Monday, July 15, 2013

what are the new stop snoring techniques?

Question by strippedsong: what are the new stop snoring techniques?
What are some other ways to end snoring?
Are there ways to end snoring without surgery?
Are there any cures for snoring?
What are the main causes of snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by txcuttie09
sleep on your stomache..that helps my boyfriend. Make sure u blow ur nose before bed...or take some meds like allergy meds ...theres also stuff at like walmart near the pharmacy like those nose strips (breathe right) and some other stuff...just check it out

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. It is very important that he be checked by having a sleep study to see if he has sleep apnea.

    Snoring is often a sign. My son snored very heavily. I have sleep apnea and recommended he be checked. He did indedd have it and it was discovered he stopped breathing 85 times an hour. Untreated sleep apnea is very dangerous and greatly increses one risk of stroke and heart attacks and it is responsible --this sleep drivation (often you wake up repeatedly but don't know it as you do not wake to conscious many timnes but only out of the deeper levels of restorative sleep. Often apnea patients are sleepy or fatiqued but my son was neither.

    One old way they stopped snoring was to sew a ball of yarn or attack a tennis ball to the back of a shirt or pj top. this keeps people off their back (when most snoring occurs) and on their side or face down.

    If he is diagnosed with sleep apnea, he will be put on a c-pap, bipap or auto bipap (auto is the best) and if they set it at the right pressure, the snoring will stop.

    If he does not have sleep apnea, yet snores, they sell some kind of snore strips that one puts on their nose to hold the nostrils wider which is sold at the drug store. sometimes nasal sprays that open up the airwaves help.

  2. I'm no expert on the subject...but I have a friend that bought this air purifier that worked 100x better than these other purifiers in the stores. It really cleaned the air from all the dust, pollen, and allergens and even stopped him from snoring at night.

  3. Get checked for Sleep apnea, snorers with sleep apnea often wake at their own snoring (often) and about half the time they hear themselves snor before they wake, other symptoms include a clauster phobic type feeling, sitting up at their bed side, many bathroom breaks throughout the night, and falling asleep anywhere easily, even feeling very sleepy at 15 to 20 minutes of driving. also very tired during the whole day. If this is the case, one reason is (overweight) the person needs to go to an overnight sleep study to determine this, wherewith the person will be prescribed a respiratory sleep mask to maintain airways open as the person sleeps until the person is able to lose weight. Go to, for more info.
