Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How do I make my boyfriend stop snoring?

Question by Jenna: How do I make my boyfriend stop snoring?
Ugh.. I can't sleep. Thats all I hear from him. :( what can I do to make him quiet?!
Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Alex A
There are snoring strips that you put on top of their nose. And Ibelieve there are also mouth pieces... Either get those or ear plugs.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Strangle him.

    No he actually might have problem. Try taking him to Ear Nose and Throat doctor he might have a deviated septum.

    Less expensive those sticky things you put on nose to spread nostrils.

  2. there are products for your mouth and nose to stop snoring.
    you can aslo listen to music with earbuds while going to sleep
    you can aslo take a sleeping pill to make you pass out if you really have to
