Friday, August 2, 2013

How can you get rid of snoring?

Question by Loch: How can you get rid of snoring?
my dad snores extremely loud and its very, very annoying. Besides earplugs and surgery, how can he get rid of snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jack
There are lots of snoring solutions, each for different causes.

Some people need to stop sleeping on their back, others benefit from certain pillows, some from losing weight, some from jaw or mouth devices, and others from jaw exercises.

Learn more at

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  1. The 7 Major Causes Of Snoring
    I do know that living with someone who snores loudly every night, it becomes annoying particualry if it is the main casue of your insomnia. T

    Here are the following ways and methods to eliminate snoring and overcome insomnia:

    1) Breathing exercise - Snoring happens when there is a blockage happening in the breathing passage, particularly at the throat area. This blockage might be because of a tensed throat, wrong positioned jaw, or stuffed nose. Take several deep breaths in order to relax the throat and make breathing normal again. You can buy jaw straps that keep the head in the best position in sleep to keep the airways open.

    2) Decongestants - There are instances wherein the cause of snoring is nasal congestion. Here, the person tends to breathe through his mouth which may trigger snoring. Taking decongestants will free any blockage and relieve the person from snoring. Yuo can buy anti-snoring products that have dcongestant properties.

    3) Exercise and proper diet - If your Dad is obese (sorry) , he probably snores. This is because there is fat concentration on the airways that limits the air to go in and out freely. Also, fat formation on the stomach restricts the diaphragm to perform properly. Thus, snoring occurs. In fact, around 40% of the obese population snores. Taking regular exercise and proper diet can reduce the weigh and stop snoring, not to mention other health risks associated with obesity.

    4) Change of bed position - There are occasions where snoring is the result of wrong sleeping position. Sometimes, sleeping with too many pillows can stretch and narrow the air passage. Use one pillow to avoid it. Also, lying on the back can cause snoring. So, maybe suggest change in sleeping position.

    5) Change of lifestyle - Smoking and alcohol can contribute to the onset of snoring. Snoring may be a result of other medical conditions caused by these two. So, to maintain a good and healthy life, if your Dad smokes or drinks heaviliy get him to stop or reduce smoking and alcohol intake, which in turn can cure snoring.

    6) Regular sleeping habits - There are two periods of sleep: the REM sleep where the person experiences frequent dreaming and deep sleep, and the Stage 1 sleep which should only be experienced during falling asleep but can also be experienced several times if the person is sleeping poorly. Both can trigger the development of unstable breathing that can cause snoring. Irregular sleeping can also cause respiratory instability that result to unstable breathing during sleep. Establishing  good sleeping habits and routines work best here.

    7)  Nasal congestion caused by mucus can disrupt sleep and can cause snoring. To prevent this, saltwater nasal drops can be used to flush out the mucus. There are over the counter saltwater nasal drops available in drugstores. However, you can also make it on your own. Dissolve teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of sterilized water. Let the water cool down to body temperature and place it to a nose dropper.

    However, if snoring is caused by other serious condition such as sleep apnea and enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils then suggest you reccomend your Dad gets checked at with your medical practitioner.
    Hope that helps

  2. There are quite a few free and easy snoring cures I recommend reading this book these are the ones that have worked for me.
