I don't used to snore until I was like 6months preg and still after I hv had d baby am still snoring . Wat can I do to stop it
Best answer:
Answer by Joey
My wife had this exact same problem until she tried something her best friend recommended. She said that her husband was snoring like a bull at nights, but after she tried this small addition which is attached to your head the snoring stopped. The same happened to my wife. She's been using it for 2 weeks now and I haven't heard her snore since.
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You can try sleeping sideways as this has been the common practice that most people are doing. However, this wont stop snoring for most of the snorers. There is a better solution which is called My Snoring Solutions. This is a safe and comfortable product that can effectively eliminate snoring the first night that you use this. Check this out for more info: