Monday, October 14, 2013

How to keep a neutral larynx?

Question by danielley: How to keep a neutral larynx?
I can't find a solid answer anywhere, how can I keep my larynx neutral when I sing? I heard that if you have a neutral larynx your voice has more power and I want that. I've heard all the "hold one finger right above the larynx" but that doesnt stop it from moving. Is there a technique or excersizes I can use?? And please dont just say practice. You can't practice if you don't know how.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheryl allison
I have a degree in Laryngeal Biomechanics, a degree in the Physics of sound and I've been singing for 40 years and a teacher of voice for 20 years and I have never heard of the term "Neutral Larynx". I think in biological terms they mean Laryngeal release..releasing the muscles of the larynx. The larynx moves even when you snore. A laryngeal release - will ensure a clear passageway for air and frequency. So here's how you can practice so that you know how. The most common cause of a tense larynx and vocal muscle is the pulling up of your stomach muscles and belly. Let your belly be floppy and into the left hip and thigh muscle while singing unless your singing at the very end of your high register. A floppy belly will release your tongue muscle and and therefore your larynx. Remember the root of your tongue is joined to your larynx. Release the tongue and bingo! no tension-laryngeal release and a lot more projection. A high note to project means you have to learn another technique which is called "closed Velarport. Whole new technique but I hope I have helped you so that you can get into your practice and improve.

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