Saturday, July 13, 2013

How can you prevent or stop snoring?

Question by Melody: How can you prevent or stop snoring?
My boyfriend snores really loud and he wears these things on his nose but he still snores really loud, any tips on how to prevent it?

Best answer:

Answer by MaMa
He can gargle salt water before bed, get surgery, or sleep on his side.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. you can buy one of those strips that you slide on your nose and its says it helps or you can check out this site. [:

  2. Usually the best way to stop snoring is to lose weight and to stop or reduce smoking. There are also a variety of anti snoring device like snore reduction pillows or oral spray that might be useful. For more information visit

  3. emperorpenguin1965July 13, 2013 at 9:47 PM

    Solutions that are used nasally are generally ineffective as 90% of snoring is throat caused, only 10% nasal
    Take a look at the stop snore ring, my partner has been using the ring for 2 years and if not for the ring, we would now be in separate bedrooms
