf apart. I am 6' and weigh 280 lbs. I know being over weight could be a problem. But,is there any remedies I can try to see if it helps? Let me know. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by APJ
Hello, I would suggest that you talk to your Doctor to set up a sleep study. Most of the time snoring is caused by sleep apnea. I have sleep apnea and I use a cpap machine so that I not only sleep thoroughly, but also for my health, because sleep apnea can wear your heart down as well as your body (physically, emotionally). A cpap isn't the sexiest thing in the world, but who cares! You need to sleep well and you need to be healthy too. :)

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How to make someone stop snoring?

Question by love4dance: How to make someone stop snoring?
Ugh I'm trying to watch a freakin movie and my dad fell asleep and won't stop snoring!!! How do I make him shut up for crying out loud?!

Best answer:

Answer by Zoran S
slap the shit outa them or make them stop breathing then when they wake up tell them to go to a diff rom inf they dont keep slaping them if they slap u back they might leave

Add your own answer in the comments!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Is there a solution for snoring instead of medicine or surgery?

Question by shinebp: Is there a solution for snoring instead of medicine or surgery?
I, my family and neighbors are having problems to sleep because of my snoring. I can't move to the mountains, so please somebody help me.

Best answer:

Answer by michelle_075
Breathe Right Nasal strips work well for me.

What do you think? Answer below!

Is there connection between snoring and nasal congestion?

Question by CRT: Is there connection between snoring and nasal congestion?
I use ear plugs at night when I sleep, and because of this I've heard myself snore. And I have nasal congestion, so I wonder if there's connection between snoring and nasal congestion. Your help is appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Denise D

Absolutely there is a connection...just research it a bit. If it is problematic, you should see an Ears, Nose, and Throat specialist.

Give your answer to this question below!

How can I get my boyfriend to stop snoring?

Question by AnaisVengenace: How can I get my boyfriend to stop snoring?
We just moved in together and he doesn't let me sleep cause of his snoring. I've tried waking him up, have him lay on his side, I've even hit him sometimes (out of frustration) but it doesn't work. He has asthma, so could that be the reason why he snores so much?

He's actually snoring as I'm typing this.

Best answer:

Answer by Havoc :3
They have solutions that are over the counter at drug stores that relieve snoring, but also see your doctor for more help.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How can I help my boyfriend to stop snoring?

Question by : How can I help my boyfriend to stop snoring?
My 31 year old boyfriend snores like a pig and it is not doing our relationship any favours!

He had his nose broken a few years back which may not help but his snoring is getting louder and louder. Does anyone have any ideas on what kind of treatments we can get from a chemist or any advice on how to quieten him down?!

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by キティ ビスケット
Smother him with a pillow.

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Can someone explain the different stages of sleep apnia and exactly what sleep apnia is?

Question by Melody M: Can someone explain the different stages of sleep apnia and exactly what sleep apnia is?
Why do you stop breathing?

Best answer:

Answer by SxySparki
Search "Sleep Apnea"...that will give u all the info u need...

What do you think? Answer below!

how do you stop snoring?

Question by Liane T: how do you stop snoring?
I am 19 and a girl. When I sleep on my back, my snoring can wake just about anyone. If I stay on my side, i am a silent sleeper. My dad has sleep apnea and maybe that has something to do with it.

Any suggestions to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by sheori
well I don;t know if this will help you at all, but I thought I would throw it out here. I never have snored much, but once in a while would give a snort (this is what I've heard from people seeing me sleep in the car, seeing me nap, or have been over for sleepovers). I made it a habbit to always have my mouth closed and my toung on the rough of my mouth. I do this all the time and breath through my nose, and now it is such a habbit I sleep this way (again I know because of people who have seen me sleeping). Having my tounge on the rough of my mouth keeps me from snoring, and I am pretty sure I stay this way all night because I wake up like this.

I also know there are a few products that you can find that say they help snoring. I have never tried any of them so I don't know if they work. But if they are cheap enough maybe you could experiment with one.

The other thought is pretty obvious, and I'm sure you have already thought of it, but try to sleep on your side as much as you can.

I don't know if any of this helps, but like I said I thought I would throw it out here.

Good luck figuring something out.

What do you think? Answer below!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Has anyone used or know of the "Pure Sleep" mouthpiece that stops snoring?

Question by ron197192064: Has anyone used or know of the "Pure Sleep" mouthpiece that stops snoring?
is it worth it? does it really stop snoring? any problems?

Best answer:

Answer by Mary
those OTC do not work--they only mask the true problem. Snoring is frequently associated with sleep apnea. See a doc, get a sleep study.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

My husband snoring like a thunderstrom. How do i stop him?

Question by Jamie: My husband snoring like a thunderstrom. How do i stop him?
I tried everything. even i went to CVS and bought him something and still not working.

I can't stand it.
How do i stop this?

Best answer:

Answer by Kate_zane
My husband and I are constatntly fighting in the middle of the night because of this.. How annoying.. Smother him with a pillow? Tell him to sleep on his side not on his back?

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How can you get rid of snoring?

Question by Loch: How can you get rid of snoring?
my dad snores extremely loud and its very, very annoying. Besides earplugs and surgery, how can he get rid of snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jack
There are lots of snoring solutions, each for different causes.

Some people need to stop sleeping on their back, others benefit from certain pillows, some from losing weight, some from jaw or mouth devices, and others from jaw exercises.

Learn more at

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tips on how to stop snoring?

Question by dave3344: Tips on how to stop snoring?
Hey guys. Just wondering if there are any tips or anything that would help me stop snoring? I know that if you sleep on your stomach you decrease the chance of snoring or something but that doesn't work all that well. Anyone got anything? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by acute_angle12245
There is this mouthpiece you put in your mouth at night, that opens up your airway more.

Go here for an idea:

There are also these nasal sprays, but they may burn your nose. . . .

What do you think? Answer below!

Does anyone have any tips to stop snoring?

Question by emma: Does anyone have any tips to stop snoring?
I'm keeping my boyfriend awake at night and he's getting really grumpy. I don't want it to effect our relationship and I don't want him to sleep in the spare room!
He thinks it's because I'm a ''mouth breather'' but my breathing is not so good through my nose so I don't know what I can do about it.

Best answer:

Answer by Mermaid
Pls see a doctor

Give your answer to this question below!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Anyone used the snoring mouthpiece before?

Question by Slubby: Anyone used the snoring mouthpiece before?

Mainly talk about snoring. How to stop snoring? Anyone used the snoring mouthpiece before?

Best answer:

Answer by Amy
My Dad wear it before. I think it is not bad.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How to stop snoring? >>> 10 points!

Question by RachRAWR♥: How to stop snoring? >>> 10 points! <<
Ok, so im going on a camping trip with my bf nd there parents. And i snore :/ How can i stop snoring, without using those strips? Cause it'd b ambarasing wearing a friggin plaster on ur nose whilst ur bfs there. Yanoo :). Thank youu <3
Im only 13 by the way :)

Best answer:

Answer by Cassie
Snoring is just natural, it will go away! Maybe your bf drools.

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How do you get someone to stop snoring?

Question by : How do you get someone to stop snoring?
someone is sleepin over at my house and they are snoring like crazy. I can't even think right. how do I get them to stop?

Best answer:

Answer by Zachary Rickle
Kill them lmao

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

is there a remedy for my dogs snoring?

Question by QandA: is there a remedy for my dogs snoring?
I have a 1 yr old beagle who snores. she used to sleep in the same room with me but it was so loud that i have to put her in another room at night which she hates. any suggestions for stopping or lessening her snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by oh do you
is she overweight? sometimes that can cause a dog to snore. i would take her to the vet and make sure there is no medical reason for her snoring.

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If you snore, do you still snore while sleeping in a sitting position?

Question by mark: If you snore, do you still snore while sleeping in a sitting position?
I snore and will be taking a few long flights soon. I would hate to embarrass myself by snoring but I suspect that I will fall asleep anyway. Since I will be sitting on the plane, Is it less likely that I will snore?

Best answer:

Answer by R A
i hate that but it is life

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

HELP! Do you know anything that can help my husband stop snoring?

Question by MIA: HELP! Do you know anything that can help my husband stop snoring?
My husband snores the whole night! It is driving me crazy....I tried to help him with the nose paths (breath easy) , stop snoring....
Now... every night I have to sleep with ear plugs and I can still hear it!
Can you please help me!!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by MJC
Man I wish I knew the answer to that 'cause I'd be giving it to mine!!! Snoring is such a hard thing to fix. I have found that none of the over-the-counter remedies work. Sprays, lozenges, tablets... nothing!! I got an "anti-snore" pillow which worked for a while, it places the head in a position which opens the airway. Weight loss works too - even the smallest amount of fat in the throat area rattles when they sleep. A mouth guard can be made which positions the lower jaw forward but you need to see a specialist and it costs thousands... Sleep clinics can help - if your hubby has sleep apnoea... I wish I knew!!

What do you think? Answer below!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How do you deal with someone in your house snoring?

Question by Gellex: How do you deal with someone in your house snoring?
My brother is snoring and i hear him through the walls, When he stops my mother starts snoring i hear her through the other side...ahh Its giving me a headache.
Oh i hear them through my headphones with have the rubber things that go in my ear or w,e

Best answer:

Answer by Brad A

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How to stop snoring when trying to sleep?

Question by Layla: How to stop snoring when trying to sleep?
This question comes from my mom. She snores all the time, her nose gets really stuffy, when she is trying to fall asleep. Any suggestions into stop doing it?

Best answer:

Answer by mildred f
She needs to see a respiratory doctor about this. It could be something simple or it could be a life-saving measure to have treatment.

Add your own answer in the comments!

How to sleep when somebody is snoring?

Question by seanie821: How to sleep when somebody is snoring?
Help! It's 2:37 in the morning and i can't go to sleep cuz i'm sharing a room with my frickin sister and she's snoring! ahhh!

Best answer:

Answer by Colin M

Stop her from snoring (not going to happen) -- you can wake her or ask her to change positions, but even if she is nice to oblige you, she is likely to fall back asleep and start snoring again before YOU can fall asleep unaided which leads me to

Put in ear plugs (if you have them) -- the earplugs should lessen the amount of noise to the degree that it shouldn't bug you, and you can always add a fan/music to provide "white noise" to mask her snoring... however, you might not have ear plugs, and so that leaves you with

Make her leave the room (hey, sleep is precious, right?) -- if you are mean, or if you are nice, go to another room. maybe the living room couch? This will work as a temporary fix, but then again, we are only talking about tonight, right?

Long term, you need to look at her habits. If she always snores, then it might be a health problem. If she rarely snores, it might just be because she is extra tired tonight or has a cold, etc.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How Do I stop Snoring Without Doctors Consultation?

Question by Jhonny: How Do I stop Snoring Without Doctors Consultation?
I snore every night and when i go on a school trip everybody laughs at me
This really annoys me and it makes me feel embarressed. I know i shouldn't be embarressd but i am. Please help me

Best answer:

Answer by una morra
depends how u sleep. try to not sleep on your back rather on your stomach and definately try to not have your mouth open while you sleep

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is there an illness where people sleep everywhere all the time?

Question by xihuitl: is there an illness where people sleep everywhere all the time?
My dad keeps falling sleep everywhere, even if he had a good night sleep, it will take him a couple of seconds to do so. It start happening even in a stop sing.

Best answer:

Answer by SoberN'Crazy
narcolepsy. get help.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How do I stop snoring?

Question by Julia: How do I stop snoring?
I've looked it up before...and none of the sites are very helpful. I'm a girl, 20, don't smoke, don't drink, around 115 lbs (so not overweight), and I can't seem to figure out how to stop snoring. It's embarrassing to sleep around people and I don't know how bad it is except that people tell me that I do snore. *sigh* please help!! I'm sleeping over for the first time in a long time over the weekend and I need to at least minimalize it...

Best answer:

Answer by Deborah
I snore bad too. The most practical thing right now is to try to sleep on your side and not your back. also an ears nose and throat specialist can help by checking to see if you have an underlying issue and prescribing a special made mouth guard that will hold your jaw forward so you don't snore. don't waste your money on the breathe right strips or the snore stop spray it won't work.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Is it an unhealthy sign if a child snores?

Question by El Hombre de los Libros: Is it an unhealthy sign if a child snores?
My 10 year old sons snores like a bear...a BIG bear. He really gets cranking when he is on his back, but he also snores on his side and stomach. My wife has noticed that he also has some sleep apnea. That is because he stops snoring, and breathing for about three to five seconds. Then he gets loud again. What can be done to resolve this problem.
Thanks everyone.

Best answer:

Answer by Z
Talk to his pediatrician about this. He will likely recommend having a sleep study done to diagnose what is going on, and if he confirms a diagnosis of sleep apnea, will recommend a device that can help him breathe at night to make sure his airways do not ever close for dangerously long periods of time.

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Monday, July 22, 2013

how to stop yourself from snoring?

Question by heartsxdesire: how to stop yourself from snoring?
how do you stop snoring?
any remedies, or treatments?

Best answer:

Answer by John R
yea dont breathe ;)

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

How do I force myself to sleep on left side only?

Question by : How do I force myself to sleep on left side only?
I want to sleep on my left side only. If I sleep on my right side, I always wake up with neck and shoulder pain and often a mild migraine-like headache (which has been severe a few times). I use a Sobakawa pillow and that is a great pillow but still nothing stops that right side problem. Ideally, I'd love to sleep on my back, but that just doesn't happen. I go to sleep on the left side and always wake up turned over to the right. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by DUDE
If your bed is against the wall then sleep with your back on the wall.
If your bed isn't then try moving it with help*

What do you think? Answer below!

How can I stop snoring at night?

Question by Lyndsay: How can I stop snoring at night?
I snore pretty heavily at night.. Loud enough that my wife normally kicks me out on the couch lol. I have lost 20 pounds, quit smoking, tried breathe right strips, mouthpieces, and not sleeping on my back, but nothing works at all. I would rather not go to a sleep clinic (what my doc recommended). Any ideas or tips? Thanks alot guys

Best answer:

Answer by Garrett
Sleep clinic is by far the most effective, and sounds like it might be the only option you have left.... :/

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Is there any way to stop snoring?

Question by Samantha: Is there any way to stop snoring?
I need to know how to make myself stop snoring. Any way I should sleep that will stop my snoring. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Jason
Here Are Some Tips...

Lose weight. Losing even a little bit of weight can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat and decrease or even stop snoring.

Exercise can also help to stop snoring. Working out to tone your arms, legs, and abs, for example, also leads to toning the muscles in your throat, which in turn can lead to less snoring.

Quit smoking. If you smoke, your chances of snoring are high. Smoking causes airways to be blocked by irritating the membranes in the nose and throat.

Clear nasal passages. Having a stuffy nose makes inhalation difficult and creates a vacuum in your throat, which in turn leads to snoring. You can do it naturally with a neti pot or try nasal decongestants or nasal strips to help you breathe more easily while sleeping.

Keep bedroom air moist with a humidifier. Dry air can irritate membranes in the nose and throat.
Reposition. Elevating your head four inches may ease breathing and encourage your tongue and jaw to move forward. There are specially designed pillows available to help prevent snoring by making sure your neck muscles are not crimped.

Avoid caffeine and heavy meals within two hours of going to bed, especially dairy products and soymilk.

Sleep on your side. Avoid sleeping on your back, as gravity makes it more likely for your tongue and soft tissues to drop and obstruct your airway.

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how do you stop snoring?

Question by Archie: how do you stop snoring?
I'd like to know some ways to stop snoring that does not
involve medication, mouth pieces, or breathing machines.

Best answer:

Answer by Indie
people only tend snore if they lie on their back, roll over and it should stop.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

How do I stop snoring?

Question by ily<3: How do I stop snoring?
i want to know how to stop snoring because I am 12 and everytime a have sleepovers with friends, i snore and it is embarrasing. so i want to know how i can stop snoring.

Best answer:

Answer by Meg
You should try breathe right strips. They are skin colored so they are not obvious and can be bought in drug and grocery stores.

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How can I stop snoring, even for one night?

Question by h: How can I stop snoring, even for one night?
I'm going to sleep over at my girlfriend's house & I don't want to snore in her face all night! Would you reccomend nasal strips or other remedies like that?

Best answer:

Answer by Robin
A clear nose helps... so blow! and make certain you sleep on your side not your back... mouth closed and you can't snore... so wedge your pillow under your chin!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

I need a remedy for my "old man" to stop snoring!!!?

Question by Debizzy: I need a remedy for my "old man" to stop snoring!!!?
Recently my old man has started snoring EXCEPTIONALLY LOUD. We don't have insurance, so our resources are limited as to what to do. I'm willing to try pretty much any homeopathic remedies, or SOMETHING that is non invasive, as he won't put anything in his mouth. Also, I already take sleep medication, but just in the last week, it's gotten considerably worse.

Best answer:

Answer by kath
cant remember what its called but you can get something that he puts over his nose every night and it stops..
good luck

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Is there anything over the counter that i can buy to stop my snoring ?

Question by Raymond J: Is there anything over the counter that i can buy to stop my snoring ?
My girlfriend doen't wanna sleep in the same room with me anymore.

Best answer:

Answer by Just-A-Gal
They have those nasal strips that are suppose to help with snoring. Or so I have heard. Go to your local pharmacy and ask the pharmacist. They will help you and give you advice.

Oh and there is also a pillow you can buy that is suppose to help elevate the head to prevent snoring as well!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

some sort of 3rd party validation that "stop snoring exercise program actually is effective"?

Question by cloverbank: some sort of 3rd party validation that "stop snoring exercise program actually is effective"?
I searched the web and found this program called "stop snoring exercise program ". Naturally the website itself raves about how effective it is; I wonder is others have the same glowing reports who have used it.

Best answer:

Answer by Brad Gen
Hi ,
Here is a 3 day guide to stop snoring
Hope this helps

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My partner is a terrible snorer and I wake up many mornings with a headache, is he the problem ?

Question by debra: My partner is a terrible snorer and I wake up many mornings with a headache, is he the problem ?
Ive tried everything to stop my boyfriend snoring and am now at the end of my tether I never get a good nights sleep. What can I do ? Any suggestions ?

Best answer:

Answer by Csul86
sleep somewhere else after after sex

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why was my dog licking my face?

Question by :]]: Why was my dog licking my face?
My mom was snoring while she was sleeping and my dog ends up licking her face. Why did my dog lick me? Was it because she wanted my mom to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by arrongh
i means tht he likes u

What do you think? Answer below!

If you are a guy, are these funny jokes or are they insults to men?

Question by honesty_counts: If you are a guy, are these funny jokes or are they insults to men?
Read these and ask yourself; are they funny, or are they not funny?

Q. What should you do if you see your ex-husband rolling around in pain on the ground?
A. Shoot him again.

Q. What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name?
A. You didn't hold the pillow down long enough.

Q. What do you call a handcuffed man?
A. Trustworthy.

Q. Why do female black widow spiders kill their males after mating
A. To stop the snoring before it starts.

Q: Why do men whistle when they're sitting on the toilet?
A: Because it helps them remember which end they need to wipe.

Q: How does a man keep his youth?
A: By giving her money, furs and diamonds.

Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?
A: Rename the mail folder to "instruction manuals"

Q: Why do men like smart women?
A: Opposites attract.

Q: How does a man show he's planning for the future?
A: He buys two cases of beer instead of one.

Men are like.....Mascara.
They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

Best answer:

Answer by Bobby
They are funny enough, as long as we can tell dumb blond jokes.

What do you think? Answer below!

why do i breathe heavy especially while sleeping?

Question by J: why do i breathe heavy especially while sleeping?
I am 18 years old and i just noticed how heavily i breathe. I only smoke marijuana and i always have a heavy breath after smoking. I don't snore in my sleep, but i breathe heavily out of my mouth. Usually i breathe out of my nose while sleeping, but when i'm sick i breath through my mouth. I've played sports my whole life and i'm not out of shape at all.

Best answer:

Answer by The Stig
"I only smoke marijuana!"

Like saying:
I don't drink but I have a whiskey. I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish.

Stop smoking. You will breathe better.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Monday, July 15, 2013

what are the new stop snoring techniques?

Question by strippedsong: what are the new stop snoring techniques?
What are some other ways to end snoring?
Are there ways to end snoring without surgery?
Are there any cures for snoring?
What are the main causes of snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by txcuttie09
sleep on your stomache..that helps my boyfriend. Make sure u blow ur nose before bed...or take some meds like allergy meds ...theres also stuff at like walmart near the pharmacy like those nose strips (breathe right) and some other stuff...just check it out

What do you think? Answer below!

What can you do to stop snoring?

Question by Whywhywhy: What can you do to stop snoring?
I need something that really works. I snor extremely bad. My wife complains. And I'm in the military everyone is complaining that they can't sleep becasue of my snoring.

Best answer:

Answer by Mary
Snoring is a serious symptom. It is often a sign of sleep apnea. Get a sleep study.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How can a person stop snoring?

Question by JessieT: How can a person stop snoring?
Cheaply. Nuff said.

Best answer:

Answer by Fly in the Ointment
By the nose strips, Breathe RIght I think they are called--they really do work!

What do you think? Answer below!

What can I do to stop snoring?

Question by mobstaprincess: What can I do to stop snoring?
My boyfriend has recently been telling me that I snore hella loud while I’m sleeping. He thinks it’s cute at times, but it’s also annoying at times. What can I do to stop snoring? I think I’ve been snoring lately because I’ve gained a couple pounds recently and I’ve heard that’s what makes you snore. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by john
Yep, weight will cause this...especially if it accumulates around the neck area. Your neck size should be less that 16" for a woman.

Also, ask your bf if you have pauses in breathes while alseep too. This is an indicator of sleep apnea.

To stop the snoring, weight loss will help, use that Neckline Slimmer to strengthen the neck muscles google "sleep hygiene" for proper habits.

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

How Do I Stop My Bf From Snoring In His Sleep?

Question by Ashley: How Do I Stop My Bf From Snoring In His Sleep?
No Matter How he Lays He Still Snores LOUD If I can Fall asleep before him I'm fine and I usually do but that rare occasion he falls asleep first I can't Sleep because of his snore. Turning him does not work and he won't use strips.

Best answer:

Answer by Maverick
If you can't fall asleep, scream into his ear as loud as your can. When he wakes up, apologize and say you were having a nightmare about a grunting hog getting into your bed. Eventually, he will go sleep on the couch.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How can you prevent or stop snoring?

Question by Melody: How can you prevent or stop snoring?
My boyfriend snores really loud and he wears these things on his nose but he still snores really loud, any tips on how to prevent it?

Best answer:

Answer by MaMa
He can gargle salt water before bed, get surgery, or sleep on his side.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

how do I stop snoring?

Question by : how do I stop snoring?
I am a male, age 46 who is starting to snore at night - and I need to find out how to stop snoring.

Best answer:

Answer by siteman
stop sleeping.

What do you think? Answer below!

How can I stop snoring or find some kind of snoring relief?

Question by medialateral: How can I stop snoring or find some kind of snoring relief?
My wife says I snore every night, especially when lying on my back. Does anyone know of a free or cheap (i.e. less than $ 50) snoring solution?

Best answer:

Answer by melissaw77
Do you have insurance? Go to the doctor and ask what your options are. Maybe you can get a sinus scrape and be done with snoring forever!!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Where can I get some GOOD earplugs?

Question by jilly: Where can I get some GOOD earplugs?
I've given up on getting my husband to stop snoring, but I need some sleep! So I need some good earplugs. I've gotten cheapie ones from Wal-Mart but they don't help matters much. Can anyone recommend any good earplugs? Serious answers only please. Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Ceci
I have the same problem. I'm not sure which ones you have gotten, but I get mine from Wal-Mart and I find they are helpful. Now I can sleep at night and the only thing that wakes me up is the alarm or his beeper going off. I use Mack's SafeSound. It's noise reduction rating is 29. I've tried the purple ones but they didn't work as well. Make sure you are putting them as far as you can; but not so far that you can't pull them out. I feel for you. I used to sleep on the couch when awakened, but it's fine now. Good luck. I only snore when I have a cold, and he tells me it wakes him up. I'm a little delighted when he tells me that-LOL.

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What is the most annoying thing your partner does while sleeping?

Question by the truth: What is the most annoying thing your partner does while sleeping?
For me, he likes to hold me all night long and he snores in my ear.

Best answer:

Answer by peking
Whoa, whoa. You mean, my partner is holding you all night long and snoring in your ear?

I don't know who to be mad at now!

What do you think? Answer below!

How do I stop snoring without having surgery?

Question by yendalee: How do I stop snoring without having surgery?
I snore pretty loud and my husband says I grind my teeth. He wakes me up atleast twice a week and he is fed up! I either have to sleep on the couch or sleep at the end of the bed.
I snore pretty loud and my husband says I grind my teeth. He wakes me up atleast twice a week and he is fed up! I either have to sleep on the couch or sleep at the end of the bed. Oh and I also tried nose strips and it worked for maybe 2-3 days.

Best answer:

Answer by Grace
try those nose strips

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