Saturday, July 13, 2013

how do I stop snoring?

Question by : how do I stop snoring?
I am a male, age 46 who is starting to snore at night - and I need to find out how to stop snoring.

Best answer:

Answer by siteman
stop sleeping.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Do you lie on your back? If you do, try to sleep on your side. For a lot of people, they snore on their back, but not on their sides.

    If that doesn't help, there are thinks you can buy over the counter to stop snoring, such as strips to go over your nose. I don't know whether you live in the UK or US, but just check in at your local health store.

  2. There is a surgery that you can have, ask your doctor about it.

  3. Well, the make sprays that sometimes help curb the snoring. You can find them at Drug stores like Rite Aid, Walgreens, etc. I used one called Snore Endz and it did improve things but not get rid of the snoring completely.
    Snoring is also affected by the position you sleep in. Sleeping face up on your back is the worst because of the alignment of your airway and your tongue. Try sleeping on your side, stomach more.
    I also found that losing some weight can help matters tremendously. Even if it is just 10-15 lbs. If you are a bit of a tubby-tub then lay off the fatty foods and go for a jog.

  4. i heard it helps to put a nose plug at the to of ur noes

  5. Start by sleeping on your side or your stomach, this can help a lot. You might also read this book it worked wonders for my girlfriend

  6. emperorpenguin1965July 13, 2013 at 8:07 PM

    If you want a simple effective easy to use remedy look at the stop snore ring
    There are hundreds of testimonials for the ring on their website something I have never seen for other snoring remedies
