Friday, July 12, 2013

How do I stop snoring without having surgery?

Question by yendalee: How do I stop snoring without having surgery?
I snore pretty loud and my husband says I grind my teeth. He wakes me up atleast twice a week and he is fed up! I either have to sleep on the couch or sleep at the end of the bed.
I snore pretty loud and my husband says I grind my teeth. He wakes me up atleast twice a week and he is fed up! I either have to sleep on the couch or sleep at the end of the bed. Oh and I also tried nose strips and it worked for maybe 2-3 days.

Best answer:

Answer by Grace
try those nose strips

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Try having a sleep study test done by your doctor.

  2. There are nose strips you can put on your nose to keep your nasal passages open during sleep. This should help for the snoring. There are also mouth pans you wear when you sleep to keep you from grinding your teeth. If you have trouble breathing when you are upright, you should go see a ear, nose, throat doctor and have your nose and sinuses checked out for other problems.

  3. It's just a matter of your health. At night is your nose stuffed up to the point that when you breathe it comes out in a snore? Try asking your doctor for some solutions. But for your husband, tell him it isn't your fault. It's your nose.

  4. I do believe they have nose clips.

  5. Don't sleep. I've been awake for the last three years and I no longer snore.

  6. You might want to have a sleep test done. Usually people snore in their sleep when the brain isnt getting enough oxygen and that extra air is needed so its being taken in from the mouth. I have sleep apnea which means i wake up in the middle of the night cause my air supply will cut off. i got a sleep test done and instead of them doing surgery and taking out my adinoids they just gave me a cpap machine. Its a machine i wear over my face every night and i notice i sleep better and im told i dont snore as loud. Their are sprays and stuff you can by from the store snore begone and snore away and strips but they do not work. A waste of money. Depending on what area u stay in sleep tests are free. Have a sleep test done. as far as grinding your teeth by a mouth guard.

  7. go see an ear, nose and throat doctor (Otolaryngologist) and ask for alternatives. you also might want to check out if you have sleep apnea (possibly at a sleep clinic).
