Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?

Question by VK: Is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?
is there any stop snoring pills ? If yes then how do they work ! Pls ?

Best answer:

Answer by Roxanne
I don't think there are any pills, but there are other things. There's this thing u put in ur mouth & it opens the back of your throat to stop u snoring something like that. I think u can get surgery too.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. I don't think they do pills but my mum bought my dad these flexible plastic stickers that you put on the bridge of your nose and they work great!

  2. Pills are not ging to stop any snoring. This is an airway problem, usually whild you are asleep.
    The only relief will be devices that keep your airway open, weight reduction, muscle tone improvement and surgery (for some airway improvements).

    Dental appliances, cpap and sometimes nasal strips will dothe trick
