Saturday, July 13, 2013

How can I stop snoring or find some kind of snoring relief?

Question by medialateral: How can I stop snoring or find some kind of snoring relief?
My wife says I snore every night, especially when lying on my back. Does anyone know of a free or cheap (i.e. less than $ 50) snoring solution?

Best answer:

Answer by melissaw77
Do you have insurance? Go to the doctor and ask what your options are. Maybe you can get a sinus scrape and be done with snoring forever!!

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. stop eating dairy and refined sugar

  2. Nasal strips work for some people but nowadays they have throat sprays and stuff.

  3. bludgenedcruly/lthumminaJuly 13, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    Go to walgreens or some regular store go to the health aisle and look for this menthal stuff that you put right beneath your nostrils and after like 5 minutes it will have you breathing fine!

  4. The nasal strips work pretty good....but if they dont work for you, you might want to see a doctor to rule out anything serious with your breathing during sleep.

  5. Snoring while sleeping on your back is very common.
    This website did a review on a product that is specifically made for people who sleep on their backs.

    According to the website it has been tested at a Sleep Clinic.
    Price is $ 37.99

    I've looked at lots of stop snoring products and that is one of the cheapest.
    The anti-snore strips are cheap but you have to keep buying them so that adds up pretty quickly.
