Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What do I do about my boyfriends snoring problem?

Question by fruitsy: What do I do about my boyfriends snoring problem?
Ive had other boyfriends and none have been like this. Not only does he snore but he will stop breathing every few minutes and then gasp for air. It doesnt bother him at all but I cannot sleep, read or even think to myself. Its to the point where today I am going to tell him we can no longer sleep together. Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by LISA
sounds like sleep apnea which can be dangerous. have him get checked out by his dr. meanwhile for just the snoring, have him wear those breath easy nose strips.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. I had exactly the same problem and broke up with my x for this reason. No need to break up but you DO need a good nights sleep.

    My answer was to get some ear plug (mine are Sony) headphones and listen to you MP3 all night. I have always listened to music at night so it doesn't bother me and I can't hear my partner snore.

  2. Sleep apnea (the stopping of breathing during sleep) and snoring go hand in hand. I dealt with the problem with my Mother in law for many years.

    It is contributed to by added weight (fat layer) in the throat area.

    In her case a 17 lb. weight loss stopped hers after at least 30 years that I knew of.

    It wouldn't hurt to encourage him to have a simple blood test for thyroid. Sometimes an under active thyroid causes weight gain, it is a simple pill daily, should this be a contributing factor. In my MIL's case she dropped the 17 lbs over 3 months and the snoring stopped completely.

    I always shake the bed if my husband begins to snore. It just disturbs his sleep enough to change positions. Good Luck.

  3. Tell him to go to the doc. This can be bad if he stops breathing and then gasps for air.

  4. If all else fails, there are surgeons who perform procedures known as “snorectomies“. Fleshy parts of the throat are removed that obstruct the normal breathing passageways. In many cases this may be done on an outpatient basis with very little discomfort. It is done with a laser under local anesthesia so that the patient is sitting upright and is fully awake during the 20 to 30 minute procedure. This usually produces a noticeable change in the snoring problem immediately. Speech is not affected, and the throat may have some minor soreness with swallowing for about a week.

  5. Hi,
    To the best of my knowledge there are more than one remedies available for snoring, but just don't know which one you would like to try it out:


    From: Xpress
