Thursday, September 19, 2013

My husband takes prescription drugs and wets the bed at night sometimes?

Question by Little Angel: My husband takes prescription drugs and wets the bed at night sometimes?
He blames it on the prescription drugs but before I know one time he did it on purpose just to be funny when we first got married. What am I supposed to do and is this normal for prescription drugs to cause this? I wish he would stop taking the drugs altogether and do holistic health but he won't.

Best answer:

Answer by Jery E
holistic health is for retards and who pees the bed on purpose, joke or not?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Sounds like a pretty strange reaction. He needs to seek medical attention for wetting the bed, especially since he did it as a joke once.

  2. He wet the bed to be funny? Wow... thats a strange sense of humor he's got.

    You should call the doctor and make an appointment to discuss this all together. Make sure the doctor knows that he is wetting the bed, and then and there you can get the real answer from a professional to tell you

  3. He needs to speak to his doctor about this and see if that isn't an unusual side effect of his medication. Then give him a choice, separate beds or adult diapers.

  4. peeing in bed as a joke? ouch! hope you keep plastic under your sheets

  5. It may be caused by the prescript drugs but it should be on the information that comes with the drugs.

    Tell him to either get it sorted and see his GP or your getting separate beds. You could also print of information on catheterising him just to give him a push in the right direction (pin it to the head board).

  6. Remind him that wetting the bed at his age isn't normal and that he shouldn't be okay with it. Tell him that you're too being effected by his constant wetting the bed and that it's frustrating for you to have to keep waking up to that in the middle of the night. It's one thing if he can't control it, but since he can, you really want him to do something about it. If not for him, then for you.

  7. If he has,nt allways done this perhaps the drugs are to blame ?
    Does he not get embarrassed by it ?
    If so he needs to tell the doctor who can change them
    But you could look on the leaflets an see if it is a side effect ?
    If not he could have bladder control problems

  8. Buy a plastic mattress cover..

  9. he needs to find out WHY
    make a drs appt

  10. He should make an appointment to see a Urologist. There can be any number of reasons why he would wet the bed at night. It would be best to get it checked out and treated in case it's something serious.
    Doesn't produce enough ADH hormone at night
    Small bladder
    Bladder irritants such as alcohol, caffeine
    Sleep apnea (does he snore at night?)
    Prostate problems
    Certain medications can cause it
    Diabetes can sometimes cause it
    Bladder cancer

    Perhaps when he wet the bed when you first got married, it wasn't on purpose! If it was the first time it happened, he could have been very embarassed and tried to make light of it.

  11. Go to his doctor and discuss this with him. If the doctor won't discuss your husband's health then put "theoretical" problems to the doctor to answer such as "would x drug make a patient wet the bed" etc. Otherwise ask a pharmacist.

    Wetting the bed deliberately is a disgusting act and you should respond by advising your husband that if this continues you will require twin beds and no negotiation. Also that he can make and remake his own bed. You have to work as a team and that includes him.

  12. Stop sleeping with him unless he wears Depends. That should cure his "joke" mighty quick!

  13. 1st of all you need to look up his prescriptions in a PDR Book at the pharmacy and see if this is one of the side effects of his meds & if not then he's using the meds as a excuse.


  14. Talk to the doctor about this.

  15. Are you sure its the drugs? Tell him to stop taking them for a while to see if it is. I doubt its but you never know. It's either that or tell him he needs to wear a diaper at night to bed.

  16. It could be that it's not the drugs, but a genuine problem he has - the time he did it on purpose to be funny may have really been an accident, but he said he did it on purpose because it made him feel less embarrassed. Alternatively it might be that the drugs are exaggerating a problem he's had previously - find out if he wet the bed as a child and up to what age. This might not be that unusual for him. Also have a look at the information that comes with his drugs, do they mention bed wetting as a side-effect? You could even look up the drug in relation to bed wetting on the internet - other people may have had a similar reaction, and may be able to give advice. If bed wetting is not a common, known side-effect of the drug I would ensure he goes to the doctor about it - they may have caused a UTI or some other problem that he needs to get sorted.

    Also, are you a 100% sure he is wetting the bed in his sleep? If he purposefully did it once before he may be purposefully be doing it now, but just pretending it's an accident so he can keep doing it. Some men have a bedwetting fixation, fetish or obsession.

    As awkward as it may be I think you need to talk to your husband, sit down and have a heart to heart. Tell him how the bedwetting makes you feel, let him talk about his feelings and try and be supportive of each other. Tell him your worries, and try and persuade him to visit a doctor, for your peace of mind if not his. You need to come to some sort of solution about this together, without working with him you're going to be unlikely to do anything to help him,
