Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How do I stop snoring? or at least make it better? My roommate is going to kill me soon!?

Question by JWCA85: How do I stop snoring? or at least make it better? My roommate is going to kill me soon!?
I guess I snore a lot and it's been getting worse...any tips? I've tried those nose breathing strips but they don't seem to roommate is getting pretty angry at me and is going to move out soon if I can't get it down more.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael F
breath right strips work real good

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. if your roomate killed u then you would stop snoring. ;)

  2. make sure your neck is back so the passage is open

  3. Try sleeping on your side and not your back. There are some nasal and throat sprays that you can use that will help preventing slime build-up and keep the airways clear. Ask at your pharmacy.

  4. before you go to bed and all try taking some sleeping pills and also drink alot of water if you have a stuffy nose sometimes that helps to but if that doesnt work go to a doctor and they can proscribe you something

  5. Breathe Rights work for me, also you might have to get a breathing machine!!
