Thursday, August 8, 2013

Is there a solution for snoring instead of medicine or surgery?

Question by shinebp: Is there a solution for snoring instead of medicine or surgery?
I, my family and neighbors are having problems to sleep because of my snoring. I can't move to the mountains, so please somebody help me.

Best answer:

Answer by michelle_075
Breathe Right Nasal strips work well for me.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. NEIGHBORS? geez you must snore loud.

    You could try those "breathe right" strips that go over your nose, sometimes they help.

  2. There are breathe right strips, they worked for my cousin

  3. you need to have a sleep study done. It could be sleep apnea. Sorry about that spelling. See your doctor

  4. Sleep on your side, not on your back.

  5. allergies and weight are major factors i find. also avoid sleeping on your back. i know there are those nose strips you can pinch your nose with when you sleep but i don't know how well they work.

  6. Apparently there is a new device to put into your mouth when snoring - I have not found an English website of the Swiss company, but they surely would answer your mail in English.

  7. There are a number of remedies for snoring, but few are proven clinically effective. Popular treatments include:
    • Mechanical devices. Many splints, braces, and other devices are available to reposition the nose, jaw, and/or mouth in order to clear the airways. Other devices are designed to wake an individual when snoring occurs. Patients should consult a dentist or orthodontist about these devices, as most require custom fitting. In addition, persons with certain types of gum disease or dental problems should not be fitted with oral appliances to stop snoring.
    • Nasal strips. Nasal strips that attach like an adhesive bandage to the bridge of the nose are available at most drugstores, and can help stop snoring in some individuals by opening the nasal passages.
    • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Some chronic snorers find relief by sleeping with a nasal mask that provides air pressure to the throat.
    • Decongestants. Snoring caused by nasal congestion may be successfully treated with decongestants. Some effective herbal remedies that clear the nasal passages include golden rod (Solidago virgauria) and golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis). Steam inhalation of essential oils of eucalyptus blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) or peppermint (Mentha x piperata) can also relieve congestion.
    • Weight loss. Snoring thought to be caused by excessive weight may be curtailed by a sensible weight loss and exercise program.
    • Sleep position. Snoring usually worsens when an individual sleeps on his or her back, so sleeping on one’s side may alleviate the problem. Those who have difficulty staying in a side sleeping position may find sleeping with pillows behind them helps them maintain the position longer. Other devices include a new vest designed to prevent the sleeper from lying on his or her back.
    • Bed adjustments. For some people, raising the head of the bed solves their snoring problem. A slight incline can prevent the tongue from retracting into the back of the throat. Bricks, wooden blocks, or specially designed wedges can be used to elevate the head of the bed approximately 4–6 in.
    Alternative treatments that have been reported to be effective for patients whose snoring is caused by colds or allergies include acupuncture, homeopathy, and aromatherapy treatments. Aromatherapy treatments for snoring typically make use of marjoram oil, which is thought to be particularly effective in clearing the nasal passages.

  8. You must realize that snoring is a symptom, and you must find the underlying cause. The most serious of which is sleep apnea, which requires use of a CPAP machine every night to keep the airway open. What other symptoms do you have? Are you falling asleep at red lights or at other inappropriate moments? Or do you just have lots of allergies and sinus congestion. Go to an ENT doctor who can examine the whole area and determine whether you have a blockage or need a sleep study. But don't mess with this. It can be serious!
