Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What causes snoring and why is it mostly men?

Question by ♥♡CrocsRule♡♥: What causes snoring and why is it mostly men?
And how can you get them to stop?

Best answer:

Answer by M T
Snoring is not just a nuisance for your bedmate (or, in extreme cases, for your neighbor). It can be a sign of a serious medical disorder called sleep apnea. The first issue to address regarding chronic snoring is whether this is a symptom of sleep apnea.

Use a single low pillow. Sleeping on too many pillows can stretch and narrow the nasal passage. If, however, you are congested, elevate the head by placing books under the mattress to encourage better drainage.

Try to sleep on your stomach, since snoring is less likely to occur in this position. You can buy anti-snoring pillows designed to keep snorers on their side while asleep

Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Extra weight, smoking, alcohol and drugs all exacerbate snoring.

Review your meds. Sleeping pills, antihistamines and other medications increase snoring.

Consult your doctor if you suspect that allergies and nasal congestion may be causing the problem. Make sure your allergy medication is antihistamine free.

Try an over-the-counter nasal strip. These strips may widen the nasal passages and decrease congestion to reduce snoring.

Ask your dentist about using an oral appliance designed to reduce snoring.


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Monday, April 29, 2013

How to stop Snoring, and the sound any medication?

Question by Londyn: How to stop Snoring, and the sound any medication?
My boyfriend snores and it can get difficult to sleep, is there anything he can do to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Adelaide Owen
1) Do not sleep on the back. 2) Do not eat or drink directly before going to bed. 3) Do not eat foods rich in fat or salt. 4) Avoid alcohol. 5) Loosing weights Good luck. :) My neighbor used snorezip for snoring . It is really good so if you like to try it, you can try this website http://doiop.com/zipsnore

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to stop the snoring?

Question by Romina R: How to stop the snoring?
What exactly he has to do to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by xion
well a person usually snores due to the stress and anxiety of his everyday routine,i'd say try to relax a little before u sleep and may be it'll work for u

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Is there a way to stop snoring?

Question by Rona O: Is there a way to stop snoring?
My friend snores terribly and she really gets embarrassed about it to the extent that she would not allow me to sleep over at her place. She isn't fat and has a healthy weight. Is there a solution to snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Emily

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How to cure loud snoring problem?

Question by Mr.Impossible: How to cure loud snoring problem?
Is there any ways to reduce the loudness of someone snoring or completely stop their snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Christian
try sleeping on your side.
you can buy snore nose strips (im not sure). you place them on top of your nose like a band aid.
you can buy mouth piece that will stop you from snoring
go to a sleep clinic.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

What is the best stop snoring home remedy?

Question by : What is the best stop snoring home remedy?
I have had problems my whole life with snoring, and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for the best stop snoring home remedy. It's really been bothering me recently, and I want it to stop already! Any help would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by VCL
You really should see your doctor and be tested for sleep apnea or nasal or throat polyps, or sinus troubles.

Some things to try at home:
1. the nasal strips (Breathe Right is a brand name). Those can help with snoring and for nasal congestion.
2. Don't sleep on your back. My husband snores, but i've noticed it doesn't happen if he is sleeping on his side. Prop with pillows to keep yourself from rolling onto your back.
3. Raise the head of your bed up on blocks.
4. Lose weight. If you have a thick neck, that will partially block your airway and cause snoring.
5. Get more rest. My hubby tends to snore when he is more tired than usual.
6. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. At night mucous membranes dry out and could lead to snoring.

And again, see your doctor to be checked.

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Any advice on how to stop snoring?

Question by Be Strong!: Any advice on how to stop snoring?
My boyfriend snors really loud at night and it drives me crazy but i know its not his fault and that he cant control it. Any ideas on how to stop it, or is it even possible to stop?

Best answer:

Answer by Coolspot
Just shake him a little bit
he will stop it for some time

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What is the good method to stop snoring?

Question by kiddo: What is the good method to stop snoring?
Dear everybody, could you please help me how to stop snoring when sleeping.
I have sleep apnea, and it is really annoy for my partner, and I don't know what to do? I already tried to use over the counter stop snoring spray, but it did not work. Please give me good advice, thanks a lot.

Best answer:

Answer by stjo16
If you know you have sleep apnea it means you have been tested by a doctor. Why on earth didn't he get you a CPAP machine. That took care of my problem. When you have sleep apnea you stop breathing in your sleep. It will stop the snoring and help you breath.

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What is the best way to stop snoring at night when sleeping?

Question by lanh08: What is the best way to stop snoring at night when sleeping?
Tell me the best 3 way to stop snoring at night when sleeping?

Best answer:

Answer by mobabe1254
* Sleep on your side. Prop an extra pillow behind your back so you won't roll over. Try sleeping on a narrow sofa for a few nights to get accustomed to staying on your side.
* Sew a large marble or tennis ball into a pocket on the back of your pajamas. The discomfort it causes will remind you to sleep on your side.
* If you must sleep on your back, raise the head of the bed by putting bricks or blocks between the mattress and box springs. Or buy a wedge especially made to be placed between the mattress and box spring to elevate the head section. Elevating the head prevents the tongue from falling against the back of the throat.
* If you are heavy, lose weight. Excess fatty tissue in the throat can cause snoring.
* Don't drink alcohol or eat a heavy meal within 3 hours before bedtime. For some reason, both seem to foster snoring.
* If necessary, take an antihistamine or decongestant before retiring to relieve nasal congestion (which can also contribute to snoring). [Note: Older men should check with their doctor before taking decongestants. Decongestants that have ephendrine can give older men urinary problems.]
* Get rid of allergens in the bedroom such as dust, down filled (feathered) pillows and bed linen (this may also relieve nasal congestion).
* Try over-the-counter "nasal strips". These keep the nostrils open and lift them up, keeping nasal passages unobstructed.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

does that stop snoring gadget really work?

Question by Geah: does that stop snoring gadget really work?
You know the little gadget that you strap on to your wrist and it gives little electronics pulses that doesn't disturb your sleep but keeps you from snoring. Has anyone tried it? Does it work?

Best answer:

Answer by jwjeepers62
I don't know. I stayed awake all night just to see if I snored.
and I didn't snore once. Wow, how is that. <}:-})

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What is the best stop snoring home remedy?

Question by : What is the best stop snoring home remedy?
I have had problems my whole life with snoring, and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for the best stop snoring home remedy. It's really been bothering me recently, and I want it to stop already! Any help would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Lady Smythe
Lie on your side rather than your back and do not drink alcohol before sleeping.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Snoreclipse The Hi-Tech Anti-Snoring Device

Snoreclipse The Hi-Tech Anti-Snoring Device

Snoreclipse (The Hi-Tech Anti-Snoring Device): K

Snoring is a widespread problem that reportedly affects a large portion of the world's population. In many cases, snoring occurs when the throat constricts due to labored breathing through the mouth. This constriction causes the soft tissue in the throat to vibrate, which results in snoring. There are a number of negative effects that result from snoring, including the annoyance for those who are exposed to it as well as a number of potential health issues.A lack of restful sleep can cause irritability, memory loss and fatigue, which can lead to dangerous situations at home, in the workplace or even on the road. Richard L. Gelula, executive director of the National Sleep Foundation, cautions that ''driving while feeling drowsy or fatigued is a lethal combination and is no less an impairment than driving while drunk.'' Additionally, over prolonged periods of time, snoring can also contribute to the development of medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart failure. Your health is your greatest asset. Snoreclipse Solution - How it works Snore clipse contains rare earth magnets that were carefully designed to apply a constant, gentle pressure on the nasal septum. This pressure increases circulation in the nasal area and promotes opening of the nasal passages. The opening of the nasal passages encourages relaxed breathing through the nose, which is very helpful in preventing snoring. Retraining the body to breathe through the nose in a calm, relaxed way is the objective. We encounter many stressful things in life and this stress can alter our breathing patterns. For example, when people become upset or angry they often become physically tense and restrict their breathing. Retraining the body to re-establish calm, relaxed breathing through the nose not only helps prevent snoring, it can also contribute to an overall reduction in stress. Breathing correctly is the key to relaxation and is widely associated with reducing tension.How to use Before going to bed, place Snoreclipse over the nasal septum. It can be helpful to wear it for a short while before going to bed to allow the body to respond to the stimulus. Snoreclipse is very discreet, and can also be used while walking or doing mild exercise for enhanced breathing. To clean the device rinse with warm water. As the device is exposed to bacteria in the nasal area, Snoreclipse should be replaced every 90 days. Advantages Snore clipse has several unique advantages over other snoring products on the market. We rely on magnets to apply pressure on the septum. This allows Snoreclipse to be constructed from an FDA approved biocompatible medical grade material that is very soft and comfortable to wear. Rather than opening the nasal passages manually with disposable adhesive strips, Snoreclipse works with the bodies own system to help establish a calm, relaxed breathing pattern. No drugs, sprays, adhesive strips or hard uncomfortable plastic clips. Make Snoreclipse the snoring solution for

Snoreclipse (The Hi-Tech Anti-Snoring Device): K

No More Snoring: A Proven Program for Conquering Snoring and Sleep Apnea

No More Snoring: A Proven Program for Conquering Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Expert help for the millions of Americans who suffer from chronic snoring. Drowsiness, irritability, and congestion. Memory and concentration problems. Decreased alertness and productivity. Increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, migraines, and strokes. The ravages of snoring are all too familiar, yet easy to prevent. In No More Snoring, one of the world's leading snoring specialists provides you with a proven, step-by-step program to cure your snoring problem. This expert guide includes advice on: * The most common risk factors and what to do about them * The latest highly successful treatments developed at the renowned sleep disorders center at St. Michael's Hospital * Simple lifestyle changes, home remedies and treatments--including the "snore ball" and the CPAP machine--to try before considering surgery * The cost, benefits, risks, and suitability of various surgical options, including laser, UPPP, and new outpatient radiofrequency surgery.

No More Snoring: A Proven Program for Conquering Snoring and Sleep Apnea

No More Snoring: A Proven Program for Conquering Snoring and Sleep Apnea

why is a person coughing while eating and snoring so loud at night?

Question by white_light_4564: why is a person coughing while eating and snoring so loud at night?
i live with some one and they are over weight they cough when they eat and it gets on my nerves. and then at night they snore soo loud that earplugs dont work half the time. what is going on here?

Best answer:

Answer by Abhayam
Naturally, obesity is one of the reasons for snoring. If the person is coughing when eating, it could be due to allergy or the in taken food is irritating the throat while swallowing.

It is best to take the person to the doctor for test and at the same time try to reduce the weight. There are spray and other devices to help stop snoring. You may check the link below for more.

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Why do I keep having nightmares when I sleep on the couch?

Question by WannaHelp: Why do I keep having nightmares when I sleep on the couch?
I'm married but I'm used to not sleeping next to my husband. He works third and when he is home to sleep he's usually snoring or tossing and turning so I usually sleep on the couch. But this past month whenever I do sleep there instead of the bed I have nightmares. Even if I'm just there for a nap. It never happens when I'm in my actual bed, just when I'm on the couch. Can someone help figure this dilemma out?

Best answer:

Answer by Crazy
It might have to do with recent stress

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Are there any good products that can keep a person from snoring?

Question by jen: Are there any good products that can keep a person from snoring?
My boyfriend snores so loudly that I cannot sleep through the night. He doesnt want to use the nose strips that are supposed to open things up. Are there any pills/sprays that actaully work?

Best answer:

Answer by Cub_Fanatic
Tell him to sleep in another room, j/k. Try rolling him over when he starts snoring, I read online that snores are caused by a person having the incorrect posture and bending the air ways, so try to straighten him out or at least his neck to where his air ways are straight.

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will a mouth guard like they sell at a pharmacy help with stopping snoring?

Question by greenfrogs: will a mouth guard like they sell at a pharmacy help with stopping snoring?
I have one to help with not grinding my teeth but will it keep my husband from snoring? I have read all about apnea but I want to hear from people who have had success with mouth guards. THX

Best answer:

Answer by ilovegymnastics!
my grandmother has been trying to find something that stops my grandfather from snoring for so long.
but i think those ones at like Walgreen's acually help him!

try one! if it doesnt so you lose like $ 8

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what is the best way to immediately cure snoring?

Question by francois: what is the best way to immediately cure snoring?
Even though he is lying on his side he still snores. When he snores it is so loud that we cannot sleep anymore.

Best answer:

Answer by omnisource
Entrachaete him with the barrel of a ball-point pen. Tape up any offending mouth or nostril, should he reflexively try'n suck air there.
You may get a high pitched sort of whistle, though.

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Is it possible to stop snoring?

Question by : Is it possible to stop snoring?
i am an 11 year old girl and i love to have sleepovers. my problem is that i cant always cause of snoring. everyone makes fun of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have missed my my bffs last 2 b-day partys cause they where sleepovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she lives 2 hrs away so we cant get together 2 much. please if there is anything that can help me to stop snoring please tell me! im desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Matchu
there are pillows that are supposed to help with that.

My mom's way of getting my dad to stop snoring is to wake him up every tie he starts, but I doubt you want to do that :P.

BUT, you could just make sure you're the last person to fall asleep

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What can i do to make my husband stop snoring?

Question by : What can i do to make my husband stop snoring?
He's snoring so loud, he sounds like a bear. What can i do to make it stop?

Best answer:

Answer by sysco
put a pillow over his head until he stops breathing

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How to stop snoring at night?

Question by : How to stop snoring at night?
I cannot seem to stop snoring at night. I've tried a couple of different products, but none of them seem to work. Anyone have any suggestions, my wife is ready to move onto the couch.

Best answer:

Answer by rvrabel2002
The best thing you can do is to start working out and try to lose some weight. It is said that snoring at night is caused by fatty tissue in the throat, and this traps some mucus and creates a pocket of saliva. Nasty, I know, but its the truth.

You can also try using a product called snore zip, which prevents this mucus from building up at night and will help you stop snoring. Check out link below for reviews. I believe they have a free trial, my friend said he used it and it dramatically reduced his snoring.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Does anybody know good products to help stop snoring?

Question by Gideon on Fire: Does anybody know good products to help stop snoring?
both me and my wife snore, but apperantly its only a problem when i do it.

Best answer:

Answer by Crystal Waldorf
you should see a doctor because sometimes snoring is a very serious condition called sleep apnia. get tested and if thats not it they can reccomend some other ideas for your problem! =)

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