Thursday, July 4, 2013

What are some things I can do to stay awake in class?

Question by The Musician: What are some things I can do to stay awake in class?
Lately I've been extremely tired. Even when I get good sleep, I tend to start to doze off. I'm completely conscious of it too, but I can't stop it. My eyes get droopy, and everything goes blurry, and I just barely stay awake. Drinking water or stretching don't help. Walking around usually does, but I can't always do that. What can I do?

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron
Red bull, monster, amp, venom, team realtrree

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Feel yourself up and think of why you shouldn't fall asleep and maybe eat sugar in the morning

  2. Most people seem to use coffee as a solution. I don't have this problem, so I can't say for sure. Caffeine oughtta help you out, though. Note that pop (or whatever you might call it in your area) is often caffeine free these days.

  3. well they say that brushing your teeth can return up to 70% of your energy

    true story

  4. Drink coffee in morning or at lunch.
    Make sure you eat breakfast.
    Have at least 8 hours of sleep.
    Stretch between classes.
    Be interested in class subjects.
    Socialize when sleepy with the person beside you a bit.

    Last one is wear a rubber band around your wrist and when you feel tired snap it really hard.

  5. I usually listen to music in one ear (pretty quietly) and listen to the teacher with the other. I don't know if you can do that but it works for me /: I also try to just sit up straighter.

    Honestly, I think you need more sleep. If you already think you sleep enough, try eating an apple every morning. Don't drink energy drinks; you'll just crash! An apple wakes you up better in the morning than coffee.

  6. Is the classroom cold? if so wear a short sleeved shirt. The cold somehow keeps people awake and heat makes people feel tired. If it's a warm classroom I would suggest a 5hr power in the black bottle.

  7. Are you that sure you are getting a good nite sleep? If you awaken unrefreshed, then you are not. What is the problem. Get to the bottom of this question. Ask yourself ... do I snore; do I awaken to gasping, chocking, headaches; have I been told that I stop breathing while asleep; do I fall asleep in inappropriate locations. These are all indicators of sleep apnea.
