Sunday, September 1, 2013

How can I stop my dog snoring at night? I bought my dog 3 beds, but non of them are seems to stop the snoring.

Question by cupofcofffeee: How can I stop my dog snoring at night? I bought my dog 3 beds, but non of them are seems to stop the snoring.
He got a very nice pillow, big bed and he is only 26 Lb. Love eating vege, no human food. But he fart and snore......... :-) I still love him very much.

Best answer:

Answer by nicole4282001
you can't stop them from snoring but you can put them in a different room.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I have dogs too and they snore and fart. Dogs are like people in that respect. Like people, they do it at different times and every one has their own level of each.

    Though snoring dogs can be somewhat annoying, just as snoring partners are, it's typically not a serious concern. A dog can have a minor obstruction, something like a loose area of tissue in the throat for instance, that is vibrating while he breathes in his sleep, thus causing the snoring. In addition, there are some breeds, like the Pekingese, who are simply more prone to snoring problems.

    However, just like in humans, snoring can interrupt sleep patterns. If your dog is snoring loudly and consistently throughout the night or if he appears grouchy or tired during the day, his snoring may be creating a problem. This can often result from allergies or obesity. If allergies are to blame, try to pinpoint the allergen and limit your dog's exposure. If obesity is to blame, get him to lose a few pounds and see if that helps. If, however, the problem persists or otherwise seems severe, you may want to consult with your veterinarian*

  2. teach them to roll over on their sides!

  3. Everybody farts all the time, even dogs. I suggest if you want him or her to stop feed hoim or her a different kind of food!

  4. Go to sleep! Then you won't hear them snore or fart.
