Sunday, July 7, 2013

Is there any way to control requestive barking?

Question by Butterfly: Is there any way to control requestive barking?
It is not excessive at all. He only barks when he wants outside to go pee at night. Or if you leave the room and he's in the crate he'll bark. That's the only time. He grew up in a crate before we got him(he's 4 months now).

But I live with someone who hates dogs that barks. He said control the barking or get the dog killed. I hate this man. He abused his wife so many years. He even physically kicked his wife out for snoring. Yes SNORING! My god! I am not his wife just someone living in the house.

So how to control his barking?
Oh by the way he actually wanted the dog to protect his granddaughter. But guess not anymore because he barks.
He's only in the crate at night before bed. I walk him daily, I play with him, I groom him and feed him.
I call his barking "request barking" can you control that?
Of all the dogs we had throughout the years. Dogs were killed because they barked.

Best answer:

Answer by Kiki B
people like him should not own a dog, much less be left around a child, they make noise too..

No, the dog is asking politely to go out, etc. He needs to find a new home for the dog or stfu.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Frawggy (-^_~-) {yeah!July 7, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    get him a muzzle? it's animal abuse but the second option is obedience classes.

  2. Put the brute you live with in the crate and wait until he barks before letting him out.

    Get rid of him and take your poor dog to obedience classes which will teach him to bark when needed to. By the way get rid of the crate it sounds cruel.

  3. No, he wants something, he will bark. Like when a hungry or wet baby cries you can only stop him by meeting the request.
    I'd say your roommate is creepy. Tell him if he touches the dog that for one you obviously know he's a "small man" and two he will touched back in a way he won't appreciate. I hate men who think abusing animals makes them tough. In reality it makes you know how weak and puny they actually feel.

  4. Show a negative reaction when he barks unnecessarily and praise and pet immediately when he stops, so he knows that's what you want. A mild form of negative reaction is to squirt him with a spray bottle of water.

  5. apparently a trick is to stay with the dog then as soon as they bark just stand still ignoring them untill they stop then reward him with lots of treats and attention.

    soon he will learn that the only way for food and attention is to be quiet

    or you could just try be one step ahead of him like let him out hourly fed him before he expects it etc.

    and this man sounds like a pig

  6. The barking is NOT the issue at hand. Your dog is simply letting you know he needs to urinate. I rather have a dog bark and tell me they have to go then to just eliminate in their crate. Poor guy!! He needs to urinate! One idea you can try is to pick up his water at 8:00pm. I do this for my pups, so they make it through the night without having to go out. Ice cubes are fine :)

    HOWEVER, again... the barking is not the problem! I would NEVER EVER live with someone who had that kind of past. Not only for my safety, but also my dogs. I would not trust this man. You need to get out of that situation. I am fearful he may injure your dog. Someone as horrible as him that is capable of abusing his wife WILL abuse an animal. I am sick over this. Do yourself and your dog a favor... get out of that toxic situation.. and FAST!

    NOTE: Never EVER spray your dog with water to deter a behavior. I cannot believe a "dog trainer" suggested that!! You will surely make him scared of water! And the barking your dog is exhibiting is not a nuisance, he is telling you he needs to GO!!!

  7. The request barking will continue if you give in to it. If the dog barks for your attention completely ignore the dog. Wait 5 minutes. If the dog barks at any time during the 5 minutes, start the clock back to zero and wait until you get 5 minutes of no barking. The dog will learn that barking does not get him what he wants. If he wants to go out or food, he has to wait calmly and quietly before you will do anything for him. Yes this is a hard thing to do, but in order to make the dog stop barking you have to do this. It is a battle of mental wills and you should be the one in control of what he wants not the other way around.

  8. I won't even address the problem of the jerk you live with.

    Request barking as your calling it, to go out is a good thing. You can teach the dog over time another behavior to get your attention like running to you and to the door when it wants out but this takes time. At 4 mths the pup is doing good to let you know he wants out.

    Barking in the crate is a matter of your knowing for sure he does not NEED to go out but is barking to get attention and get out of the crate. This one can be stopped but again it will take at least a few days. Most likely he barks and you run to hush him up so no trouble starts. From the dogs point of view he has you trained to let him out of the crate on demand. Your room mate won't like this part but it WILL work ! if you can just ignore the pup when he barks and you KNOW he doesn't need to go potty he will eventually learn that barking does not get him out of the crate and will settle. You have to totally ignore him. Don't scold him, talk to him, nothing. Ignoring him at bed time will work. It may try your patience for a few days but it will work. He just has to understand that your no longer trained to let him out of the crate on command.

    You can also try giving him something special like a stuffed kong when you put him during the day and ignore barking protests as long as you know he has recently pottied.

    I see you have now added that he has killed previous dogs. GET THE DOG OUT OF THERE give it away to someone and let him think it ran off before you can add it to the 'killed list' Please please please save this puppy.

    Edit 2
    Got your email and as I suggested in it the pup sees you as mom and is also suffering seperation anxiety. Work on crating him during the day for short peroids, he needs to learn that when your out of his site you will come back. Start with only a minute or so and when hes not barking go back in and treat him and release him. Lure (treats)
    him into the cage if he resists going in. Do this several times a day and always go back to him only when hes not barking. If he starts barking when you come back in wait for him to stop before you treat/praise/release. It will take time but he will figure out you will be back. Gradually increase the time your out of sight. I am very sorry but there is no quick fix for this but you should see definite results within a few days for short peroids of seperation and bedtime.
