Sunday, May 26, 2013

How can you stop snoring?

Question by basketball_babie_cmt: How can you stop snoring?
i need help because i cant stop snoring. it gets on every ones nerves but i dont know what to do.

Best answer:

Answer by LMT07
Get some of those breathe rite strips.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. You could buy those nose strips that they sell, I hear they work. You could buy earplugs for everyone, I have done that. Or you could look in to a sleep clinic. They hook you up with a small face mask that gives you oxygen and stops the snoring.

  2. Michael, is that you???

    Just kidding!

    Talk to your doctor. Sometimes snoring is caused by physical structures in the nose, throat, or sinuses, and surgery improves it. Snoring is also often seen in overweight people, and often disappears or diminishes with weight loss.

  3. My husband snores not to loud but I am a very,very light sleeper I hear a clock ticking it gets in my head and I can't sleep.Have you tried the nose strip and the throat spray.I have them but my husband won't use them so I sleep out in the family room most of the time.
