Sunday, October 27, 2013

Where does your toddler sleep with you or in their own room?

Question by : Where does your toddler sleep with you or in their own room?
i have a 20month old son , who has his own room and sleeps there during the day ,but when night time comes around he sleeps in our room in his bed. every parent is different ,but i still think he is too young to sleep alone. his room is way colder at night than ours. where does your toddler sleep? at what age did they stop sleeping with you or started sleeping in there own bed?

Best answer:

Answer by Sara
My 17 month old usually sleeps in her own room. Lately she has been waking up a 3am so I bring her into bed with us for an hour or 2 and than taker her back into her crib and she will sleep tll 8 or so.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. when i have kids, they will always sleep in their own beds. ive learned from experience that the longer you wait, the harder it is to get them out of your bed.

  2. My girls (20m and 31m) have had their own rooms (with baby monitors) from the very start. They are great sleepers. I originally wanted them in our room for the first several months at least, but my husband worked shift work and slept erratic hours, so it wasn't convenient to have the crib in our room because this disturbed his sleep too much and he needs to be well rested in his line of work.

  3. my son will be 3 in about 3 weeks...he has slept in his own room since about 6 months old. with a baby monitor of course so i could hear when hed wake up and tend to him. im a light sleeper i hear him every time he squirms around in the bed....ever since hes been in a toddler bed and could get up at night, he goes to be in his bed, then come the wee hours of the morning ill hear him get up and come through the living room and he will throw my door open (its not latched just pushed to) and up in our bed he husband works away from home most of the time and he likes to sleep on daddys side of the bed, and if daddy happens to still be in bed he tries to push him out lol. but he will eventually give up and find a spot and settle in and go to sleep.

  4. I have found that its harder to get a child to sleep in their beds if you let them sleep in your room.

    My 6yr old sleeps in her bed but moves to couch, 4yr old does the same thing, but my 3yr old will sleep in his bed for naps and can get him in his room at night but having him sleep with grandparents at their house on weekends, he ends up in my bed, but after he falls asleep, i can put him in his room and he will sleep all night.

    I would try and get him to sleep in his room, you can lay down with him "if possible" and wait for him to fall asleep or let him fall asleep then move him. My kids have had their own rooms since they were almost a year old with monitors.

  5. My daughter sleeps in her own room except when she is sick then I will let her sleep in our room in a pack in play or bring in her mattress. It makes her and me feel a lot better. I always wanted her to sleep in my room because I have sever anxiety and I just makes me feel better knowing that she is in my room safe. But since my husband snores loudly that's not a option so I just have a baby monitor on loud. lol. I think either way is fine but it is right the longer you wait to move them the harder it will be when they are older.

  6. Suzy Homemaker loves to readOctober 27, 2013 at 9:51 PM

    my son started sleeping in his own room at night when he was 4 days old
    now he's 20 months
    the only time he's ever shared a room with us was when we were on vacation
    we still use a baby monitor so I can hear every snore, every time he rolls over, I hear everything as if he was right next to me and that way I know exactly when he needs us (which he rarely does, he's been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old with the exception being when he gets sick)

    it was rough when he was still breastfeeding at night to be apart from him, but once he started sleeping through the night it got easier

    every family has to do what is most comfortable for them- when you, your spouse, and your child are all ready for your child to sleep in their own room, then you'll know
    its a personal choice that every family must make for themselves, with no right nor wrong answer, just whatever answer feels most comfortable for your family
