Monday, November 4, 2013

Is there any medication to stop snoring?

Question by Jade: Is there any medication to stop snoring?
I have really bad snoring problems and I'm staying at a guys house and the last thing I want to do is snore loud.. Is there anything?

Best answer:

Answer by Darrell H
Ductape is silver, silence is golden.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. nope.
    It is a physical problem so medication really doesn't help.
    sleeping on your side can help.

  2. if your snore was caused by a medical condition, some medication may help. such as you take large dose of steroid to temporarily treat rash. you may gain weight rapidly and your tongue and/or tonsils may grow bigger. a large tongue and/or tonsils can fall back into your throat and restrict breathing air passage during sleep. The restriction will cause breathing air acceleration, the accelerated air could flutter the soft tissues such as palate. the vibration of the soft palate makes noises which is called snore. so reduce the size of the tongue and/or tonsils can reduce or eliminate snoring. a medication caused enlargement of tongue can be treated by medication.

    for most of the cases, snoring is caused by physical conditions such as over weight, structure of the throat and tongue, the size of the tongue and tonsils, etc. generally they can not be treated by medication. few treatments are available such as surgeries. if you do not like surgery, you may find a anti snoring mouthpiece, the most common one is Snorefighter.

    untreated snoring may develop to sleep apnea which could lead to a lot of disease, such as heart failures, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

    From the link below you may find more educational materials and solution of the snoring.
