Sunday, November 3, 2013

What kind of earplugs are good to block out husband's snoring?

Question by beargojbitty: What kind of earplugs are good to block out husband's snoring?
I will never get a good night's sleep unless it's on the couch. I nudge him when he snores, he stops for five minutes, and starts again. I tried the little disposable earplugs and they don't stay in. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by john
Sorry, I have tried many different versions and nothing-can completely block out noise. I still use the 33Db. reduction squeeze type. I make the plug into a narrow plug and immediately push it into the canal. This keeps most of the noise out. I also use a fan or white noise machine to mask the noise.

As to your hubby...does he also stop breathing, gasp, chock, have headaches, diabetes or high blood pressure. these are also signs of sleep apnea. HINT: a cpap machine will get rid of all hes snoring.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Snoring can lead to poor sleep and daytime fatigue, irritability, and increased health problems. If your snoring keeps your partner awake, it can also create major relationship problems. Thankfully, sleeping in separate bedrooms isn’t the only remedy for snoring. There are many other effective solutions available. But the one that I highly reommend is to buy a Snoreless Pillow. You can check the link below..

  2. The first thing you can do is try to limit the issue. A simple sleep on his side will help prevent him from snoring. If it doesn't work and you want to go for the ear plug route, you can try the hearos ear plugs. I use to use them at night when I'm camping out while people were still running around and shouting. It works real well and it's suppose to have a really high noise reduction or something. Not your typical target/walmart ear plugs. There's some more information if you want to know more about them below

    Using ear plugs are temporary. Try to find a way for your husband to minimize his snoring. There's some helpful tips about it below

