Saturday, May 18, 2013

Are there any non-surgical ways to stop snoring?

Question by brittanylohmeier: Are there any non-surgical ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend has been spending every weekend at my house for the past 3 months. This would be great, except for the fact that he snores obnoxiously loud to the point where I can't get any sleep. Are there any remedies to stop snoring? I hate not being able to sleep next to him.

Best answer:

Answer by Cool Man
ummmm i cant remember what they were called, but they are some nasal strips and they were on commercials

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Well theres nose guards and also nasal strips. You can talk to yout doctor about it.

  2. RonPaulRevolution2012May 18, 2013 at 2:29 PM

    If your bf is over-weight, then exercise can greatly help. Stress also causes snoring, so meditation or relaxation might help as well. :p

  3. He should see an MD-he might have sleep apnea. If this is the case, he needs to wear a C-PAP machine at night. The snoring will stop.

  4. He might clinch his teeth in his sleep, go buy a mouth guard, warm and form it by biting on it, and sleep with that. It should open his airways but lifting his jaw enough to stop the snoring. You might need to buy a double sided mouth guard so he can breath through his mouth still but many snorers swear by a mouth guard after trying it

  5. take him to the Doctor. Sleep Apnea is a serous disorder! if you go to a doctor they will give you an number to call to get a CPAP machine. if you don't want to do that you can go have MMA, MMA is surgery to stop people snoring.

  6. Woodland WildchildMay 18, 2013 at 3:16 PM

    See - this is why you need to at least sleep in the same room with anyone you might marry a few times before getting hitched. If they saw logs all night while your trying to sleep it might be best to know this and make sure it can be fixed.

    My mom used this spray that paralyzes the back of her throat or something like that. It lasted long enough for me to get to sleep when I was little. Unfortunately, it wore off after two hours and she'd frequently wake me up from the other room latter on in the night.

    If you dont get woken up by his snoring, then this might be an option for you just to get to sleep. If he wakes you up with the snoring, something else is probably called for.

    If hes 'the one' or might become 'the one' anytime in the future, dont discount surgery. A peaceful nights sleep for the next 80 years, and not having to spend thousands a year on nasal strips and sprays, is worth the pocket change it will cost.

  7. It would be great to solve this before this get too serious.
    There are some non-surgical ideas to try. First try raising his head with an extra pillow as this will help open up his airways. Also try using some nasal strips over his nose these help by opening up his nose.
    If he is over weight he would benefit from losing some weight. This helps by removing any fat deposits that are down his airways blocking his breathing.
    Check that he is not overtired, has drunk too much alcohol or on any medication. Any of these can cause snoring
