Saturday, July 27, 2013

If you snore, do you still snore while sleeping in a sitting position?

Question by mark: If you snore, do you still snore while sleeping in a sitting position?
I snore and will be taking a few long flights soon. I would hate to embarrass myself by snoring but I suspect that I will fall asleep anyway. Since I will be sitting on the plane, Is it less likely that I will snore?

Best answer:

Answer by R A
i hate that but it is life

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. yeh no. this girl sleeps in class sitting up all the time and we can tell by the way she hunches over a bit and just starts snoring

  2. my dad snores really loud whether hes sitting up and sleeping or lying down

  3. Yes, because what causes snoring is the epiglotis (on the roof of your mouth towards the back by the throat) relaxes and hangs down making it hard for air to pass through. The air going in and out against the epiglotis makes the snoring sounds.

  4. mountain_momma2005July 27, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    If a person snores, they will snore no matter if they are laying down or sitting up, but not as badly as when they are laying down. It is like when they get to a certain part of their sleep, they will snore. But, I have found that most of the time, a person doesn't sleep as deeply when they are in a situation like that as they usually do. So, you may not snore at all. And, if you did, don't think that you are the only snoring person on that plane. (smiles) I would venture a guess that there are several.

  5. My dad always falls asleep on the couch sitting up. He does not snore at all....but when he sleep lying down flat in his bed....I can hear it through 3 walls, lol.

  6. There are many natural and quite easier methods to stop your snoring. Though it might require little time, effort and money before you can actually see your snoring problems vanish, the traditional method of treating your snoring problems is still the best solution.

    One of the natural methods of curing snoring problems is with the help of nasal strips or nasal dilators. The aim here as in other snoring remedies is to broaden the air passage from the nasal valve to the throat and the lungs. This task can be effectively done by using a nasal strip.

    The nasal strips permit better
