Thursday, September 12, 2013

How do I stop from being a heavy sleeper and stop snoring?

Question by talented_tongue3us: How do I stop from being a heavy sleeper and stop snoring?
Wife is more of a night person and therefore stays up on late nights while I get up in the mornings. When she wants to go to sleep she wants the wall because if I sleep against the wall, she says I attempt to push her off the bed in my sleep. I remember none of this when I wake up. And she says I snore loud enough to vibrate the windows. How do I solve this?

Best answer:

Answer by hollywoodslut
try taking more naps during the day, snoring is just tiredness
Get more rest and sleep (atleas 8-10 hours a day

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. It could be caused by the position you're sleeping in. Alcohol plays a factor in some people as well.

  2. try sleeping with less pillows, stop smoking if you do, lose weight if you are heavy.... things like that

  3. Sometimes snoring can lower the amount of oxygen that your body gets, this then makes you think that you are a heavy sleeper, but the fact is that you aren't breathing properly, which means that you are not getting the full benefits from sleeping, and would often wake up very tired.

    I use a product called Slumber Guard that holds the lower jaw in a forward position in order to keep the trhoat airwyas open during sleep.

    I sleep very well with it and I haven't had problem snoring since.
