Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why was my dog licking my face?

Question by :]]: Why was my dog licking my face?
My mom was snoring while she was sleeping and my dog ends up licking her face. Why did my dog lick me? Was it because she wanted my mom to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by arrongh
i means tht he likes u

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. maybe you and your mom had something on your face that was like food or your dog just loves you.

  2. He found you interesting either from scent or taste.

  3. Your moms snoring was a different noise and she was trying to tell you to make it stop.

  4. haha because dogs lick

    thats the way they kiss and tell you they love you

    basically your dog wants you

  5. Actually if a dog licks your face or someone's face, the dog's showing respect... All dogs licks their owners, owners' relatives/friends... sometimes just to show respect to them...

  6. he likes you or maybe wanted u to get up

  7. its supposed to be some form of respect. I thought for a lot of years it was kisses but it means the dog has respect for you. Maybe your dog licked your snoring mom to make sure she was alive, dogs arent used to humans making loud noises during sleep time LOL
