Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How do i take care of snoring?

Question by Beegee: How do i take care of snoring?
I was not snoring a year ago but now i do and loudly especially when i take alcohol. I added just few Kgs though.

Best answer:

Answer by Jane
Drinking and snoring go together. Try Breathe Right Nasal Strips, they do help.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. The obvious reply would be to lose some Kgs...

    However, there are various causes of snoring including allergies, age, smoking, alcohol, weight issues, stress etc

    Here are 9 tips to stop snoring, hope it helps you.

    1. Sleep on Your Side
    You're more likely to snore if you're lying on your back, and sleeping on your stomach is stressful on your neck.

    2. Lose Weight
    Excess body weight, especially around the neck, puts pressure on the airway, causing it to partially collapse.

    3. Avoid Alcohol and Tranquilizers
    Both alcohol and sleeping pills can depress your central nervous system and relax the muscles of your throat and jaw, making snoring more likely. These substances are also known to contribute to sleep apnea, a dangerous condition that has been linked with cardiovascular disease. And they should never, ever be used together. If you have difficulty sleeping without sleeping pills (or if you use alcohol to help yourself fall asleep), discuss it with your doctor.

    4. Get Your Allergies Treated
    Chronic respiratory allergies may cause snoring by forcing sufferers to breathe through their mouths while they sleep. Taking an antihistamine just before bedtime may help. If your nose is stuffed up, try using an over-the-counter saline spray or a humidifier.

    5. Buy a Mouth Guard
    Your dentist or doctor may be able to prescribe an antisnoring mouth guard that holds the teeth together and keeps the lower jaw muscles from becoming too lax.

    6. Stop Smoking
    Smoke damages the respiratory system.

    7. Keep a Regular Schedule
    Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day.

    8. See a Doctor if You Are Pregnant and Snoring
    Sometimes, women who are pregnant will begin to snore. The snoring may begin because of the increased body weight and because the hormonal changes of pregnancy cause muscles to relax. Whatever the cause, snoring during pregnancy may rob your baby of oxygen. Talk with your doctor about it.

    9: Elevate Your Head
    Sleeping with your head raised may take some of the pressure off of the airway, making breathing easier. Raise the head of the bed by putting blocks under the bed posts, or prop up your upper body (not just your head, which can actually inhibit breathing) with pillows.

  2. While sleeping, the muscles in the throat relax, the tongue falls backwards, so the airway becomes narrower. The tissues in the throat and the palate start to vibrate, hence snoring.

    Lose weight. If you are overweight, the neck area becomes thicker causing blockage of the airways.

    Stop smoking. Tobacco smoke clogs the nasal passages and swells the upper airway causing snoring.

    Stop eating or drinking alcohol before bed. A full stomach can make breathing more difficult and alcohol relaxes the muscles in the back of the throat.

    Painkillers before bed also will relax the muscles in the back of the throat and cause snoring.

    Exercise. This will increase your lung capacity and less airway congestion.

    Try nasal strips. They lift the nasal passages open, so the snorer is not breathing through the mouth. Another product is throat sprays which lubricate the throat. These products may or may not work.
