Thursday, July 25, 2013

How do you deal with someone in your house snoring?

Question by Gellex: How do you deal with someone in your house snoring?
My brother is snoring and i hear him through the walls, When he stops my mother starts snoring i hear her through the other side...ahh Its giving me a headache.
Oh i hear them through my headphones with have the rubber things that go in my ear or w,e

Best answer:

Answer by Brad A

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. ♠Ďʋʂɫɨɳ♠July 25, 2013 at 10:17 PM

    wake him up...chances are he will stop storing if hes awake

  2. "accidentally" drop something and wake them up.

  3. Music on really loud with headphones on

  4. WELL ,SNOING with him

  5. .DANI. [new avatar, but NOT me]July 26, 2013 at 12:40 AM

    dude just play music using a head phone IT REALLY WORKS!

  6. I Dance With No PantsJuly 26, 2013 at 1:41 AM

    Two words: clothes pin

  7. Hang thick carpets on your walls.

  8. Oooo my father use to snore ,man I hated that,nothing you can do......

  9. Tell him you saw a lizard crawl into his mouth when he was sleeping... Or stuff a sock in his mouth

  10. come and get me trollsJuly 26, 2013 at 3:26 AM

    get some cotton buds in between you ears

  11. Trade rooms with your mother or brother, then at least you'll get a half night of sleep....lmao?

  12. Music , earplugs , pillow or medication

  13. Anti-Hero has a monsterJuly 26, 2013 at 4:05 AM

    flip them over, or buy them a mouth guard

  14. Punch 'em in the babymaker...wakes 'em up real good.

  15. Easy - just get them a Slumber Guard

  16. Hold a pillow over their face till they stop breathing lol

  17. Foam Snoring Earplugs are effective: Foam earplugs are the most common from the three. Some use a foam that retains its shape for nearly a year. You place it in, it takes the shape of your ear and after taking it out, it retains its old shape. This type of snoring earplug lets you hear everything including the snoring.

    These earplugs can fall out of the ear while sleeping and are also uncomfortable for the wearer. A kind of snoring earplug is the SnorPlugs, which are regarded to be the most comfortable from amongst all brands of earplugs.

  18. Hint to your mother that there are special nose strips that open the nasal passages & help reduce people's snoring. If she denies that she snores, enter her bedroom with your mobile phone & record her snoring & play it back to her in the morning, or video her, which would be even better as she will not be able to deny it.
    Threaten to shame her into doing something about it, tell her you'll upload the video onto your pc & send it to her work place ( if she has one ), you don't have to carry out your threat, but if she calls your bluff, then do it ......... hehe
